
"I am not going home"

"What's going on here ?" their father asked, 

"Ash him" Megan responded then he looked at Luka sternly, 

"I am just a little worried for Emica, she left an hours ago but when I called and asked Raiden if she went home, he said that she didn't," he said, 

'That's fine maybe she went to meet her friends" their aunt said, 

'You just shut it, you guys have not spent much time with us, you were not there, once she says she is going home she means it" Luka replied. 

"Things change as you grow," their aunt said, 

'Not my sister" Luka replied with a sigh, 

"Come on Luka, let's go," Nami said as she gave him her car keys, 

'Wait we will come too" her father said then they all walked out of the party and got into their cars then drove off. 

A little while Emica made Jaden stopped at the beach house. 

"Thank you," she said, 

'Emica are you sure that you don't want to go to the hospital?" he asked then she smiled,