
chapter 1:Survive

In this world I was always reminded that the strong survive,only they get through this world untamed and untouched , I wince as another cub tries to bite me again am not dying now, till am chosen to be the one who will kill the Man who led me to this misery not only me but the whole den

Who led to the war of chaos in the lives of wolves

We all abhor him but I hate him more

I groan as am bit again my muscles ache and am not strong enough to stop all of them at once I can taste blood in my mouth and my vision is blurry due to blood dripping from my ears shit it bit my ear

I have to survive and get through this I am surving this

Before I finish my empowering words in my mind another bite into my white fur then into my flesh

I can't take it any more these cubs will kill me and I will not get to finish my duty killing the


" put ur head in the battle white.."

Grey the leader of our den like we call it now , actually the only wolf that cares for me , he desperately wants me to win this

" remember this is just a phase it will all be over when you win this"

He reminds of my duty and I hit one cub that is on top of head with my paws it hits its back on a trees , it growls and doesn't get back

Now I have more five to take down , everyone is watching the mothers of these cubs supporting them and I Dont blame them they have to win this to survive

They have to make twenty bites to win this challenge , and I have to make sure I don't have twenty bites so far ten

two of my competitors slate and smoke are left with three cubs and five bites

Soon loosing I can't win , I can't win another bite on my back legs

" survive white , survive , fight dammit" Grey encourages me

Before I could do anything the cubs all fall on to me each biting every body part of my body and of course my competitors win.