
129|Be good? Hey, Bestie.

Rhea stretched, she spread her arms and legs liked a tired puppy. She yawned and squinted her eyes to avoid the excessive ray of light from assaulting her eyes. 

She spread one of her hands on the other side of the bed. It was empty but she could still feel the warmth in the empty space. She tossed around for a few more seconds before sitting up. 

She rubbed her eyes and left the bed. She slipped her feet into her bunny slippers by the bed side and headed out of the room. One step into the living room and her nose was struck by a mouth watering sweet sensation. 

Her stomach rumbled in response and she chuckled. Apart from not being a morning person, Rhea does not even remember to have breakfast most of the times but now, her tummy roared just because she inhaled the aroma of a particular someone's cooking. Such a blatant betrayal!