
The Traveler: A Fantasy Odyssey

"In the realm of intertwining destinies and ancient prophecies, Soren Cromwell, an unsuspecting young man with a turbulent past, finds himself thrust into a fantastical odyssey. Enduring years of bullying and a home marked by tragedy, Soren's life takes an unexpected turn when a mystical cult accidentally summons him alongside a hero. Unbeknownst to Soren, the cult's machinations unravel into a complex web of deceit, betrayal, and manipulations. As he is unconscious throughout the summoning ritual, the cult leaders grapple with his lack of magical abilities, sparking dissent within their ranks. A compassionate faction within the cult secretly intervenes, teleporting Soren to a secluded haven within the realm, shielding him from a dire fate. Awakening in a serene glade, Soren discovers a world teeming with magic, mysteries, and unforeseen challenges. His journey unfolds against the backdrop of a parallel Norse fantasy realm still reeling from the aftermath of Ragnarok. As he grapples with his newfound reality, Soren's resilience and ambition ignite, propelling him towards self-discovery and the unravelling of a larger cosmic tapestry. Meanwhile, in the present-day Norse fantasy world, dark forces conspire, and a hero, endowed with magical abilities, emerges. The Crystalline Core, a source of both salvation and corruption, becomes the focal point as Soren's destiny intertwines with the fate of the surviving realms. Allies and adversaries emerge, each with their own motives and secrets, converging towards a cataclysmic confrontation. 'The Traveler: A Fantasy Odyssey' is a dark tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the intricate interplay of fate and free will. As Soren navigates a realm shaped by ancient mythologies and contemporary challenges, he becomes a pivotal force in a narrative that transcends time and reality." Connect with me on Twitter @mathiasgrindle

MathiasGrindle · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 10: The Anlier Forest

It's the next day, and Soren is excited to receive his new sword. As he walked into the blacksmith's shop, the smell of hot metal and burning coal filled his nostrils. The burly thick bearded Tark looked up from his work and nodded in greeting.

"Ah, Soren," Tark said. "Your sword is ready."

Soren's heart raced excitedly as the blacksmith reached under his workbench and pulled out a long, shining sword. Soren's eyes widened as he saw the intricate designs etched into the sword's blade and hilt. He took the sword from the blacksmith and marveled at its balance and weight. Though it was more significant than a standard sword, due to using all of the old weapons, it felt great in his hands.

"It's perfect," Soren said, his voice filled with wonder.

The blacksmith smiled, pleased with his handiwork. "It should serve you well," he said. "Yesterday, I saw you trying to handle that big-ass sword, and it made me laugh, so I made this one in its likeness. It's a smaller version of that sword, but it's still bigger than normal swords and double-edged, so be careful and use caution when swinging it until you get used to it."

Soren nodded, understanding the blacksmith's warning. He thanked the blacksmith, eager to try out his new weapon.

"But before you go, we need to discuss payment." Tark continued. "Normally, a sword like this would go for around 2500 coins, but since you supplied the metal, you'll only pay for the labor of 500. So what I'll do for you is let you pay in installments. Let's say you pay 100 per quest you complete. How's that sound?"

Soren agreed to the terms. He knew exactly where he wanted to test his sword. But, unbeknownst to Soren, the Anlier Forest was a mysterious place filled with secrets and mana. Walking towards the inn, he saw Beatrice and Runa waiting for him.

"Soren, over here!" Runa called out, waving to him. They were both carrying large wicker baskets for the flowers.

Soren smiled, glad to see them. "Hey, guys," he said. "I collected my new sword from the blacksmith. I thought I'd test it out while we're in the forest."

"It looks great! I hope you like it." Beatrice and Runa nodded in agreement, excited to explore the forest with Soren. They walked towards the forest, their hearts filled with anticipation.

It was a long trek, but they made it without issue. As they entered the forest, they were immediately struck by its beauty. The trees were tall and green, and the air was filled with flowers and fresh grass. Soren led the way, his new sword ready for any challenge.

