
The True Eye Of The Evil King

Upon waking up, Qin Shiran crossed over and obtained the True Eye of the Evil King. When he found that he could travel through other anime worlds—— “I want to go to the black bullet!!!” (already Experienced , The world: Apocalypse, Sword, Black Bullet, Earth Error, Second Disease, Sister Sister, Skyfall, Ingenuity, Zero Envoy, Elf Envoy, Star Engraving, God Killer, Battle, Demon Forbidden [in progress]) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Ratings would be appreciated} 1 Chapter per Day To read Advance Chapters up to 17 + 1 bonus (enjoy -..-) -> http://patreon.com/Aara_v -> Patreon username: Aara_v and it really helps to keep going. -> https://pigchoice.blogspot.com/?m=1 {you can also visit this website if you are searching for any anime movies.} ____________________________________________ This is a Chinese Fan-Fiction Novel and i am just translating it.

Aara_v · アニメ·コミックス
70 Chs

Chapter 09 : Leaving Fujimi Gakuen

"You can drive now, Teacher Shizuka."

  After Koichi and the six students got into the car, they looked grateful and polite, making it difficult for people to see that he was actually a complete hypocrite.

  "Everyone is seated!"

  Ju Chuan Shizuka started the bus with a serious face, skillfully manipulated the steering wheel and drove out of Fujimi Gakuen.

  Looking at the Fujimi Gakuen that was getting farther and farther behind, everyone who had escaped breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing the fallen cherry trees on both sides of the road, everything felt like a dream.

  "We finally came out..."

  Takashi Komuro muttered to himself, his face full of joy and melancholy, he didn't expect such an earth-shaking change to happen in just a few hours.

  Sitting next to him, Kota Hirano checked the nail gun silently, and he was very focused. This fat man who usually behaved submissively, no longer needed to disguise himself at this time. He could remain friendly in front of his companions and face enemies. As long as he has a gun in his hand, he will immediately show a fanatical posture like a mercenary.

  Rei Miyamoto cast a disgusted glance at Koichi Wisteria who was sitting in the front row, and turned her head to look at the beautiful scenery of cherry blossoms receding outside the window.

  "Stupid woman, don't sit next to me."

  Qin Shiran said sullenly.

  Saeko Busujima took a cloth to wipe the wooden knife disapprovingly, and smiled slightly, "Why, do you mind if I sit here?"

  "I Mind, so go away."

  Qin Shiran replied unceremoniously.

  "Sorry, I just want to sit here."

  Saeko Busujima looked at Qin Shiran with great interest, with a look of "what can you do to me", Qin Shiran spat resentfully, and turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window.

  Seeing Qin Shiran's shriveled look, Saeko Busujima found it very funny. Although they only spent a few hours together, Qin Shiran always gave her the impression that she was listless. Vivid.

  "Saved, is the captain Poison Island?"

  Kochi walked to the side of Saeko Busujima, he smiled hypocritically, and glanced at Qin Shiran indiscriminately, with a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

  Saeko Busujima put away her smile and said lightly: "No one is the captain, everyone just helps each other to survive."

  "That's impossible," Ziteng Hao said with a half-smile, "In order to survive, you must have a captain, a captain who takes care of everything."

  Hearing this, Saeko Busujima frowned, Rei Miyamoto sneered, and said coldly to Takashi Komuro: "Just watch, you will definitely regret it."

  Downtown :-

  When the bus came out of the range of the cherry blossom forest and came the mountain road with a wide view, someone exclaimed, and everyone looked out of the window one after another, only to see thick smoke billowing from the entire Bed City, as if describing the chaotic situation there.

  At this moment, there is no one on the bustling and noisy streets in the past, only dull zombies are walking slowly, every store has been looted, all kinds of scattered goods are scattered all over the place, and discarded paper scraps are flying in the wind, raging... The fire is spreading among the houses.

  In just a few hours, the appearance of zombies caused unimaginable chaos in the whole world, and the social order began to collapse. People wantonly burned, killed, smashed, raped and plundered, venting their madness in their hearts.

  Everyone didn't know what fate was waiting for them. Under the extreme panic, the most primitive and ugly side was exposed naked.

  The end of the world has just begun, and the darkness of human nature has been fully exposed.

  When the bus went down the mountain, when it came to the toll booth, a toll collector was sitting in the toll booth dully, his eyes blank. Obviously, he had lost all hope, and he was sitting here waiting to die like a walking dead.

  Ju Chuan Shizuka drove the car in silence and broke the gear lever. By the way, she knocked away a zombie who was walking towards the toll booth. She clutched the steering wheel tightly with both hands. There was no smile on her face, only boundless solemnity.

