
The Tower Merchant is too devious

Kuber Walton, stripped of his wealth and branded as a 'traitor's son,' faces a desperate choice: flee his homeland or face dire consequences. However, destiny takes an unexpected turn. ————— [You have been summoned to the Dimensional Tower] [Accept] [Reject] ————— Kuber's decision leads him into a fractured realm divided among the Neutral, Holy, and Demonic Factions. In this world of chaos, he finds himself wielding the unique power of the 'Tower Merchant' class. This power enables him to procure anything from different towers and dimensions. Join Kuber in his adventures, marked by cunning schemes and thrilling action. As he navigates this treacherous landscape, his ultimate goal becomes clear: "Young master, do you aspire to become the wealthiest being in the world?" Alvin Lewis inquired, his gaze filled with curiosity. Kuber, sipping tea as he surveyed a distant heavenly city, replied, "Why, you ask? To purchase this very world." ————— #Manipulative mc #Action #Romance #No harem #Vampire #Non-human protagonist ————— If you like the content, then please support the author with gifts or reviews.

Cryo_Knight · ファンタジー
75 Chs

Choosing Class and Bloodline in the Dimensional Tower

All three choices seemed appealing, but Kuber ultimately decided to embrace the path of a Vampire.


[You have selected the Vampire race]

[You will be granted the traits and appearance of a Vampire]


Vampires, the undead beings, and blood devourers presented the most enticing option, primarily due to their near-immortality. Though they were reliant on blood for sustenance, Kuber deemed this a more preferable path compared to becoming a knight or relying on moonlight all the time.

"I hope this decision won't let me down in the future. Being a Vampire Lord isn't so bad after all," Kuber thought, feeling confident that he had made the right choice.

However, just when he thought the questioning was over, an entirely new and unexpected query materialized before him out of thin air.


[You have been granted permission to select your Vampire bloodline]

[Drakonis Bloodline]

[Lilithian Bloodline]

[Nosfera Ancients Bloodline]

[Ambrosian Progenitors Bloodline]

[Erebosian Bloodline]

[Valkyrian Twilight Bloodline]

[Mithraic Moonlit Bloodline]

[Anankian Frostkeepers Bloodline]

[Osirian Eternals Bloodline]


Among the unique options for bloodlines, Kuber found three that caught his attention:


[Nosfera Ancients Bloodline] – The oldest and most respected bloodline, with the power to command darkness and possess ageless wisdom.

[Ambrosian Progenitors Bloodline] – Rumored to have been fed on by gods, they possess celestial abilities such as healing and temporary invincibility.

[Anankian Frostkeepers Bloodline] – Descending from a lineage of ancient timekeepers, they can manipulate time temporarily and wield frost to freeze their foes in suspended animation.


Facing yet another complex decision, Kuber now had to choose between the allure of darkness and wisdom, the blessings of healing and invincibility, and the mastery of time and ice.

'Quite a perplexing choice, indeed. This decision seems even more intricate than the race question. Well, after careful consideration, I believe I'll go with the Anankian Frostkeepers Bloodline. The power of time is not to be underestimated; even a second's delay can cost one's life.'


[You have selected Anankian Frostkeepers Bloodline]


'Finally, that concludes the long series of questions. It felt more stressful than even interviews.'


[Player has to pick a class for themselves]



[Eternal Dreadknight]

[Bloodfire Pyromancer]

[Frostbound Revenant]

[Vampire Enchanter]


[Blood Mage]


[Tower Merchant]

[Fey Enchanter]

[Sentinel Guardian]

[Arcane Artificer]



'This just keeps getting more complicated. How am I supposed to choose from this vast array? There are at least around 80-100 options. I guess I'll start by examining these two first.'

Selecting a single class from a multitude of options proved to be an arduous task for Kuber. After carefully reading the descriptions of all the classes, two of them particularly caught his attention.


