
Return of John's past enemy

Upon seeing fear in his eyes the girl gasped and release him then he coughed and looked at her as she walked away from him. 

"Emica you need to listen to what I have to say," he said and she laughed, 

'You have a lot of guts coming here Al, in less than a minute I could wipe you off the face of the earth" she replied, 

"I won't blame you if you do," he said then she looked at him and smiled wickedly, 

'Emica listen to what he has to say" Johns said, 

'I will listen, but give me any crap and I will send you to hell" she replied as she sat down with the others. 

'What is it?" she asked, 

"There are a lot of mistakes that I made in the past, I cannot change that no matter how much i apologize but the guy after you, i know you want to find out his identity, i don't know that but what i do know is that he wants you and your other half, i also know someone from the past who wants to meet you" he responded,