
The Tower Merchant is too devious

Kuber Walton, stripped of his wealth and branded as a 'traitor's son,' faces a desperate choice: flee his homeland or face dire consequences. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn. ————— [You have been summoned to the Dimensional Tower] [Accept] [Reject] ————— Kuber's decision leads him into a fractured realm divided among the Neutral, Holy, and Demonic Factions. In this world of chaos, he finds himself wielding the unique power of the 'Tower Merchant' class. This power enables him to procure anything from different towers and dimensions. Join Kuber in his adventures, marked by cunning schemes and thrilling action. As he navigates this treacherous landscape, his ultimate goal becomes clear: "Young master, do you aspire to become the wealthiest being in the world?" Alvin Lewis inquired, his gaze filled with curiosity. Kuber, sipping tea as he surveyed a distant heavenly city, replied, "Why, you ask? To purchase this very world." ————— #Manipulative mc #Action #Romance #No harem #Vampire #Non-human protagonist ————— If you like the content, then please support the author with gifts or reviews.

Cryo_Knight · ファンタジー
75 Chs

Entering the dungeon

"Why Terragore's again?" Darryl's tone held disappointment as he looked at Kuber with a frown.

Currently riding on Terragore's back, Kuber, Darryl, and the slaves were headed towards the city gate. Meanwhile, Luna and Leona had gone in a different direction to search for a suitable house to rent.

"Because we couldn't afford horse rentals," Kuber replied, a hint of pride in his voice as he sat atop Terragore as though he'd won a battle.

Curious, Aelina asked, "Where are we headed?"

Kuber's lips curled into a tight smile, maintaining an air of secrecy. "You'll see."

After a while of travel on the back of Terragore, they arrived at the city gates. A friendly city guard poked his head out of his office and inquired, "Are you leaving for a short while or permanently?"

"Just for a brief hunting trip," Kuber replied with a smile, setting the guard's mind at ease.

"I understand. Could you provide your name so I can register it? That way, you won't have to wait in the long line when you return," the city guard suggested.

"I'm Kuber Walton, and these individuals are with me," Kuber informed, giving the guard their names.

With a nod, the city guard granted them permission to exit through the city gate.

"So... where's the hunting field we're going to?" Darryl asked, his expression showing confusion as he rubbed his temples.

Kuber responded in a lowered voice, "Who said we're heading to a hunting field?"

Darryl's eyes widened as realization dawned on him. There was only one alternative to a hunting field for monster hunting—the dungeon. Since there were no labyrinths on the first floor, their only option was a dungeon.

"Wait, are you serious? I don't think it's a good idea to raid a dungeon right now, especially with the slaves we just acquired," Darryl whispered, attracting curious glances from the nearby slaves who had been following at a distance.

"I know what you're concerned about, Darryl, but trust me and don't worry," Kuber reassured in a hushed tone.

Kuber's words might have sounded implausible, but Darryl was well aware that underestimating Kuber would be a mistake.

"Alright, I'll follow your lead," Darryl conceded.

Among the slaves, Aelina was the only one who seemed to have grasped their destination. Even though she hadn't heard their conversation, Darryl's shocked expression had revealed their plan.

After some time, they arrived in front of the dungeon. About 10 meters away from the entrance, a caravan was parked by the roadside, flanked by two guards in simple leather armor.

"What's happening over there, Darryl?"

"Those people are here to offer tributes to the Divine God of Elevation. But you won't be able to witness the ceremony from here; it takes place inside a cave about 10 minutes from this spot," Darryl explained.

Kuber tilted his head, casting a slightly suspicious gaze towards the caravan.

"Do you want to investigate?" Darryl asked.

"No, let's not bother. I'm not interested in any kind of deity," Kuber replied dismissively.

Upon reaching the dungeon's entrance, Kuber surveyed the area intently.

"Sir, would you like to purchase an aurablade? It's only 450 stone credits per blade."

"Ignore him and get a protection talisman from me. Each talisman is only 330 stone credits."

"If you're aiming for the final chamber, you'll need an exclusive map from me."

