
10|Party maniac?Dress.

"Could you please drive a little bit faster..."

Rhea groaned loudly. She had yet to repair her car so she was hitching a ride with her best friend and girl, she is such a slow driver.

Claire was always a very carefully driver. She never drive too fast no matter what could be the case.

"You really need to work on your driving skills" Rhea pointed out when she noticed that the latter was ignoring her.

"On what? I don't need to work on anything. I can't afford to lose my car yet because I drive too crazily" Claire said without shifting her gaze from the road in front of her. Her two hands on the steering.

"My car wasn't faulty because of the way I drive" Rhea defended.

"Yeah right, and pigs can fly" Claire sneered.

"Whatever just drive fast, I want to go home already" Rhea said but to her disdain, Claire drove even more slowly.


"You can also leave my car you know" Claire deadpanned sitill having her full concentration on the road.

Just like that, Rhea shut her mouth. After all, she was the one hitching a ride. It is not going to be a good idea to leave a slow moving car for going home on foot. I

She relaxed her back, closed her eyes and heaved a sigh. It would be best to let her adamant friend have it her own way.

In the midst of enduring the slow movement of the car, her phone rang. Seeing it was a call from Carter, she picked up Immediately.

"Hey Carter" Rhea greeted and hearing the name 'Carter', Claire's eyes brightened.

She surely couldn't forget the fine good soul who fed her with good free food. 'Heavens bless his soul' she thought.

"Babe!" He yelled.

Rhea moved the phone away from her ear immediately. One of these days, she might become deaf.

"What is it?" she asked heaving a sigh.

"I am hurt here.... you are not happy I called" Carter asked feigning hurt.

"No, I am not" Rhea said.

"So you are happy I called?" He piped in.

'Why are my two friends alike' Rhea wondered.

"Yes, sure. I am" Rhea answered.

"Now that you know I really missed you and I am happy you called so what is it?" Rhea asked.

"There is a party!"

"What do you mean by there is a party?" Rhea asked raising a confused brow.

Claire heard the word 'party' and forgot all about her driving etiquettes. She turned her heard slightly and gave Rhea a look as if instructing her to put her phone in loud speaker which she did.

"There is a big party in town tonight!" He said practically screaming.


"Surprised right, I get it... but you have been officially invited! Thank me later sweetheart" He blabbered on.

"It's school night and—" Rhea started listing her complaints only to be cut off by furious Carter.

"And you are in you final year in college for fuck's sake!" He yelled.

'Okay it's official, I am deaf' Rhea thought as she rolled her eyes.

"There is really a party I don't know of... are you serious?" Claire chipped in.

"Thank goodness, Claire is that you?" Carter asked.

"Yes yes, tell me about it"

"There is a big party, it's gonna be huge in a fucking grotto and mehn, it's blockbuster!" Carter said. He was happy he finally found a party maniac like himself.

"The fuck! you really mean there is a fucking grotto party... oh my gee, I going crazy right now. What are you waiting for, invite me already!" Claire said. She practically jumped as she drove.

The long forgotten Rhea could only shake her head at her two friends. The were so obsessed with partying.

"You are officially invited babe!" Carter said with a laugh.

"Bless your soul, bless your soul. You are such a good person and it's official, you will live long good years!" Claire sang happily causing Rhea to stare at her with unbelief.

"Yeah yeah, see ya at the party" Carter said with an amused voice.

"Rhea, are you still there?" He asked.

'I was remembered' Rhea thought.

"Yes sure, I just thought that since you two are...." Rhea stared but was cut off by the sudden yell of the two.

"You are coming with us!" They said.

Claire gave Rhea a look saying 'don't even think about it'.

"Whatever..." Rhea sighed defeated.

"I'll pick you up at seven. See ya" Carter said and ended the call.

"I am so happy right now...." Claire said.

"Obviously" Rhea deadpanned.

"You better learn to live life girl" Claire advised her uninterested best friend.

"If partying all through the year counts as living life, I choose to be dead" Rhea said and Claire scoffed.

'What a boring girl friend' she thought.

"Any ways, we should just head over to my place to make things convenient for us and Carter" Claire said.

"No!" Rhea snapped and Claire gave her a look. She knew that going to Claire's apartment was to be prepared to be dolled up.

"What is no, do you expect poor Carter to pick me up and then come pick you up?" Claire questioned with a raised brow.

"Claire I know what you are doing" Rhea said with a frown.

"Being considerate, that is what it is called" Claire smiled. She knew the argument was her's to win.


Just like that, they drove to Claire's apartment. Rhea immediately dashed towards the house while Claire rushed after her.

"Stop the act already, I'm only looking after you!" Claire yelled after Rhea who did not look like she was going to stop running off.

"My life was so good before you bumped into it!" Rhea cried not looking back to see her frustrated friend.

"You ungrateful little thing!" Claire fumed in anger.

At that time, Rhea had reached Claire's room first. She flung open her wardrobe looking for suitable and comfortable outfits.

