
Ep. 5 - Unknown

"Hey your clothes is in the shower."

"I see thanks."

We briefly talked after we walked in.

"Hey, uh... Can I ask?"

"Sure? Why you asking?"

"I mean it'll be rude to just ask out of blue, and I think this is some of your personal stuffs.."

"It's fine."

"Who's.. Who's Haneul..?"

Frick? Who? Haneul? Hold on.. I knew that.. It was the person who's name dad called instead of my name. But who on earth was this person? Now I'm the one asking this question.

"I don't know.. But somehow it sounds familiar to me."

"Well okay.."

After we talked I took a half bath then I prepared my stuffs because I was going to study. And suddenly I forgot about one thing. Eunah-ssi still haven't eated yet. Because of that, I decided to cook food for her. Atleast because I knew she was tired.


"Yes? Also you can stop calling me ssi* it sounds weird to me... Sorry for making an excuse.."

"It's okay, I'm the one who's sorry.."

"It's fine! Also what was it?"

"What dinner do you want to eat?"

"Can I have fried egg, please???"

"Uh.. Sure."

"Thanks! Also with rice please! Thanks again!"

"Mhm... Also can you close the door? I'll buy some eggs."

"Of course!"

I wag gonna buy food from the market since there was no more in the fridge. I took a shortcut in the ally for much time. I putted my earphones, listening to music for peace. When I suddenly heard a loud bang in the other alley. What was that? A gunshot? It sounded something like a person banging on somebody's door. I went on to check, but when I looked there was nothing. This is weird.. I swore I heard something... And it definitely came from this way. Well that's weird, I hope I won't experience something like that ever again because that makes me a bit crazy. I turned around to back out but when I looked back a weird guy blocked me. It has super dark black hair, and a hat covering up his eyes. It was weird but I didn't lose my mind. It looked like he was staring at me and it wasn't obvious.. Because he was looking down with his hat but it feels like he was glaring at me straight in the eyes. Like he was trying to make eye contact with me.

"Excuse me..?"


What was that..? I can't hear him.. Did he just say something?

"What? Pardon me?"

Suddenly he took his cap off his head and it showed beautiful light blue eyes covering with black bangs, and a mole under his right eye. His eyebrows was so light it felt like he was an aquiantance of mine. He was so pretty and beautiful at the same time. His hair looked really soft too... It makes me want to pet it. He tilted his head horizontally and he continued to speak.

"Sorry, I said where's the way to the market?"

"Ah... Over there where you just came from I was walking in that way too.. And I heard a weird bang in here so I checked."

Woah... He's so handsome.. He's voice is hot too.. Wait.. What the fuck? What am I saying? Am I...? No! You're not! Stop that!

"Well, why not we go together then?"

"Sorry, what?"

"Nevermind! Thank you!"

"Welcome I guess."

"I got to go now! Bye cutie!"


T-The fuck...!? Did he just called me cutie!?