

Am angry at myself for living life this, as a weakling ever stepped on

I Look at how everyone is gazing sneering laughing at me

Watching my self all bleed out .I lie in the pool of my blood staining my white fur

As the only white fur female am always loathed and frowned upon they all consider me as parasite that depend on the other wolves

Shame , shame every day in the den

I am weak thing despite all the tasks I do I Dont win the seeker challenge

Seekers , hunt food for the den , they are also an army trained to defend the den in case of an attack

I cant get up , I Dont want face this humiliation over and over

" get up white..." Grey wakes me up from my world of shame

I push my body forward put myself on all my fours lick blood off from my front legs

Grey helps lick blood off me on my back then walk my walk of shame

" let's get you to the moon lake before full moon is over okay , may be next time..." He pats my head with his paws

Seeker challenge are always held during full moon now I have to wait for another full moon

I have lost the challenge I always wanted to prove to every one in this den am not weak

To earn respect and be put on the team of the seekers ,it was part of my plan to hunt down the monster I can't get out of this den without being a seeker

This battle is held to seive week from strong and to teach the cubs ways of the den

To have no remorse to fight for what is yours always.

Limping as I support myself on grey every step is painful.

This all happening because of that monster