Walking deeper into the forest, they began to see signs of life. They saw birds flying overhead and heard small animals rustling in the bushes. They walked for hours, taking in the forest's sights and sounds.

As they rounded a bend in the path, they saw a small stream running through the forest. Soren approached the stream and leaned his sword against a nearby rock. He cupped his hands and drank from the cool water, refreshing himself from the long journey.

After they had rested for a few minutes, they decided to continue their journey. As they walked, they saw a clearing up ahead. As they got closer, they saw that the pardon was filled with flowers of all colors and shapes.

"This is beautiful," said Beatrice, amazed at the sight before them.

Soren nodded in agreement, his eyes fixed on the flowers. Then, suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes. He drew his sword, ready for any danger.

But the rustling was only a tiny fox looking for food. Soren put his sword away and smiled, amused at the fox's antics.

As they continued their journey, they saw more and more of the forest's beauty. They saw a small waterfall, hallowed rocks, and wild animals. They walked for hours, their hearts filled with wonder and excitement, digging up flowers along the way.

"I've never seen anything like this before," said Beatrice, marveling at the flowers' beauty. "We need to collect some of these for Hilda."

Soren and Runa nodded in agreement, and the trio set to work, carefully digging up the flowers and placing them in baskets they had brought with them. They worked for hours, taking great care to preserve the flowers' roots so that they could replant them later.

As they continued their work, they noticed that the forest was changing. The birds stopped singing, and the air grew still and silent. The friends looked at each other, wondering what was happening.

Suddenly, they heard a low growling sound, and the ground shook. The friends looked around, trying to find the source of the noise. Suddenly, a giant bear emerged from the trees, its eyes fixed on the trio.

The trio froze, dropping the baskets, unsure of what to do. Then, the bear growled again, and Soren slowly reached for his sword, ready to defend himself and the girls if necessary.

But before he could draw his sword, the bear suddenly stopped and looked at the baskets of flowers the friends had collected. The bear took a few steps towards the baskets, sniffing the flowers.

The trio watched in amazement as the bear began to eat the flowers, its mood changing from aggressive to content. The bear ate until it was content, then turned and lumbered back into the forest. The trio looked at each other, stunned by what they had just witnessed.

After a few moments of silence, Runa spoke up. "Well, I guess we should continue collecting the flowers," she said, smiling.

They continued their work, collecting the flowers they had come for, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of the forest.

As they finished collecting the flowers, they looked at their baskets with satisfaction. Finally, having accomplished what they had set out to do, they had seen a little excitement in the process.

"So should we head back or continue exploring," Soren asked.

"Let's keep going! The flowers should be OK." Runa exclaimed.

The trio continued on their journey deeper into the forest. This time, however, they weren't looking for flowers. Instead, they had collected enough for Hilda's tavern and were now exploring the wilderness around them.

As they walked, Soren's new sword clinked against his belt. He couldn't help but feel proud of his new possession and couldn't wait to test it out.

"I wonder what else we can find in this forest," said Runa, looking up at the trees.

"I heard that there's a hidden waterfall somewhere in the forest," said Beatrice, her eyes scanning the area. "Maybe we can try to find it."

Soren nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Let's give it a shot," he said, leading the way.

They walked for a while, their eyes searching for any signs of the waterfall. Finally, after a time, they came to a small stream. The water was crystal clear and sparkled in the sunlight.

"Maybe the waterfall is up this stream," said Runa, pointing toward the water.

Soren nodded, and they followed the stream more profoundly into the forest. The trees grew taller and thicker, and the air relaxed as they walked.

After a while, they heard a faint sound in the distance. It was a soft, soothing sound, like the gentle murmur of a stream.

"Can you hear that?" asked Beatrice, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

Soren nodded, his heart beating faster with anticipation. They quickened their pace, eager to see what was making the sound.

As they walked, the sound grew louder and more distinct. Finally, they reached a small clearing and saw the sound's source. It was a waterfall, its water cascading down a rocky cliff into a small pool below.