"Don't you dare scatter my stuff!" Claire yelled as she walked into the room in fury.

Claire might appear crazy, but she a neat and well organized lady unlike nerdy Rhea.

She walked into the room fully and looked at her wardrobe for any damage. Rhea could only roll her eyes.

Claire pulled out two dresses, a sleeveless gown that was only upper thigh long and another long gown with slit so long till the inner thigh. The frown on Rhea's face widened.

Claire threw the sleeveless short gown at her and she caught it before it fell.

"You want me to wear... this?" Rhea asked looking at her supposed party dress with a look of disdain.

"Obviously" Claire answered without even casting a glance at her side.

"Claire..." Rhea was about to say something when her phone vibrated. It was a message from Carter.

'Where are you guys?' The text read.

'At Claire's place' Rhea texted a reply.

'Pick you up by seven' He texted.

'okay' Rhea replied and threw her phone on the bed.

Seeing that she had no more choice, Rhea picked up the dress and wore it after minutes of scrutiny.

The dress hugged her body perfectly showing off her tiny waist and exposing her long slender legs.

"Oh My Gee..!" Claire gasped fawning over Rhea.

"Where have you been all these while?" She asked and Rhea became more confused.

"Here?" Rhea said raising a brow.

"I know idiot, I meant where have you been hiding this sexy body!" Claire said.


Rhea was speechless. Claire was still looking at her body in awe making Rhea to become a little bit self aware.

"Stop looking already" Rhea complained.

"I know right, I really can't and if I were a boy.... but I'm not anyways, good thing. Just know that I am not letting you in any of those hideous clothes you have been wearing anymore" Claire muttered.

"It's not like you can burn down my wardrobe" Rhea said with a small laugh.

"If I have to" Claire shrugged making Rhea shake her head. 'Unbelievable' she thought.

"Hold on a second, I need to call my mum to let her know I'm not going to come home tonight" Rhea said.

"Right, do just that. We don't need Aunt Laura getting worried over you" Claire agreed.

Rhea picked her phone and dialed her mother's number. It was picked after the second ring.

"Hey mum"She said.

"Sweetheart, how are you dear" Her mother answered.

"Who is that?" A male voice said from the other side of the phone call.

Rhea was astonished. She opened her mouth and closed it not know what to say or what her mother is up to.

"Oh, it's just my daughter" Her mother said to the person. There was obviously a hint of smile in her voice.

"Mum?" Rhea called.

"Oh, sorry sweetheart"

"Where are you?"

"Where are you?"

The two of them asked at the same time and Laura laughed, Rhea couldn't because deep down, she needed an explanation for whatever her mother is up to.

"Where are you mum?" Rhea asked again.

"I went out, sorry I forgot to tell you" Her mother said.


'With who?' Rhea wanted to ask but she did not. She respected her mother's private life after all. Although she still wanted her mother to let her know whatever she was up to.

'Maybe she is just not ready yet' Rhea told herself.

"What about Daniel?" Rhea asked not wanting to probe her mother further.

"He had a project to deal with with couple of classmates.... wait, you ain't home?"

"Yes Mum, I am at Claire's" Rhea replied.

"Okay have fun" Her mother said.

"Yes mum.. " Rhea said. 'You too' She added in her mind before ending the call.

"So .." Claire started.

"Nothing much, I told her already" Rhea said with a dropped gaze.

"Did something happen?" Claire asked. She was surprised at her friend's sudden calmness.

"Let me ask you Claire, do you think it's a good idea for my mum to have a relationship again or... nevermind, I guess I'm over thinking again—"

"It's not a bad idea either, especially if it makes her happy and I know that is what you have always wanted" Claire told her friend.

"I know but... she is not telling me anything now and what if, what if she is broken again" Rhea expressed her thoughts.

"Stop those negative thoughts already. Where is the Rhea who is always the clear voice of reason" Claire said and Rhea laughed.

"I'm just being worried" Rhea confessed.

"Save you worry for later, we have a party to attend. Carter should be here soon" Claire said.

She pulled to shoes from her shoe rack and wore one. She gave Rhea a silver high heels that were matching her dress.

"Seriously Claire, you know I don't wear heels" Rhea cried.

"I can't let you wear those boots with this dress either!"

"You just like to oppress me don't you—" Rhea said and before Claire could retort, a horn was heard outside.

Rhea slipped on the silver laced heels and as soon as she was done, Claire practically dragged her out of the room.

They went out of the house and saw a good looking Carter waiting by his car. He raised his head as he heard the clicking of their shoes. His jaw practically dropped.

"You two are really...." He was short of words. Totally speechless.

"Beautiful, we know thank you" Claire said helping Carter's speechlessness.

"And you too Rhea.... this is really... woah" He stared at her and she blushed.

"Stop looking already" Embarrassed Rhea said.

After few more seconds of staring, they entered into the car and drove off straight to the party.