
The Traveler's Innovations

A story about a young boy, who finds inspiration around him. He gains knowledge from the wise, strength from the strong, and courage from the brave.

StraightScared · ファンタジー
3 Chs

This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

I'm at this moment, sleeping in a cabin, in the middle of the tundra, with two mysterious people. Yeah.. That's normal...

The wind crashing against the cabin and the silent banging of hail and rain against the rooftop, created a sort of eerie atmosphere. I woke up in the middle of the night, complete blackness only able to see a few dark objects in the distance, maybe the antlers on the wall. I had sat up on the couch, waking myself up, my mouth was dry from not having anything to drink since supper; licking my lips and swallowing my saliva to help out the dryness. I had almost forgotten where I was until I heard a loud bang come from the window... I jumped but realized it was just an on going storm, the rain and hail were really loud echoing throughout the small cabin. I grabbed onto the table as I got up from my position and saw a small light coming from inside Kane and Jane's room, I thought to myself, they must be awake. So, it came no surprise when I turned around a saw a dark figure in the kitchen, even though my heart did skip a beat. I didn't know what to say, the person was just standing there not doing anything.

"Hey..?" I spoke in a whispered voice

The figure made no response but to tilt it's head... it started to walk closer to me... I was getting fairly creeped out, so I took a few steps back and the figure stopped.

"It's time to go" a unknown voice, that sounded like a high pitch little girl

The figure in front of me looks at me, seems to put a finger to their mouth and runs off. The door swings open and the massive storm blew through banging the door on the side of the wall continuously. *bang* *bang* *bang* getting louder each time, *Bang* BANG* *BANG* as I walk towards the door, and slowly close it. I smell the stench of blood, it was something I was quite use too.

I turn around. My head was spinning... My back against the door, I took a long breath in and let it all out. Where's that smell coming form- I regain my composure. I remember noticing the dim light coming from Jane and Kane's room, so I head towards it, seeing only a snip-it of their room. There were books crashed over the ground and as I open up the door, I could see some sort of icy frost climb up the corner of the wall, the door is partially open and now I see blood. My heart is thumping, truly I'm an optimist, I thought maybe someone just got hurt. As I open the door all the way, in front of me I see Kane slumped up against the wall under the window, with Jane in his hands. Both dead. Although, this isn't my first experience, nor my last, my body dropped to it's knees.. maybe it was because of their kindness but I even started to tear up. Oh.. Y- Yeah... They reminded me of mom and dad. My head was down in shame, I couldn't save you either...

"I thought we for got something, hehe" it was the same voice from earlier but I didn't care, my whole body couldn't react... *bam* then everything went dark...