
The Tower Merchant is too devious

Kuber Walton, stripped of his wealth and branded as a 'traitor's son,' faces a desperate choice: flee his homeland or face dire consequences. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn. ————— [You have been summoned to the Dimensional Tower] [Accept] [Reject] ————— Kuber's decision leads him into a fractured realm divided among the Neutral, Holy, and Demonic Factions. In this world of chaos, he finds himself wielding the unique power of the 'Tower Merchant' class. This power enables him to procure anything from different towers and dimensions. Join Kuber in his adventures, marked by cunning schemes and thrilling action. As he navigates this treacherous landscape, his ultimate goal becomes clear: "Young master, do you aspire to become the wealthiest being in the world?" Alvin Lewis inquired, his gaze filled with curiosity. Kuber, sipping tea as he surveyed a distant heavenly city, replied, "Why, you ask? To purchase this very world." ————— #Manipulative mc #Action #Romance #No harem #Vampire #Non-human protagonist ————— If you like the content, then please support the author with gifts or reviews.

Cryo_Knight · ファンタジー
75 Chs

Unexpected invitation

Rain poured down on the grounds of New York like a waterfall, drenching a young man in his mid-twenties who stood there with an expensive crossbow, aiming at a target. Despite his soaked clothes and trembling hands caused by the relentless rainfall, his focus remained locked on the center of the target.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, a middle-aged man dressed in a black suit rushed over, visibly exhausted. "Young Master Kuber, please come back to the mansion with me. You'll fall sick if you continue like this," he urged, his concern evident in his loud voice.

Kuber cast a sidelong glance at the middle-aged man, his face devoid of emotion. "There's no home for me anymore, Alvin. You've been by my side for so long; I think it's time for you to retire," Kuber said, his sadness concealed beneath a stoic facade as he fought back tears.

Alvin, who had faithfully served the Walton family for two decades, was taken aback by Kuber's harsh words. "Young Master, even though the great Walton family has fallen, I, Alvin Lewis, will always stand by your side," he declared, his unwavering loyalty shining through his dark eyes.

Witnessing Alvin's unwavering support, Kuber felt a sense of relief. In a world driven by profit and connections, it was comforting to have someone who stood by him during difficult times.

Returning his gaze to the target, Kuber aimed his crossbow and pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, the heavy rain and strong winds caused him to miss, not even scratching the surface.

"You see, Alvin, we humans are bound to make mistakes. Just as I missed the target, I also failed to cover up my father's misdeeds. I hope your decision doesn't come back to haunt you," Kuber said, tears mingling with the rain as he carried the weight of his burdens.

Unfazed by Kuber's words, Alvin reaffirmed his loyalty. "Don't worry, young master. I know that the decision I made today may be the best or worst of my life. Nevertheless, I will follow you until death. I am a proud butler of the Walton family," he replied, a genuine smile adorning his face.

Unable to control his tears, Kuber turned away from Alvin, embarrassed by his vulnerability. He focused on the target, avoiding eye contact, unsure if the tears were a result of joy from Alvin's loyalty or the pain he had long suppressed.

Observing Kuber's emotional state, Alvin silently opened the umbrella he carried and shielded Kuber from the rain. A genuine smile crossed Alvin's face as he protected his master, reminiscent of the days when he shielded Kuber from the hardships of life.

After a few moments, Kuber wiped away his tears with the handkerchief Alvin provided. Feeling a sense of relief, he said, "Let's go, Alvin. We still have a flight to catch."

Agreeing with Kuber's suggestion, Alvin nodded, his genuine smile intact. They made their way to a large reception hall at the exit, where a young man dressed in a luxurious white suit eagerly awaited their arrival. As he caught sight of Kuber approaching, his face brightened with a smile.

Welcoming Kuber with open arms, the young man extended his hand for a handshake, eager to meet the legendary Kuber Walton. Kuber, wary but composed, wiped his hand on Alvin's handkerchief before shaking hands with the young man.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Walton. It's rare to find a passionate young man like you who also happens to be a billionaire at the age of 21, achieved without your family's help. You have my utmost respect," the young man expressed his excitement without restraint.

Kuber replied with his usual fake smile, "Well, aren't you also a young man with billions in your bank account, Mr. Freddy? Although you became a billionaire at the age of 29, which is quite commendable." His seemingly polite comment carried a sarcastic undertone, implying that Freddy took 11 years to achieve what Kuber did in just 3 years.

Enraged by Kuber's comment, Freddy tightened his grip while shaking hands. In response, Kuber also tightened his grip, causing Freddy to wince in pain. Recoiling his hand, Freddy blew on it, imitating the actions of an immature child.

