
The Trickster among the Stars

He woke up to a world he barely recognized, full of things that shouldn't be possible. From one to the other second everything changed. A System, game like, with the athority over seemingly everything. A duel to death. The only way to stay alive is to kill, right? At least he has something to fight for, if it isn't already too late.

Cedmo · ファンタジー
42 Chs

The Trickster among the Stars #19 - Fifth Duel

This will be tricky ...


18. Chapter - Fifth Duel - part 5

 *System voice / System Info*


 - description 

Mostly else Thoughts 

 - This Chapter contains depictions of violence and strong language. Viewer discretion is highly advised.

 - Thanks for reading! Enjoy!


- he get's his body in a ready stance, prepared to counter any incoming attack

"Have we killed one of your lovers or somthin', kiddo?"

- the tall figure speaks up disrupting the catious silence

"I hope not, ..."

- he loosens up a bit to show sincerety of his following words

"You could have done things differently, even in this crazy situation, ... "

 - he sways his spear around a bit

" ... yet you chose torture, ... "

- his voice turns from quiet relaxed to sereiously resenting

" ... putting them trough unnecessary misery and despair."

"Heh, I just can't help it. Their screams are just so adorable

 - he points the spear towards the tall guy

"I'm already a fucking murderer, ... "

" ... I don't mind adding a few more on my list ... "

 - he moves it slightly to the left, pointing it at the smaller one, holding the bow

They will easily overpower me If I fight them head on ... and them working together.

 - he looks around only to find one last contestant across the lonely pond stabbing a defenseless body over and over again

" ... especially those who deserve it!"

 - with those words he storms without hesitation directly at them

"What a bold speech!"

- the tall dagger user follows his example stepping in a right bound curve in his way of getting closer to the archer

"Too bad that you won't be able to talk when I am done with you!"

 - he takes a large swing to keep his opponent at range, still sprinting further

If this will be chaos ...

 - in order to evade, the tall fighter needs to take a large step away, leaving enough room for Ethan to speed in the direction of another incoming arrow

 ... then please for real!!!

 - he thinks while easily deflecting the deadly flying weapon


 - says the archer, while sprinting away from the incoming, self proclaimed murderer,

 - one after another, the three run in a line getting slightly more distance between each one of them 

 - as the archers pursuer, Ethan leads him right and left, exactly in the direction he wants him to run

It was a risky move ...

- like out of a comic show they can only stay that way

 ... but this might work 

- occasionaly the archer fires an arrow just to be deflected by the trustworthy golden shield

- after crossing by the pond he unexpectedly stops amidst the biggest accumulation of ruin stones, with his two targets doing the same

This place should be good enough!

 - he turns around to await the imminent dagger attack

"Out of breath already?" - he announces himself stepping closer and closer

 - using this chance the archer fires a direct shot at Ethans open back, just for him to step enough to the right letting the arrow fly straight at his teammate

"Don't shoot at me you jerk ...!" - he says while barely evading 

 - too unfocused for him to notice Ethan taking a large swing at him, sending him crashing into one of the few still standing pillars

- with this success he quickly looks at the archer again, seeing an incoming shiny arrowtip, he was prepared for

*Activating skill: basic Strengthburst*

- he lowers his stance, using the short surge of immense power to flip the loose stone he is standing on up, blocking the arrow

"You look like you need help!"

- says the third of the pack, finished with his buisness, coming to aid them with thier fight

- stepping closer and closer he prepares to swing his dark shiny sword at Ethan

Now I just have to put you right where I want to!

Just imagine, these three running right after each other over grass hills again and again while disappearing in the distance.

Comically wierd.

My mind is really absurd sometimes.

Well thanks for reading and Enjoy!

Cedmocreators' thoughts