
"What's with these guys?"

"I am going to take a nap," she said as she walked into the house. 

'Good afternoon you two" Snow said for she had just arrived from work too. 

'Good afternoon Snow" she replied then threw herself on the couch.

"You two look like if you had been through hell, everything okay?" Snow asked as she sat down and switched on the television. 

"Yes there was a guy in black at my brother's swimming practice" she responded. 

'What?" Snow asked, 

'Yeah, I think I have made things worse by killing one of their own" she responded,

"I see that could be the reason why they will target one of your own" Snow said and the girl sighed. 

"Yup it could be" she replied.

"And you are not worried about this?" Snow asked then she smiled, 

'No I am not, I am tired of worrying" she responded as she closed her eyes and Snow tapped her on the butt then she looked at the girl.