
The Trail of Sloth

Brought to another Land, Phoenix loses his normal life and learns about his fate and the curses inflicting humanity. In a desperate attempt, he decides to save humanity by completing the "Trail of the Sloth"

Writer_Assistant · ファンタジー
15 Chs

A History Lesson and Partner

"The Ancient land of Mystia is cursed with sin, thus humanity reached its absolute lowest. So much so, that God himself decided to punish the land with a judgment. A curse that would haunt the people for centuries to come.

A ray of light came down from the sky, blinding the people and striking fear in their hearts. The people started attacking each other.

Pure chaos took place, followed by rivers of blood as the people started killing their families and loved ones. The chaos was far more brutal than anything humanity has ever seen. Screams of terror coming from women and children filled the land of Mystia. Even the people who believed in the coming of the judgment could not believe their eyes.

"Is this the punishment of God...? No, It must be the work of the Devil !" The people claimed as they ran from the land in hope of escaping. Leaving behind their families, home, land, everything.

They set sails on their boats fleeing the island without any food, water, or resources. Lost in the ocean for a few days, the people begged God for mercy.

"Oh our Lord, please forgive us, We have made huge mistakes. Please give us another chance.. please...", said the people as they continued to pray for days. After sailing for a few days, the people finally saw a piece of land.

There was unending joy on their faces as they thought they were forgiven.

The people landed in the area and settled there as they grew a new civilization. This time sticking to their beliefs and following their rules carefully. Teaching the next generation to strictly follow the rules and never to be swayed by evil.

The civilization grew more and more prosperous. It developed more technology, while the whereabouts of the land of Mystia and the cursed people living there were unknown.

With the blessing of the gods, the civilization progressed at an unnatural speed and the land was named Riaz. It became taboo to talk about the land of Mystia and the information about it was forgotten gradually.

In the cursed land, a human called 'Ghost' was given an eternal curse for the ac..."

"Hey! Give me my pamphlet back!! I still haven't read the last part!!" Levi said in a frustrated voice.

"Oh really? This is the third time you have been reading this, and what is up with this creepy and mysterious way of reading?" I questioned her as I was tired of her reading the same pamphlet again and again. It was painfully obvious to me that it was a religious pamphlet to recruit more members in our district.

The religious organizations got a golden chance with the discovery of a new continent.

"Cut the crap, We gotta go to the mining area. We are already too late." I said.

"You are so mean...I hate you!" she said while whining.

"Oh really? I don't really care, so you may move now." We moved out of the library as I dragged her.

We got on the road and headed towards a vehicle stand.

After reaching the location, we waited for a vehicle to our workplace. The district seems to be in rush hour, With people running around here and there to work and visit each other.

"All of this in 50 years, huh? Humanity has really progressed." I appreciated the growth of the world around us in this short time.

Levi had a pouted face looking in the other direction paying no heed to my words.

Soon enough a carriage came right in front of us and we sat in it.

"Where to, sir?" the driver asked me.

"Head over to Old Lebinium, please."

Listening to my words, The driver started the Engine and started going down the road.

Sitting in, I realized the inside of the Vehicle had a different atmosphere.

Levi is still giving me the 'Angry look'. Trying to mock her, I imitated the face on her look when she was watching and then continued to look out through the window.

The houses had started to change. I didn't realize the shift of scenery, the change from Small cottages to Big apartments with multiple floors and different designs.

The clothes people wore these days were also now made different as compared to the old style of royal coats and suits. And so on with the jewelry.

People's thoughts about religion, politics, and just about everything had a revolution of their own in society.

"We've reached the gates, Sir." The driver's words brought me out of my thoughts.

"Ahh, Thank you. Here are your four bronze coins." I paid for the ride and we got off the vehicle.

"Looks like we have to walk to get there." I said the obvious as we started to walk to the place of our secret project.

After arriving near the mine, I looked around the area searching for The Raizenantium metal. But none were in sight.

While Levi was looking away with an angry face, I didn't believe she would be angry over being interrupted reading a thing she has already read many times.

"Come on, Start working already. The minerals aren't gonna explore themselves."

...there was no response.

I knew now that either I had to say sorry and give her a treat or take 'The hard route'. I already knew what I was going to do.

"Your Highness, Why do you seem to be angry? Is there a problem?".

I saw her expression change for a moment but she quickly retorted back.

"This isn't gonna work on me." she said.

"Oh my future wife, don't say such words. I will do anything for my queen." I said, bowing down. Hearing my words, she blushed a lot.

"Wh-wh-what? did you just propos-" she stopped after she saw me smirking at her.

"You are the worst! I hate you!! Go die in hell!!" she started shouting loudly.

I told her to stop being dramatic and to get to work.

"No way you expect me to work after you did that, Are you stupid?" she said in an irritated voice.

"Please..come on, you know I can't get any work done on my own." having to say this was a big blow to my honor.

She looked at me with a certain look in her eyes, telling me that I was worse than trash but...I guess it is true in some sense.

"So...Are you going back? " I asked.

"Do some work on your own! You gotta quit being so dependent on me." She said.

"Hey, I am not that much of a slacker." And the day went on without any progress.

"We need to get our minds on our research, or we'll lose a great opportunity to become the world's richest people ever." I said.

I need to get her to work or we- no I will get nothing.

Man..writing a chapter is tough!! Please feel free to give your criticism.

The next chapter will be out in a few days. Also, care to tell me what length they should be? Anyways, thank you for reading!!

Writer_Assistantcreators' thoughts