The trio stood in awe, admiring the beauty of the waterfall. The water shimmered in the sunlight, creating a rainbow of colors. The air was cool and misty, and the sound of the water was soothing and peaceful.

"This is amazing," whispered Runa, her eyes shining wonderfully.

Soren nodded, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. He couldn't believe they had found something beautiful in the forest's depths.

As they stood there, taking in the beauty of the waterfall, they heard a rustling in the bushes. Soren drew his sword, ready for any danger.

But to his surprise, a young girl emerged from the bushes. She was about their age, with long brown hair and bright green eyes.

"Hello," she said, smiling warmly at them. "I'm Ava. I come here often to admire the waterfall."

Soren lowered his sword, sensing that she meant no harm. "I'm Soren, and these are my friends Beatrice and Runa," he said, introducing them.

Ava smiled at them, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Would you like to join me for a picnic?" She asked, gesturing to a small blanket spread out nearby.

The trio exchanged glances, feeling a sense of hesitation. But as they looked at Ava's warm smile and friendly demeanor, they couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

"Sure," said Soren, sheathing his sword. "We would love to join you."

The trio sat with Ava by the waterfall, enjoying their picnic and sharing stories. As they talked, Soren couldn't help but notice that she seemed to have an almost magical quality about her.

"Where are you from, Ava?" he asked, his curiosity got the better of him.

Ava smiled, her eyes sparkling. "I'm from the water," she said.

"The water?" repeated Beatrice, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

Ava nodded. "I'm a Nixie, a type of water sprite," she explained. "I live in the streams and rivers of the forest."

Soren was apprehensive, so Ava chose to show them her sprite form, then changed back to the human form she assumed.

The trio looked at each other in awe. The girls had heard stories of water sprites before but had never met one.

"That's incredible," said Runa, her eyes wide with wonder. "We've never met a sprite before."

Ava smiled. "I don't often show myself to humans," she said. "But something about you three drew me to you."

Soren felt a sense of pride at Ava's words. Although he knew this world was full of magic and wonder, he couldn't help but feel they were destined to encounter a magical creature like Ava.

"What brings you to the waterfall, Ava?" asked Beatrice, her eyes curious.

Ava sighed, her expression turning serious. "I've been noticing some strange things happening in the streams lately," she said. "The water is becoming polluted, and many of the creatures that live in it are becoming sick."

Soren felt sad at Ava's words because he knew how vital clean water was.

"We'll help you," he said firmly. "We'll find out what's causing the pollution and stop it."

Ava looked at him gratefully, her eyes shining with appreciation. "Thank you," she said softly. "I knew I could count on you three."

And so, the trio, with Ava, set out to investigate the pollution in the streams. Soren couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of availing a magical creature like Ava. He knew this journey would be even more special than he had imagined.

The trio followed Ava through the forest, their hearts heavy with the thought of the polluted streams. Yet, Soren couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose, knowing that they were on a mission to help the creatures of the forest.

Ava suddenly turned to Soren as they walked and spoke, "Soren, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course," Soren replied, curious about what Ava would ask.

Ava hesitated momentarily, ensuring the girls weren't within earshot before continuing, "Soren, you're not from this world, are you?"

The question took aback Soren. "What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

Ava smiled softly, "I can sense it. The aura around you is different from everyone else in this world. It's not an aura of mana, though. I've been watching you since you magically appeared in the forest, and I could sense that you didn't belong here."

Soren was astonished by her words. He never imagined that someone could sense he was from another world.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Soren replied, still confused.

Ava looked at him sympathetically. "I've been around for a long time. I've seen many travelers from different worlds. And I can tell that you're one of them. Though your aura is different from the other travelers from different worlds."

Soren was silent momentarily, taking in everything that Ava had just told him, fearing what would happen next.

"So what's going to happen to me?" Soren asked, his mind reeling with questions.

"I'm not sure," Ava replied honestly. "But I believe that you were brought here for a reason. Maybe it's to help us with the polluted streams, or maybe it's something else entirely. But I do know that you have a special purpose here."