"You certainly have a strong grip, Mr. Walton. I wish you had displayed the same strength when others were tearing apart the empire you built, like a pack of hyenas," Freddy remarked sarcastically, a sinister smirk on his face.

Taking a step back, Kuber put his hands in his pockets, looking down at Freddy. "Weak are those who refuse to acknowledge their incompetence," Kuber approached Freddy and whispered in his ear, "Besides, aren't you also a little kitten who benefited from my empire's downfall? Isn't that right, Mr. Freddy?"

Shocked by Kuber's sudden statement, Freddy took a step back, feigning a smile. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Mr. Walton. Besides, I'm here to pick you up on your mother's orders. Allow me the honor of giving you a ride to your mansion," Freddy deflected, attempting to change the subject. However, it was clear that Freddy was involved in the incident that led to Kuber's downfall.

Realizing that Freddy wouldn't dare harm him due to his mother's orders, Kuber looked to Alvin for his opinion. Alvin, in response, signaled Freddy to proceed. Accepting the invitation, they left the training grounds, entering a street crowded with news reporters despite the heavy rain.

As Kuber stepped out of the reception hall, reporters swarmed around him, eager for sensational content for their news channels and newspapers. Even Freddy's bodyguards struggled to keep the reporters at bay.

Amongst the crowd of reporters, one question stood out, posed by a particular reporter with a smirk on his face. "Mr. Walton, people are calling you a traitor's son. What is your opinion on this matter?" The reporter was sent by one of Kuber's rivals, aiming to provoke him.

Kuber, however, was not one to fall for such cheap provocations. Sporting a refined and elegant smile, he responded, "They are correct, Mr. Reporter. I am indeed a traitor's son. There's no point in debating the obvious. Nevertheless, I can proudly state that I am a law-abiding citizen of this country and have done nothing wrong." His professional answer silenced the reporters, leaving them stunned.

Amidst the silence, a young photographer in a black jacket seized the opportunity and captured Kuber's photo while everyone was still processing the unexpected response. The clicking sound caught everyone's attention, and they turned their gaze toward the young photographer.

Confused by the sudden attention, the photographer stammered, "Don't mind me..." His answer revealed his embarrassment under the scrutinizing gaze of his superiors.

After the young photographer's remark, the reporters redirected their attention to Kuber, bombarding him with a barrage of questions. However, Kuber remained composed and chose not to engage with them. Ignoring the reporters, he made his way toward the waiting luxury car.

Just as Kuber was about to enter the vehicle, a sense of danger filled the air. A suspicious figure clad in a hoodie managed to slip past the bodyguards and lunged at Kuber, aiming a sharp knife toward his eye. Time seemed to slow down, and in a split second, Alvin, Kuber's loyal butler, reacted swiftly.

With incredible speed and precision, Alvin intercepted the assailant's hand, preventing the knife from reaching its intended target. Employing his training and quick reflexes, Alvin tackled the assailant, bringing him down to the ground before he could mount any resistance. Alvin then secured the situation, immobilizing the attacker by applying pressure on his throat with his knees.

"No, let me go. I need to kill him or my daughter will die." A cry of desperation came out of the assassin's mouth while he struggled to free himself from Alvin's grip. From his words, it was clear that someone had threatened him with his daughter.

The scene became frozen in a tense moment as onlookers and reporters processed the unexpected turn of events. Kuber, maintaining his calm demeanor, locked his gaze on the subdued assailant. "Alvin, hand him over to the police and take take a taxi to the mansion," Kuber ordered in a resolute tone, his focus never wavering from the captured intruder.

Alvin, displaying his unwavering loyalty, nodded in response, maintaining his grip on the incapacitated assailant while signaling for the police to approach. Understanding Kuber's priorities, he swiftly handed over the subdued culprit to the authorities.

With the situation under control, Kuber entered the luxury car accompanied by Freddy. His mind raced with thoughts, contemplating the implications of the thwarted attack.

The reporters stared at the back of the car as it departed for Kuber's mansion. Their disappointed expressions revealed their expectation for Kuber to unleash his rage on the would-be assassin. However, thanks to Alvin, the skilled butler, it was clear that no assassin could reach Kuber so easily.

Frustration consumed one reporter, who snatched the young photographer's camera and smashed it on the ground. "Damn it! It's always like this with Kuber Walton. I had hoped to capture something significant this time," he exclaimed, his voice filled with both anger and disappointment. Shocked by the loss of his camera, the young photographer remained silent, not daring to confront his superior.

