
The Tower Merchant is too devious

Kuber Walton, stripped of his wealth and branded as a 'traitor's son,' faces a desperate choice: flee his homeland or face dire consequences. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn. ————— [You have been summoned to the Dimensional Tower] [Accept] [Reject] ————— Kuber's decision leads him into a fractured realm divided among the Neutral, Holy, and Demonic Factions. In this world of chaos, he finds himself wielding the unique power of the 'Tower Merchant' class. This power enables him to procure anything from different towers and dimensions. Join Kuber in his adventures, marked by cunning schemes and thrilling action. As he navigates this treacherous landscape, his ultimate goal becomes clear: "Young master, do you aspire to become the wealthiest being in the world?" Alvin Lewis inquired, his gaze filled with curiosity. Kuber, sipping tea as he surveyed a distant heavenly city, replied, "Why, you ask? To purchase this very world." ————— #Manipulative mc #Action #Romance #No harem #Vampire #Non-human protagonist ————— If you like the content, then please support the author with gifts or reviews.

Cryo_Knight · ファンタジー
75 Chs

Spy from the Demonic Faction

"Sure thing, you can go now," the beastmen said with a grin.

Uncertain about the beastmen's intentions, Kuber decided to accept the offer and proceeded cautiously through the streets. With a nod of agreement, Kuber and Luna moved forward, keeping a watchful eye.

They managed to pass by the beastmen without any trouble, easing some of Kuber's concerns. However, luck wasn't on their side; another beastman, dressed in the same armor as the previous one, was concealed atop a nearby building.

The moment Kuber and Luna went past the white-furred beastmen, the hidden one sprang at Kuber, wielding two daggers. His face was obscured by a black mask, and the only recognizable feature was a vulture mark on his neck.

Kuber assumed a defensive stance, ready to counter the masked beastman using the basic-level sword he had recently purchased from a dimensional shop. The clash of weapons between Kuber and the masked foe resonated through the street. Not wanting to waste any time, Kuber quickly examined the masked beastman's status.


[Level] – 7

[Name] – Riven Clawfang [Demonic]

[Race] – Fenryn

[Title] – 53rd Spy of the Demonic Faction, Descendant of Fenrir

[Lifespan] – 15/1200 Years

[Class] – Venomblade

[Unique Skill] – Venomous Veil


Riven Clawfang, a spy within the Demonic faction and a descendant of the ancient beast Fenrir, specialized in assassination and reconnaissance. The presence of this beastman in front of Kuber had suddenly turned into a threat.

"Why are you here?" Kuber's voice trembled with anger as he ground his teeth.

"Why should I tell you?" Riven's retort came with a sneer, further stoking Kuber's fury.

Though furious at Riven's actions, Kuber realized he needed to engage in conversation first. "Maybe we don't have to resort to fighting. We're strangers here. Why not talk it out?" Kuber's attempt to defuse the situation was driven by the fact that Riven wasn't the sole issue at hand.

Meanwhile, as Kuber attempted to communicate with Riven, Luna had already been overcome by the white-furred beastman. With a knife pressed against Luna's throat as she knelt in surrender, the white-furred beastman called out to Kuber.

"Hey! Why not drop your weapon and spare this lovely minotaur? Otherwise, her throat might just get a new opening," the beastman taunted Kuber, a malicious grin playing on his lips. His eyes gleamed with a disturbing excitement, making it clear that Luna's demise was his heart's desire. However, Kuber wasn't about to fall for such threats.

"And then what? End up dead by your hands?" Kuber retorted, his eyes fierce with determination. He knew there was likely no way he could rescue Luna. Though he felt a pang seeing her teary-eyed and downcast, he recognized that his survival depended on not yielding.

"Quit fixating on that, kid, and prepare to meet your maker!" Riven's shout rang out as he lunged at Kuber again, this time with intensified force. The clash of Riven's daggers against Kuber's sword pushed Kuber back, but he held his ground against the onslaught. Amidst the struggle, Kuber's attention was caught by a shadowy figure atop a nearby building, seemingly taking aim at Luna.