Soren was amazed by Ava's words. Perhaps he had been brought to this world for a reason, and he was determined to discover that reason.

"If you can sense me, then others can too. So it could be dangerous.," Soren said worryingly.

Ava smiled warmly at him, "Don't worry; only spirits can sense that. Unfortunately, however, not all spirits are friendly. So now let's continue on our journey and see if we can find the source of the pollution."

"Wait, before we continue, I'd like to ask a question," Soren said, with Ava nodding. "Before I died and came here, I was trying to help my friend, Lucas, out of a house fire but was crushed to death, and he we right next to me. So did you also sense him when I appeared in the forest?"

Ava expressed a look of remorse. "I'm sorry, but no. I only sensed your arrival." Soren became depressed. "But that doesn't mean he's not here somewhere in this world." Ava continued.

"Well, if he is here, I'd like to find him someday," Soren said, saddened.

The group continued their journey, with Ava leading the way toward the source of the pollution. As they traveled deeper into the forest, the trees became more sparse, and the ground became barren and lifeless.

Finally, they reached a small clearing where a small stream was flowing. The water was murky and filled with debris, and the smell was unbearable. They knew they had found the source of the pollution.

Soren surveyed the area, searching for signs of what could be causing the pollution. Finally, his eyes fell upon a small cave opening in the nearby rocks.

"Look over there," Soren said, pointing towards the cave. "That could be the source of the pollution."

The group cautiously approached the cave, wondering what they would find inside. Unfortunately, the smell became overpowering as they entered the cave, and they could barely breathe.

They saw a figure slumped over in the corner of the cave, and as they approached, they realized it was a goblin. Piles of waste and debris surrounded the goblin, and he looked up at the group with a startled expression.

"What are you doing here?" the goblin hissed.

"We're here to end the pollution," Soren replied sternly.

The goblin looked at the group skeptically. "Why should I believe you? You're not from around here and don't understand how things work in this forest."

"We may not be from around here, but we know this pollution is harming the forest's creatures," Soren said firmly. "We need to put an end to it."

The goblin looked at Soren for a moment before nodding slowly. "Alright, I'll show you what's causing the pollution."

The goblin led the group deeper into the cave, where they encountered a large machine spewing toxic waste into the stream.

"That machine is causing all the pollution," the goblin said. "It was built by some humans looking for a quick way to make coins. They didn't care about the damage they were causing to the forest."

The machine had glowing markings on it. The markings were magic symbols powered by a mana ore to convert the surrounding rock into a toxic sludge being deposited into the stream.

The goblin explained the humans entered the cave, killing all the goblins except for him since he could speak. He was instructed to scare off anyone who tried to enter the cave, and they would kill him if he didn't comply.

Soren and the group knew what they had to do. So they quickly made their way to the machine and worked together to dismantle it, piece by piece. As they worked, Ava was purifying the water.

When they were finished, the group returned to the goblin's nest, where they found him waiting for them.

"Thank you," the goblin said. "You've put an end to the pollution, and I can finally breathe fresh air again."

The group nods at the goblin, and they leave the cave. While the trio and Ava continued their walk through the forest, Ava couldn't shake the feeling that there was something different about Soren's aura. It wasn't a powerful aura, but the opposite. It felt empty, like its waiting to be filled, but with what? The more she thought about it, the more concerned she became.

"Soren," Ava began tentatively, "I know I've said that your aura is like nothing I've felt before, but I can't help but wonder if it might also be a curse."

Soren's expression darkened as he turned to look at her. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Ava began, "Your aura is devoid of mana or any form of power, as if it's waiting to be filled. Which I think might be a curse."

Soren furrowed his brow in thought. The trio had considered that he might be cursed but wasn't sure how to fix it.

"I learned not long after coming here that I didn't have any mana, and we assumed it might be a curse," Soren said after a moment. "But what can I do about it?"

