
Final decision

"What's up with her?" Brianna asked, 

"You probably irritated her" Cassius responded, 

"I didn't i am sure she is just disgust by you" Brianna said, 

"Brianna do you think what we are doing is right?" he asked, 

She looked at him sternly "whatever is going on in that thick skull of yours, just get it out and stop thinking about craps" she said, 

"Just answer my question Brianna" he replied, 

"I don't know about you Cassius but i am on the correct side i am never going to be like Octavia" she said, 

"Whatever i have things to do see you later" he replied then left. 

"There is something up with this girl Selena and i am sure of it" she said to herself as she finished her coffee. 

Cassius went after Octavia, she saw him following her. 

"What's wrong with you quit following me" she said, 

"Relax i just wanted to ask you something" he replied, 

"Okay go ahead i have other work to do" she said,