

They sat at the dining table with the others and they just stared at the guy in black.

"Guys what's wrong?' she asked,

"How can you just trust him?" Liam asked,

"We are not going to go over this again" she said,

"He is right, what if he lets them in here?" Cassius asked,

"Damn it, just stop this guys please" she said,

"Octavia what's it with you and him?" Cassius shouted,

She flung up and so did he "drop it Cassius" she shouted as both of their eyes glowed,

The guy in black stood up "Octavia it's fine" he said,

"No it's not, he keeps judging people before getting to know them, yes i admit you are a bad guy but you gave me your word" she replied,

"So what?" Cassius asked,

The girl started to float in the air and the palace started to shake,

"Octavia calm down" the guy in black said,