Ava thought for a moment before responding. "I think the most important thing is to be aware of your aura and how other spirits might perceive it. You don't want to draw unwanted attention."

Soren nodded slowly, taking in her words. He knew that he would need to be careful.

Ava placed a hand on his shoulder, looking him in the eyes. "Soren, I don't believe that your aura is a curse. I believe it only needs to be filled."

Soren looked at her, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over him. He knew that he still had a lot to learn about his aura, but with Ava's help, he felt more confident than ever that he could figure out a way to overcome this.

"I'd like to do something for you, Soren, for helping with the pollution problem," Ava said.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" Soren replied.

Ava felt bad because Soren didn't have mana, so she wanted to give him a boost to aid in the future. Ava knew she could help him, and she resolved to do so. But, first, she would bless his sword with mana absorption, allowing him to draw on the power of his enemies and use it to strengthen his attacks.

"I've been thinking about you and your lack of mana," Ava said. "I want to bless your sword with the ability to absorb mana," Ava continued. "That way, you can use it to strengthen your attacks in battle."

Soren's eyes widened in surprise. "That sounds incredible, Ava. Can you do that?"

Ava nodded. "Yes, I can, but it will require a ritual. After that, I can perform it, but first, we'll need to get to another clearing since I haven't purified this area yet."

"Oh, let's return to the flower meadow," Runa said.

Ava agreed, and once at the meadow, she turned to Soren, "Are you ready?"

Soren nodded again. "I'm ready. What do I need to do?"

"Nothing," Ava said with a smile. "This is a ritual that I will perform. All you need to do is sit on the ground, hold the sword up, and focus."

Ava transformed into her original small sprite form and placed her hands and forehead on the blade. Ava began to chant in an ancient language. The words flowed from her lips like a river. The energy in the meadow and flower pedals began shifting and swirling around them.

"ᛟᚺ ᚱáᚾ ᚺᛖᚨᚱ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ ᛋᛈᚱᛁᛏᛖᛋ ᚲᚨᛚᛚ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛁᛗᛒᚢᛖ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ ᚹᚨᚱᚱᛁᛟᚱᛋ ᛋᚹᛟᚱᛞ ᚹᛁᛏᚺ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛖᛋᛋᛖᚾᚲᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛚᛁᚠᛖ ᛋᛟ ᚺᛖ ᛗᚨᚤ ᛋᛗᛁᛏᛖ ᚺᛁᛋ ᚠᛟᛖᛋ ᚹᛁᛏᚺ ᚷᚱᛖᚨᛏᛖᚱ ᛋᛏᚱᛖᚾᚷᛏᚺ"

(Oh Rán, hear this sprite call and imbue this warriors sword with the essence of life so he may smite his foes with greater strength)

Soren felt a power building within him. It felt like an invisible pressure was being applied to his body. He focused on the sword, imagining it was growing stronger.

"ᛟᛈᛖᚾ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚷᚨᛏᛖᛋ ᛋᛟ ᛏᚺᚨᛏ ᛗᚨᚾᚨ ᛗᚨᚤ ᛖᚾᛏᛖᚱ"

(Open the gates so that mana may enter)

The blade began glowing with a blue light as it absorbed the swirling mana from Ava.

Beatrice and Runa were in awe at the beautiful display of the ritual. This, the middle part of the ritual, took the longest as mana was being pulled into the sword, slowly transforming it and engraving it with the symbol of the water sprite.

"ᚨᚾᛞ ᛚᚨᛋᛏ ᛒᛁᚾᛞ ᛏᚺᛁᛋ ᛋᚹᛟᚱᛞ ᛏᛟ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚹᚨᚱᚱᛁᛟᚱ ᛋᛟ ᛏᚺᚨᛏ ᚾᛟ ᛟᛏᚺᛖᚱ ᛗᚨᚤ ᚲᛚᚨᛁᛗ ᛁᛏ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛏᚺᛖᛁᚱ ᛖᚡᛁᛚ ᛞᛖᛖᛞᛋ"

(And last bind this sword to the warrior so that no other may claim it for their evil deeds)

Suddenly Soren's hands were cut open, "Ack!" He wanted to open his eyes to see if the cuts were terrible but kept them closed, unaware that the blood in his hands was being absorbed into the hilt of his sword.