Moments later, Kuber arrived at his grandiose mansion accompanied by Freddy. The luxurious estate befitted a billionaire of his stature. However, a sense of emptiness pervaded the atmosphere. "Your mansion feels different this time. Unlike the last time I visited with your father," Freddy remarked, a touch of nostalgia evident in his voice.

"You're right, Mr. Freddy. This place has become quite empty and barren after my father's death," Kuber admitted, his eyes reflecting the longing for the old times. Memories of his father and the lively moments they had shared resurfaced, evoking both comfort and melancholy.

Returning to the present, Kuber addressed Freddy, "Anyway, please wait a moment while I pack my things, Mr. Freddy." With that, Kuber left Freddy in the hall and ascended the stairs to his room.

Inside his room, nostalgia washed over Kuber as he gazed at the pictures of his family. Seeing his father, mother, and little brother in those photographs brought a slight smile to his emotionless face.

However, that smile soon faded as he confronted the reality that he couldn't undo what he had lost. Methodically, he packed his belongings one by one, including the cherished family pictures, carefully placing them inside a black suitcase. Carrying the suitcase, Kuber returned to the hall.

Freddy, who had been waiting, looked at Kuber with a puzzled expression and asked, "Is that all you want to take with you, Mr. Walton?"

Once again, Kuber smiled at Freddy's question, his pain carefully concealed beneath his polite demeanor. "Yes, this is all I need. Shall we get moving, Mr. Freddy?" he responded calmly.

As Kuber and Freddy stepped out of the mansion, they found themselves surrounded by a group of policemen at the main gate, alongside Kuber's loyal butler, Alvin. Infuriated, Freddy demanded an explanation from the officers, "What's the meaning of this? Didn't the court grant permission for Kuber to leave the country?"

A young policewoman approached Freddy to address his concerns directly. "You're misunderstanding, Mr. Freddy. We are not here to arrest Mr. Walton. Our purpose is to conduct a routine inspection of his belongings before he departs the country," she explained politely, turning her gaze towards Kuber, awaiting his consent.

Kuber, lighting up his cigarette, exhaled a puff of smoke before responding, "You may proceed and check whatever you need to." With a casual air, he made it clear that he had nothing to hide, expressing his willingness to cooperate.

Acknowledging Kuber's permission, the policewoman gestured for her colleagues to begin the inspection. They meticulously checked Kuber's belongings to ensure compliance with regulations.

The police officer approached Kuber, her expression reflecting a mixture of sympathy and understanding. "It is quite unfortunate that you have to pay for your father's crimes, Mr. Walton," she said, her voice filled with genuine empathy.

Kuber looked directly at the police officer, his gaze meeting hers, and let out a sigh. "It's not my father's fault for committing those crimes," he replied, his voice tinged with a sense of resignation. "It's my incompetence, as his son, for not being able to conceal his actions even after his death. After all, if we can inherit our father's fortunes, then it seems only fair to take responsibility for their debts and crimes as well."

As he spoke, Kuber turned his gaze towards the sky-blue clouds, contemplating his next steps. "Anyway, this may not be the end of the Walton family's legacy," he stated, a glimmer of determination shining in his eyes. "Since I am leaving for my mother's house in India, I will strive to regain my footing and rebuild what has been lost."


An explosion reverberated through the heart of New York, followed by an earthquake that shook the ground beneath Kuber's feet. Reacting quickly, Kuber and everyone around him grabbed onto something to maintain their balance and stability amidst the chaos.

After a few tense minutes, the earthquake subsided, leaving everyone bewildered and uncertain about the unfolding events. However, what truly astonished them was the appearance of a colossal black tower that materialized out of nowhere, piercing through the sky with an otherworldly aura.

As the atmosphere remained charged with intrigue and confusion, a ding resonated, drawing everyone's attention. A holographic blue screen materialized before them, seemingly out of thin air, displaying a peculiar message.


[You have been invited to the Dimensional Tower]



The situation grew increasingly complex as the enigmatic holographic message confronted them. They stood there, captivated by the towering presence before them and the invitation presented on the holographic display. Uncertainty hung in the air, leaving them with a decision to make—accept or reject this mysterious invitation to the Dimensional Tower.

Hello, almighty readers! This is Cryo_Knight, the author of the book you're currently reading. I started this book for practice purposes but came to love it after writing some chapters. It's all thanks to your love and support that I can continue this wonderful story. You won't regret following Kuber and his buddies on the never-ending adventure of Dimensional Tower. Do tell me if you don't like anything about my story, and I will try to improve it later on. After all, I am not writing this book for myself, but for you all precious readers. Support this book with Golden Tickets or Power Stones, so that more readers can enjoy this book too...

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