
His spirit

"Fine, it's my protective instincts always comes on when a guy is around her, I cannot help it," Luka said, 

"That is understandable, I have a sister that I am protective of too" Zack replied, 

"Yeah sisters, I tell you, well no drinking tonight, we have exams beginning tomorrow  is that clear guys?" Luka asked, 

"Yeah we know, well I am going to bed now I will catch you guys later," Zack said then got up and left with the others. 

"Well thank you for the dinner I really appreciate it and had a good time," she said, 

"Same here, maybe we should hang out some more" he replied, 

"Yeah I would like that, I am going to turn in just now, are you going home?" she asked, 

"Yeh i am, I probably would have to hear some scolding from mom but no problem" he responded then she laughed, 

"You know your mom is only looking out for you," she said, 

"I know, well I will see you tomorrow if you are cool with that?" he asked,