"There you go, the ritual is complete," Ava said.

Soren opened his eyes to see his sword had transformed and the blade. Designs and the symbol of the water sprite were etched into it. He was at a loss for words. Just then, he checked his hands to see no blood or any signs of his hands being cut open.

"What happened? I felt my hands being cut open." Soren asked.

"It's fine. Just a small addition I made to the ritual. I had the sword take in some of your blood so that it would be bound to you to prevent anyone else from being able to use its power. The downside is that you can only use its power when it's given your blood. So don't go thinking you can slay dragons with this power. However, it gives a slight to moderate boost to your strength when you're in danger." Ava explained.

"So, how do I use its power?" Soren asked.

"I just told you when you give it your blood. Wait, let me explain that part. OK, say you're in danger and near death, bleeding everywhere. Then, apply that exposed blood to your sword's handle, activating the power. It's like a last resort, so don't rely solely on that power." Ava stated.

"Can I try it out?" Soren asked.

"Sure, but don't go crazy," Ava responded.

Soren stepped away from everyone and started swinging around his sword. It felt lighter and easier to manage. After a few good swings, he asked Runa for one of her daggers. She gave him one, and he cut open his hand. Once it started bleeding, he applied it to the sword. Suddenly the sword had the faintest light blue glow to it.

"Wow. It's incredible," Soren said in amazement. "I can feel the power in the sword. Thank you, Ava. You've truly blessed me with a wonderful gift."

Ava smiled. "I'm glad you like it, Soren. May it serve you well in your battles to come."

"So, was that the only machine polluting the water?" Beatrice asked.

"To my knowledge, yes, but I don't think it's over. I feel they may come back and try again." Ava said. "If they return, may I ask you again for assistance?"

"Of course," Beatrice said.

Ava thanks the trio for their help with the machine, and Soren, Beatrice, and Runa bid Ava farewell and depart the forest to return to Fulda with the two large baskets filled with flowers. Telling Ava they were decorating their guardian, Hilda's tavern.

As Ava watched her friends depart, she felt a bittersweetness wash over her. On the one hand, she was happy to have been able to help Soren with his sword and make new friends. But, on the other hand, she would miss him and the girls and the sense of adventure that had come with their journey.

"Well, that was quite the adventure," she said to herself, smiling wistfully as she turned to return home.

Ava reflected on the day's events as she walked through the forest. She thought about the magic she had used to bless Soren's sword with mana absorption and the joy she had felt at being able to help him in some small way. She also considered the flowers and how she would like them displayed someday.

As the trio walked through the forest, they chatted excitedly about their adventure. They talked about Ava's magical abilities and how she had blessed Soren's sword. They also discussed the flowers for Hilda and the beautiful blooms they had picked for her.

"I can't wait to see the look on Hilda's face when we give her these flowers," Beatrice said, smiling.

"I know, right?" Runa chimed in. "She's going to be so surprised."

Soren nodded in agreement. "I'm just glad we could help her."

The trio continued walking, the baskets of flowers heavy in their hands. As they emerged from the forest and entered the outskirts of Fulda, they saw that the city seemed to be bustling with activity. One inside the walls, they saw people milling about, chatting and laughing, and the smells of food and spices wafted through the air.

As they made their way through the town, the group caught the attention of several of the townspeople, who stared curiously at the large baskets of flowers they were carrying. They received smiles and nods of greeting, and a few people even stopped to ask where they had come from.

Eventually, the trio arrived at Hilda's tavern, and Hilda's face lit up with surprise and delight when she saw the baskets of flowers.

"Oh, my! That's a lot of flowers you got," she exclaimed, taking the baskets from them. "These are just lovely. You all must have worked so hard to gather them for me."

"It was nothing, really," Soren said, smiling. "We were happy to do it."

