
Dead for a day

He placed her gently on the sofa. 

"What happened?" Liam asked, 

"Did you two do something to her?" Liam asked Cassius and Cecile. 

"I hardly go around her, think before blaming others" Cassius responded, 

"I did not do anything" Cecile said, 

"We believe him but why should we believe you?" Liam asked, 

"I swear i did not hurt her" she said as she looked at Octavia. 

"Guys think with a cool head" Mary said, 

Al sighed "she is right, we should think straight" Al replied as he sat on the sofa. 

A little while after, Octavia's hands started to glow she then started to float in the air. 

"What's happening to her?" Augustus asked, 

"I don't know" Al responded as he grabbed on to her then placed her back on the sofa.

"She is starting to scare me" Augustus said, 

"Scare you?" Cecile asked,