
The True Chosen One

What happens when someone is born with an extraordinarily large affinity with aura? Can't you see the colours? Oc X Serena X Cynthia

Azuredemon · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Can't You See the Colours?

It was an exciting day for the young boy of the age of six that was watching this year's Champion title fight between two-year champion Cynthia and this year's Pokemon League Conference Champion Jack. Jack had managed to get through the Elite Four after difficult and long battles that went to each trainer's last Pokemon, however, his battle against Cynthia was extremely one-sided in Cynthia's corner. Cynthia's Spiritomb had taken out three of Jack's Pokemon before being knocked out but not without heavily damaging his fourth Pokemon and allowing Cynthia's Roserade to come in and decimate Jack's fourth and fifth Pokemon without too much difficulty.

"You're up Victreebel," Jack yelled throwing his Pokeball out onto the field revealing the five-foot-seven (1.7m) tall grass/poison-type Pokemon.

"Big sis is so amazing." Excitedly said the six-year-old child sitting in his room with his mum's Eevee sitting in his lap. "Eevoh" the little Eevee replied as he got comfortable in the child's lap.

"The challenger Jack is now onto his last Pokemon. Can his Victreebell beat Cynthia's Roserade or will Cynthia once again show us her dominance as a champion?" asked the commentator.

"Victreebell use leaf blade," Jack commanded. To which Victreebell listened attacking the other grass-type Pokemon.

"Roserade dodge and get behind it and then use sleep powder followed up by two shadow balls." Said the beautiful but young champion. Roserade followed her trainers' command as she elegantly dodged as she moved behind and hit the sleep powder, then sent the two shadow balls towards the sleeping Victreebell, exploding on impact and kicking up dust making visibility of Victreebell difficult.

"Wow! What an absolutely stunning move by Cynthia and her Roserade. Looks like another victory and another year with Cynthia as our champion." The announcer once again says excitedly. Once the smoke cleared up from the shadow ball explosions the dust revealed a defeated Victreebell.

"Victreebell is unable to battle. Roserade wins. Cynthia continues to be the Sinnoh champion. Congratulations Champion Cynthia on another dominant battle." The tv announcer congratulated.

She smiled and waved to her adoring fans as her Roserade celebrates by throwing rose petals everywhere. She then walked up to the devastated Jack and shook his hand whilst saying, "Great try Jack, you have a lot to work on, but you have started off well although you need to work on type match-ups better, as well as having better strategies will go a long way to being a champion one day."

"I'll be back once I study and learn more about Pokemon. And at that time, I'll beat you." Jack said determinedly. Before turning around and leaving the stadium.

The six-year-old child was watching the broadcast when his mum came into his room without warning.

"Heli, honey you need to go to bed now." His mother said sweetly to the now-identified child simply known as Heli or his full name of Helios Vega.

Helios turned to his mother to see a young woman of twenty-four years, with bright blue eyes, cobalt blue hair done up in her signature waterfall braids into a flower bun, with face-framing bangs.

"Okay, Mum." answered the young Vega, as he laid down on his bed waiting for his mum to tuck him into bed. She walked over to the tv and turned it off before walking over to her son, pulling his blanket over Helios and her Eevee.

"Mum, Big sis was so amazing today. Although she could have done even better if she heard one of my strategies." Helios said matter-of-factly to his mother.

"Oh, really now. Well, you better just tell her that when she comes back home. Let's see if your all talk, you little brat." She said to her son, as she started to tickle him whilst getting a volley of laughter from the six-year-old.

"Mummy please stop tickling me." Heli struggled to ask between laughing and breathing.

"Not so tough are you now? My little star." Exclaimed the young mother.

"No matter how strong I will be in the future, I'll always be your son mummy," Helios replied whilst making eye contact with the young mother.

"Once I'm all big and strong, I'll be the one to protect you, dad, and my siblings," Helios stated as he put a hand on his mother's stomach.

She smiled at Helios until she realized what he said. "Heli what do you mean by siblings?" The young woman curiously asked her son.

"What do you mean mummy? Can't you see the colours?" he confusedly asked his mother.

"What colours? Sweety." She inquired.

"So, you can't see them. I thought it was normal so, I never asked about it." He replied before continuing. "I see colours everywhere mummy. You are normally a bluely pink colour unless daddy does something he shouldn't have done, then you become a dark red colour and it scares me a bit."

"How long have you been able to see these colours baby?" She curiously asked her son.

"For as long as can remember Mum. Right now, you are pinkish yellow, but inside you, I see two small light green colours. It's the same colour as when I saw that Pokemon egg you gave to Daddy last year. The lady next door also had a green colour inside of her too, she was much larger." Helios explained answering his mother's question.

"You can see two green colours?" She asked him.

"Yes, mummy. I see two colours, they are very small, but they are there." He said lovingly with his hand on her stomach. "I can't wait to be a big brother. I promise to be the best big brother ever." Helios stated matter-of-factly.

His mother watched her son, smiling at him when her son's words truly hit her. She was pregnant with twins. She wanted to go run and tell her husband straight away, but she needed to get her son into bed.

Once Helios was tucked into his bed and got a kiss from his mother, he closed his eyes to go to sleep. His mother on the other hand went to celebrate with her husband whilst explaining the situation on how she found out. What no one realised was Helios accidentally put some of his ever-growing aura into his forming siblings unknowingly creating a connection to them no one has ever seen before.