Hilda thanked them again and again, her face beaming with joy. Then, the group chatted for a while longer, discussing their adventure in the forest and the beauty of the flowers.

Eventually, the sun began to set. Soren couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. He thought about Ava and her magic, and he felt a sense of awe and wonder. He also thought about Hilda and how she had been so welcoming to him, and he felt grateful for her kindness.

The trio wanted to celebrate their successful mission in the forest. They had just raised their glasses to toast their accomplishment when the tavern door burst open, and a group of rough-looking men barged in.

The men were unkempt, with wild hair and beards, and they wore leather armor and carried weapons at their sides. They scanned the room, their eyes finally resting on Soren, Beatrice, and Runa.

"Hey, you three," one of the men called out. "We've been following you since you left the forest. Come outside; we need to talk."

Soren, Beatrice, and Runa looked at each other, realizing what was happening, but feigned confusion. "What are you talking about?" Soren asked.

"The machine, of course," the man said, sneering. "We know you're the ones who dismantled it. So come outside now before things become uncivil."

Soren, Beatrice, and Runa stood up, ready to defend themselves. But they were outnumbered, and the men were armed. Soren's hand instinctively went to his sword, but he knew he couldn't take them all on.

Hilda stepped forward. "Now, let's not get violent," she said, her voice low and firm. "These kids haven't done anything wrong. Why don't we all calm down and talk this out?"

But the men were having none of it. So they advanced on Soren, Beatrice, and Runa, their weapons at the ready.

Suddenly, the other patrons stood up, ready to fight the men. "Leave them alone," one of the patrons said, their voice ringing clear and robust. "You bring all these grown men to fight three kids? No, buddy, not while we're here!"

The trio wasn't aware, but the other patrons overheard their story while talking to Hilda. Some didn't believe the part about the water sprite but figured the pollution machine would be possible, and seeing these men barge in like that pissed them off.

The moment was tense and felt like a standoff that would go on forever. The men grumbled and muttered but eventually backed down, glancing warily at everyone before slinking out of the tavern.

Soren, Beatrice, and Runa breathed a sigh of relief, their hearts pounding. Hilda thanked the patrons and gave everyone a complimentary round of ale on the house, and the patrons cheered.

"Are you all right?" Hilda asked, placing a hand on Soren's shoulder.

Soren nodded. Still, a bit shaken. "Yes, thanks to everyone. We don't know what would have happened if they had found us elsewhere."

Hilda smiled. "I wouldn't let anything happen to you while I'm around," she said.

After the men had left, the trio continued their celebration at the tavern. They ordered food and drink, laughing and chatting, relieved they had escaped unharmed.

As they were eating, a waitress approached their table. She was a kind woman with a fair face and calloused hands.

"I couldn't help but notice those beautiful flowers you brought in," she said, her eyes sparkling. "What are they for?"

Soren explained that they had gathered them from the forest to brighten up the tavern for Hilda.

The waitress wanted to know about the story because she didn't hear it when they told it to Hilda.

The waitress blushed, thinking how nice it would be if a man brought her some flowers. She saw Soren's sword on his back and asked him about it. Beatrice and Runa are just looking at each other annoyed. While talking with the waitress, Soren sees the girls resting bitch faces, which makes him a little nervous.

Soren smiled, unsheathing his sword, telling the story of what happened.

Hilda returned, and her eyes widened in amazement. "Wow, that's the sword you got from the smith?"

"Yeah, but it was plain before Ava enchanted it," Soren replied, explaining the story to the waitress.

"I have a feeling that sword will serve you well," she said. "And those flowers are gorgeous." She replied. The waitress thanked Soren for telling her the story and returned to the back.

Hilda also saw the looks on the girls' faces as Soren talked to the waitress, "Hehe, better watch out, girls. I think she likes him," she teased.

Soren looked confused. "Likes me? I've only talked to her a couple of times." He thought to himself. Well, in his defense, he's pretty dense. He needs to realize Beatrice and Runa like him as well.