
The kiss

He placed the girl on the couch gently , the boy then placed his hand on her waist,

"I am going to try something but it will sting a little bit" he said,

She smiled "its okay, go ahead" she replied.

He smiled, "well you are brave, that is one thing i like about you" he replied,

The boy's hand started to glow as he tried to heal her but it did not work. He then looked at her and sighed.

"You have to be healed internally" he said,

She sat up "do what you must"

The prince raised his right brow and looked at the way he was with the girl

He then placed his hands on her face and leaned in, they all stared at them and in less that a minute their lips were looked together, "what the.." the prince said to himself,

The boy kissed the girl and she kissed him back, her mother smiled, "well ain't that cute" she said,

"No, not at all mom, it is gross to do that in public" Liam replied,