A cluster of vendors sought to promote their wares to those intending to enter the dungeon.

Kuber observed carefully, "Seems like quite a crowd here."

Kuber noted, observing that the individuals eager to enter the dungeon were well-equipped, unlike him and his slaves.

"Indeed, dungeons can be perilous even for those with awakened bloodlines," Darryl concurred, his gaze fixed on the mountain that stood before them—an entrance to the dungeon they were about to explore.

"Interesting how it's nestled within a mountain. I had expected something more like a vast crater or a massive cave," Kuber remarked, his demeanor surprisingly calm as they navigated through the bustling crowd.

Having sold off the Terragore mounts they'd ridden in on, both Kuber and Darryl appeared at ease.

The slaves, on the other hand, trailed behind Kuber and Darryl in silence, though an undercurrent of desperation to escape lingered within them.

"Is he for real? Bringing us to a place like this? Does he not comprehend what kind of danger dungeons hold? Besides, we don't even need to clear a dungeon to advance to the next floor," Kael, one of the elven triplets, muttered. His dissatisfaction was palpable, given the prospect of entering a dungeon unprepared was far from ideal.

"Kael, you're absolutely right. I'm starting to doubt Kuber's sanity," Elden, Kael's brother, chimed in, his irritation evident.

Annoyed by their ongoing chatter, Aelina furrowed her brows and snapped at them, "Could you two please shut up? I'm in no mood to endure your incessant gossip."

Aelina's angry retort silenced the triplets, their expressions subdued as they dared not utter another word.

Meanwhile, Kuber and Darryl stood by a stall, engaged in conversation with a vendor.

"Esteemed customer, I offer a basic map for a mere 200 stone credits, or an exclusive one with comprehensive details for just 1 iron credit. Which one suits your needs?"

The vendor's warm smile accompanied his sales pitch.

"I'll take the exclusive map, and I'm willing to pay 900 stone credits for it. Does that work?" Kuber proposed to the vendor.

While the dimensional shop held a variety of weapons, elixirs, and assorted items, oddly enough, maps weren't part of the inventory, prompting Kuber to seek one from a local stall.

"Esteemed customer, you see... I also need to make a fair profit from selling these reasonably priced maps. Would you consider 950 stone credits for the exclusive map instead?" the vendor attempted to negotiate.

Kuber remained firm, replying, "No, I'm sticking with 900 stone credits or I'll take my business elsewhere."

"Alright, you've got it. Payment, please?" The vendor finally acquiesced.

Kuber cast a sidelong glance at Darryl once more, subtly indicating that he should handle the payment this time.

"Why does it always have to be me? At times, it feels like I'm your personal credit generator," Darryl muttered, rolling his eyes at Kuber's often unreasonable requests. Despite his annoyance, he reluctantly obliged and handed his credit coin over to the vendor.

Having completed the transaction, Kuber and Darryl departed the stall and arrived at the entrance where two massive gates loomed. Adjacent to the entrance, a cadre of guards collected entry fees.

"Entry for seven, please," Kuber informed the guard, once again handing over Darryl's credit coin. Darryl let out a sigh of resignation, his credits once more slipping from his grasp.

"Very well, you may proceed into the dungeon," the guard confirmed, granting them access.

With a nod, Kuber and Darryl entered the dungeon, followed less enthusiastically by the slaves, their uncertainty palpable.

As Kuber advanced into the dungeon, a sense of bewilderment washed over him. "How did I end up in this situation again?" he pondered, grappling to comprehend the unfolding events before him.

In his current state, Kuber existed as a soul form, enveloped in darkness that obscured his surroundings, rendering him devoid of sight and sensation. This situation mirrored his previous experience when he entered a dark realm after completing a trial.

'What's going on? Why is my voice... different?' His attempts to communicate were met with the same speechless, disconnected state he had encountered before.

Amid his perplexity, a hazy figure began to manifest before him. This indistinct form defied categorization as human or creature; it was an entirely novel presence, unlike anything Kuber had encountered before.