Even as Kuber battled Riven, the white-furred beastman had made up his mind to eliminate Luna. Yet, the shadowy figure had different intentions. Swiftly producing a throwing dagger from their inventory, they aimed with precision and struck the beastman's head, ending his life in an instant.

"Where's your focus?"

Riven relentlessly pressed his attack on Kuber, his daggers striking with unyielding persistence. But as Kuber's attention was drawn to the confrontation, the shadowy figure had swiftly disappeared after rescuing Luna.

"Luna! If you want to survive, get up and lend a hand!" Kuber's body was streaked with blood from the barrage of strikes dealt by Riven. He had no option but to seek Luna's assistance.

"I... I'm just too frightened," Luna sulked once more, her kneeling posture and internal turmoil apparent.

"If you don't, we're as good as dead!" Kuber's voice rang out, his eyes blazing red with anger. Trapped in a dire situation, he felt a surge of fury, his options limited.

"I... I don't know..." Luna's wavering resolve reflected her inherent timidity. Yet, she understood one certainty: Kuber's death would seal her fate as well.

Driven by newfound determination, Luna rose to her feet, her eyes shining with resolve. She charged at Riven, her horns aimed at him.

"What the..." Revin swiftly evaded Luna's attack, retreating hastily as surprise and confusion etched across his face.

"You know, when I think about it, you're not much of a threat. Maybe a D-rank at best," Revin mused, his chin lightly scratched. Pondering for a moment, he seemed to reach a decision and folded his arms.

"I'll catch you later," Revin declared, scaling the building behind him to escape the scene.

"Hold on, who are you?" Luna's voice quivered with anxiety as she called out, only to be ignored as Revin continued his ascent and disappeared.

"Why'd you even ask him to wait? Are you out of your mind?" Kuber's anger flared, directed at Luna's actions that had caused nothing but trouble.

"I... I just thought..." Luna stammered, her nervousness evident as beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

"Forget it! Let's just get out of here. We've already stirred up enough chaos," Kuber's frustration lingered, though he managed to regain some composure. Swiftly calming himself, he left the area, Luna trailing behind, both making their way out of the slums.

Today's events left Kuber grappling with numerous questions. Who were the beastmen? What was the shadowy figure's role? And most importantly, why did they target him while sparing Luna?

"Seems like it's time for me to get out of this place," Kuber muttered to himself, his gaze wandering across the bustling street.

"Did you hear? Those Shadowfang jerks got nabbed by Squad Leader Eldric," a woman in ordinary attire chatted animatedly with another, who was busy purchasing ornaments from a stall.

"Yeah, word is, Grendar snatched Eldric's credit coin and sent him a threatening message, demanding 200 irons or he'd off Eldric's subordinates."

"Seriously? 200 irons? That's like 20 thousand stone credits! I even heard they had a vicious brawl, and Eldric chopped off Grendar's arm."

The two women continued their conversation, delving into the details of the intense altercation at the Shadowfang Syndicate's headquarters. It appeared that Grendar, in the midst of the brawl, had his arm severed by Squad Leader Eldric. The clash led to significant losses on both sides, culminating in the dissolution of the Shadowfang Syndicate. The remaining members had already vacated the city.

An unexpected grin slowly spread across Kuber's face as he absorbed the news. He found joy in the knowledge that things had unfolded just as he had hoped, and the overbearing figure that had threatened his stability would now be confined to prison.

And then there was the realization that Kuber had successfully pilfered an astronomical sum of wealth from the Shadowfang Syndicate. With these newfound riches, he could set his next plan into motion. However, before diving into that, he needed to depart from this city, which had little significance to him.

"Luna, can you explain how you activate or awaken your bloodline? Is there a specific process?" Kuber inquired, his expression serious yet his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Actually, we need to travel to the capital city and purchase the awakening rights from the Resources Association to..." Luna's explanation was cut off by the sudden appearance of Leona. She stood before them, arms crossed and a pout on her face, effectively blocking their path.