  Even the always optimistic Tiandai showed this expression, and the others were naturally not much better, dignified, panic, bewildered, angry... all kinds of emotions filled the bus.

  Suddenly, a yellow-haired man stood up and shouted angrily: "If you drive like this, you will only encounter danger. Besides, why do we have to follow Qin Shiran and the others? It's just that you decide to go back to the city. Wouldn't it be good to find a safe place to hide in the school?"

  Hearing this, Qin Shiran's group all looked at the yelling yellow hair coldly, Qin Shiran turned around, and said sarcastically, "If you don't want to come, don't get in the car, no one is forcing you."

  "Who are you!"

  Huang Mao glared, and was about to yell at Qin Shiran when he saw the blood-stained clothes on Qin Shiran's body and the blood-stained knife in his hand. Dare to say anything.


  The bus stopped abruptly, and everyone leaned forward, looking around in surprise, thinking that something unexpected happened.

  Ju Chuan Shizuka unbuttoned her seat belt, turned around, and shouted angrily, "Have you guys been in trouble? I can't even concentrate on driving!"

  "What are you doing..."

  Huang Mao is dissatisfied with authenticity.

  "Then what do you want?"

  Saeko Busujima said coldly, the coldness in her eyes seemed to be able to freeze her heart.

  Huang Mao gritted his teeth, pointed at Qin Shiran, and shouted: "I'm not happy, I just can't understand this kid!"

  Kota Hirano was about to stand up holding the nail gun, but Takashi Komuro stopped him, and stood up expressionlessly, "Why don't you like him, why, did he say something about you?"

  "You bastard!"

  Huang Mao raised his fist angrily, seeing that Takashi Komuro was about to be beaten, Rei Miyamoto still couldn't sit still, picked up a long stick, and hit Huang Mao in the stomach with one stick, knocking him down,

Huang Mao covered his stomach and coughed loudly on the ground.  "Rubbish."

  Rei Miyamoto said disdainfully.

  clap clap...

  Kochi Wisteria applauded, with a slight sneer on his face, "It's beautiful, the cooperation is really tacit, Mr. Komuro, Miyamoto-san, but there will be disputes, which proves that my opinion is right. We really need a captain."

  Gaocheng Saya adjusted her glasses, and said sarcastically, "So, is there only one candidate?"

  Kochi Wisteria bent down, leaned into Gaocheng Saya's ear, and said as a matter of course: "I am a teacher Gaocheng, you and your classmates are all students. This alone can clearly tell whether you are qualified."

  "If it were me..." Koichi Wisteria turned around, opened his arms, and said impassionedly: "I will take measures to prevent the problem from happening. How about it, everyone?"

  Hearing this, apart from Takashi Komuro and his group, other students showed signs of emotion. A few uninitiated girls stood up and clapped their hands in agreement. The rest of the boys also stood up and applauded to express their intentions.

  Kochi Wisteria turned around, looked at Rei Miyamoto with a gloomy face, and said triumphantly: "So, I was elected as the captain through the majority vote!"

  Seeing Koichi Wisteria's villainous face, Saeko Busujima frowned, her face was as cold as frost. She also met Koichi Wisteria at school, and she didn't notice anything. Now she can see his true colors , turned to look at Qin Shiran who was silent, and said softly: "You don't want to say something?"

  "Let him go," Qin Shiran closed his eyes, and said calmly, "He better not mess with me, or I will let him know that in my eyes, there is no difference between humans and zombies."

  The implication is that there is no burden to kill.

  Rei Miyamoto bit her lip, suddenly opened the door and jumped out of the car, Komuro shouted: "Rei!"

  Rei Miyamoto turned around and said angrily: "No! I don't want to stay with that kind of guy even if I'm killed!"

  Takashi Komuro hurriedly got out of the car to persuade her with an extremely firm attitude, but he didn't know what bad things Koichi Wisteria had done, so how could he understand Rei Miyamoto's mood? Ju Chuan Shizuka hurriedly drove away, and Takashi Komuro and Rei Miyamoto also quickly retreated into the tunnel.

  The bus hit a car, skidded and overturned, and hit it sideways, just blocking the entrance of the tunnel. The body burst into flames, and zombies crawled out of the car.

  "Police station, let's meet at the East District Police Station, at seven o'clock in the evening," Takashi Komuro hurriedly shouted, "If it doesn't work today, it will be at the same time tomorrow!"

  After finishing speaking, Takashi Komuro took Rei Miyamoto and ran for his life. Ju Chuan Shizuka also turned around and re-chosen the road to start.

  Qin Shiran quietly watched everything develop according to the original plot, and didn't say anything. Anyway, they will meet up next time, and his little butterfly will not affect the direction of the plot.

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