
The Truth Always Comes Out

gabby_blue · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The truth

"Okay I cant lie to you anymore"."what is it"?"Our daughters name is Josephene,josey for short"."What that's crazy I've never fell in love before".Gabby put her hands on Nick's forehead and gave all those memories back In one second,suddenly Nick passed out."There you happy now I wanted to wait"?Its an hour later and nick is laying in bed as he slowly opens his eyes he can see gabby sitting by the window staring outside."Gabby"?"Your awake finnally I was starting to worry".Nick runs to Gabby with open arms."Nick wait theres still more than what you know I have to tell you everything."So the night you proposed when we finally did it the next morning I wasn't feeling sick so I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive and then we were in the carriage and your father found your mother and you and by the time your father got there I erased your memory and you went with your dad I found out that we were having twins a month after you left I named them josey and klouse after your mother and my father i vowed to myself that i wouldn't stop looking for you so I didn't,are kids are now 20, they are engaged and your little ex step sister is engaged to klouse and josey is engaged to mr riley's son.And you found me after all this time so I gave you your memory back oh and your mom's alive".