Three months have gone by since that night, and the young family were currently waiting for the back-to-back youngest champion in Sinnoh history, Champion Cynthia. The young champion was on her way to see the young family for the first time in eight months, due to her being so busy with her Champion duties hasn't been able to visit her hometown of Celestic town.

Helios was as excited as humanly possible for a six-year-old could be. He truly loves his big sister; she has known him all his life as she was ten when Helios was born and helped Andromeda look after him whenever she was busy with her Pokemon breeding duties. You see, Andromeda and her husband Roshan started a Pokemon breeding business together seven years ago right before they got married. Roshan was twenty at the time whilst Andromeda was eighteen, although Roshan was also still a part of the Sinnoh police force he had slowly asked for more time off to help grow his business with his wife.

They specialise in breeding Eevee's', they were so good at breeding Eevee's' that people come from all over Sinnoh to buy them. Paying a high price to acquire the best of the best some pay upwards of one hundred thousand poke dollars to get these top-quality eggs. Many top trainers have Eevee's bred by Vega Eeveelutions.

After a few minutes of waiting The Vega family could finally see a figure in the distance getting closer. Helios couldn't hold his excitement in and started jumping up and down before running towards the flying figure with his parents walking behind him.

Once the figure landed which was revealed to be Garchomp, Helios could see two figures getting off of the Pseudo-legendary Pokemon.

"Big sis Cynthia!" the child shouted before flying into a hug with the Champion. "I missed you so much, Cynthia. You were so cool defending your title." he followed up.

Hugging the human missile Cynthia replied "I missed you too Heli. How has my favourite brother been for his parents?"

"I've been good Cynthia, I've been learning how to count and tell time from mummy. "Helios replied.

Whilst Cynthia was having her reunion with the Vega family the person that came with her was watching the young child in amazement. 'How can he be radiating so much aura from his body? He looks at most six years of age. He should not have even unlocked his aura until he at least turns eight. Even then he has like five times the amount of most eight-year-olds, this must be why Cynthia brought me here.'

The young man waited to be called over wanting to not ruin this lovely reunion, never seeing Cynthia look so relaxed and carefree. Once Cynthia called him over, he walked over to them Roshan introduced himself first with a handshake which the young man took hold of.

"Nice to meet you, young man. I'm Roshan Vega, this is my wife Andromeda Vega and my son Helios Vega." Roshan said introducing his family to the young man in front of him.

After the brief intro, the young man then introduced himself with a slight bow with his Lucario doing the same.

"My name is Riley, this is my partner Lucario, 3rd class Aura Guardian of the Aura Guardian syndicate. Cynthia has told me about your son, so I have come to assess the situation before telling the Elders."

"We thank you for coming Riley. Before we start doing anything I'd just like to ask about the Aura guardians, I don't want to go any further without any knowledge of the people that will be looking after my son." Said, Andromeda. Wanting to feel assured that her son was in safe hands.

But before Riley could respond Helios spoke first.

"Can you see the colours?" Helios asked.

Startled by his question Riley asked. "Can you see the blue too?"

Confused Helios replied. "I can see more than blue. Can't you?"

Surprised by this revelation Riley pulls out a device before walking toward the child and asking him to put his hand on it, to which Helios did the device shows the number two thousand six hundred and thirty. Seeing this number Riley looked shocked he didn't know of a child that has ever had such a large aura count the scariest part was that his aura was dense as fuck.

"What was that number? Is something wrong with my baby boy?" Andromeda said with worry in her voice.

Shaking his head, Riley explained. "Nothing is wrong with Helios, in fact, your son is rather incredible, this device scans a person's aura compacity. Kids don't normally awaken their aura till they turn eight in rare occasions they can unlock their aura earlier as early as five. I myself unlocked mine at seven but when I was eight and could enter the syndicate my aura count was only four hundred and sixteen, which was just over four times most kids that age my current count is now sitting at thirty-two thousand three hundred exactly. Which is amazing at sixteen but, I'm nowhere near the strongest aura guardian. Let's take the Grandmaster, for example, he has an aura count of over one hundred and twenty thousand, he is one of the rare few throughout history that awakened at five years old. When he was old enough to join the syndicate, he had a count of one thousand three hundred and fifty, at the time he had the fifth highest count the syndicate had ever seen in an eight-year-old."

"What does this all mean for our son Riley? Why did you say our son is incredible?" Roshan asked with confusion blatantly on his face.

"The average eight-year-old that joins the syndicate needs to have an aura count of one fifty because only once a kid passes this threshold will their aura start to grow to where they can use it. Most adults never reach this threshold, this is why there are so few guardians as only about one in a million people reach the one-fifty threshold. Your son however has the highest number that has ever been recorded for someone his age let alone an eight-year-old. Mr and Mrs Vega, your son will become the greatest aura user there may ever be." Riley said in a serious tone looking at the two shocked parents.

Sorry i havent updated this in ages but I've been so busy with streaming and looking for a job that I have haven't really had time to write.

if you'd like to join my streams over on twitch my twitch name is AzureDemonKing. i hope to see you there and enjoy the chapter

Azuredemoncreators' thoughts