[Soulreaper] – The Soulreapers are enigmatic and feared figures, dark vampires who have delved into the forbidden arts of soul manipulation and death magic. They possess an insatiable hunger for the essence of life—the souls of the living. Unlike other vampires who sustain themselves with blood, Soulreapers draw their power from the consumption of souls, feeding on the very life force of their victims.

[Tower Merchant] – The Tower Merchant is a class specializing in interdimensional trade and resource management within the multi-dimensional tower. They can travel between conquered tower floors, exploring new dimensions and revisiting previous ones. With their unique dimensional shop, they facilitate trade and communication with adventurers from various dimensions. Tower merchants can also summon employees or subordinates from other dimensions or towers.


'Oh!... I see, what the fu#k does that mean? Am I supposed to choose a fighter class or a management one?'

Kuber found himself in a conundrum: should he choose a fighter class or a management-oriented one? The decision felt as perplexing as ever, with an overwhelming array of 100 class options.

As he examined the [Tower Merchant] class more closely, Kuber began to see its incredible potential. The ability to travel between conquered tower floors and conduct trade with other dimensions seemed awe-inspiring. In a moment of clarity, he decided to take a leap of faith and embrace the Tower Merchant as his new class.


[Player has selected Tower Merchant as your new class]

[Please be patient and prepare yourself to travel into the realm of Dimensional Tower]


Kuber felt relieved after receiving the message, knowing he wouldn't have to make any more decisions.

'Finally, I can get out of this place.'

His spiritual body started to disappear, much like it did after the trial ended. The sensation of traveling between dimensions engulfed him as his vision blurred and faded away.

'Whatever kind of place I am going to, I can do nothing but pray for a better world on the other side.'

Moments later, Kuber regained his senses. He pinched his arm, seeking the sensation of pain, and slowly opened his eyes.

'What kind of place is this now? After going through that hell, nothing surprises me anymore.'

As his eyes adjusted, he found himself floating in a vast, white room, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people dressed in normal hospital-type clothes.

Among the crowd, some were slowly gaining consciousness and being attended to by men clad in ancient soldier uniforms, reminiscent of fantasy storybooks.

"Another one of the newbies has awakened here, healer. He is here in batch number 1359."

A man, donning black armor and carrying a sword at his waist, pointed toward Kuber as he called out to someone.

'From what the man said, he must be calling a doctor or healer. But, what does he mean by batch 1359? Wasn't that creature called Calypso with the same number in its name?'

Kuber remained suspended in the air, lost in his thoughts, as a woman dressed like a traditional priest approached him. She started whispering softly, seemingly in prayer while on her knees. After a while, she stopped praying and stood up, extending her hand toward Kuber.

"Don't worry, child. I have prayed to the gods and released your soul from any karmic chains that bound you in the past world. You can come down now," she said with a sweet and melodious tone, almost like a goddess.

Her words appeared to be both comforting and commanding, urging him to descend from his floating state. However, it was something Kuber couldn't control.

"Huh... what's happening? I'm feeling a strange sensation in my body."

With a swift motion of her hand, Kuber began to descend slowly. As he touched the floor, the priestess gently grasped his hand and caressed it. A warm sensation flowed through his body as a golden light emanated from the priestess's hand, entering him.

"I have healed all the side effects that your body might have experienced after traveling through two dimensions, child. With this, you should be fine to enter the new world."

The priestess's hands were warm and gentle, and her face held an aura of grace. For a moment, Kuber found himself enchanted by her presence.

"Thank you. I will repay the favor someday," Kuber expressed his gratitude.

The priestess chuckled, not taking his comment as an insult, but rather delighted to see someone willing to repay her efforts. "You don't have to worry about that, child. I know what my duty is, and I don't seek any payment for providing assistance to others. Please follow this person and enter the new world."

The priestess pointed towards the man who had noticed Kuber earlier, signaling for him to follow. Without hesitation, Kuber obeyed and followed the man, who walked forward without uttering a word.