
The Trumpet sounded

On a beautiful day, all high school students in Vietnam were summoned by the gods to countless different planets to destroy the threat called "Demon King". Can they survive and return to their homeland?

Incognitovn · ファンタジー
3 Chs

An overview/Introduction:

Setting: Takes place in Tu Son city in Viet Nam

Character profiles:

Ngo Hai Hoang: A high school student (17 years old) passionate about science, maths, English, anime, manga, music, basketball, and loves dogs. Appealing appearance

Nguyen Thi Hoang Lan: Classmate and neighbor of Hoang (17 years old), also passionate about anime and manga, enjoys science and dislikes English. Talented in playing the piano. Enthusiastic about martial arts, currently learning Kick Boxing. Love both cats and dogs

Birth name: Lanna Nguyen

Father is of Vietnamese origin, Mother is American.

Her hair is predominantly black with a hint of blonde, fair skin, and beautiful blue eyes. 

They are childhood friends

The first three parts will be about the main character's normal life before the plot reaches its climax.

I use English instead of writing in Vietnamese to improve my vocabulary, so please feel free to provide feedback if there are any mistakes.

I think in the future, if I have time, I'll have to draw illustrations myself (´∀`;).

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