
The Tourmaline and the Rose

Ellor has always been hidden, whether it was from diseases so he should not die as his infant siblings did, or modern novels. Having raided the royal palace that sits in the east of the country of Anima per his father's request as a child, he now holds immense power, which everyone wants. This story follows the first fourteen years of King Ellor's reign, his struggle for power under his controlling father's hand, and his unforeseen similarity to the very man he despises most. Marrianne has known Ellor since before his leg was shot in the war for the crown, she has seen him cry and she has seen joy light up in his eyes. To some, it almost seems that she loves him. She is his tutor's daughter, though, and carries no royal blood to pass on, so that love will never be anything but fantasy. After her family sends her away to a boarding school, she returns to the palace in Anima and receives a shock, the King is to be engaged. Set against the backdrop of a corrupted court in the 19th century, The Tourmaline and the Rose is just the beginning of an everlasting legacy of love, hatred, revenge, and division that is the Animan Royal Family. What secrets does Ellor hold? Will Marrianne's fate ever be sealed? Who is this mysterious fiancé who seems more legend than a girl? Read and have some of these questions answered.

Sophie_Clark_4578 · 歴史
10 Chs

Chapter 5 Leoria

"Darling, we have guests, are you changed?" Leoria's mother calls from downstairs. Leoria has only just begun lacing her corset, and her mother thinks she's done dressing?

"I'll be right there, mother!" she calls, hurrying to sit down so that her maid can dress her hair. "Simple, simple, simple," she says, patting a whisper of rouge on her lips. No one will see the color, for her mother would claw down with her spiny hands and command her to wash her face. Her mother is always saying this and that about "vain women" and how "silly" they are. Leoria has never really thought about fashionable ladies, other than when she thinks of her mother's sentiments. The dress her mother chose for today clings to Leoria like spiderwebs and looks like it's over a century old, with back pleating and elbow length sleeves to match. She looks like she's walked out of an 18th century parade, with a slim crinoline underneath her skirt making the only difference. Besides the horrendously made curtain gown her mother chose, Leoria drapes a shawl over her shoulders to cover it.

"We're inside, dear, take that shawl off," mother commands as Leoria makes her way down the stairs to the sitting room. Leoria grumbles and hands the shawl to a hall boy before racing to the other side of the sitting room to meet the Cronies.

"You must be Duchess Leoria, it's a pleasure to meet you," Lady Cronies greets. The elder Cronies woman has a kind, warm face and golden hair which she's coiled in the most unique way. Leoria nods, shaking her hand and sitting on the seat next to her.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the famous Cronies, his majesty speaks of nothing but you," Leoria says, taking a bite of a lemon bar the butler must have left on the coffee table hours ago. As she bites down, her taste buds cry with instant regret, and she chokes it down with repulsion.

"Ooh! I haven't had lemon bars in ages, I'll have one," the younger Lady Cronies smiles and takes a bite, as both Leoria and her mother cry out simultaneously,

"No!" But it is too late, for Lady Cronies has already gone through the torture that is stale lemon bars. Lord Cronies' laugh caws from the chess table he's sitting at with the youngest Cronies daughter.

"What spiteful humor you have, love," Lady Cronies says in a sweet, yet still grumbly tone. Leoria giggles to that, gulping down a huge swaff of tea to wash down the horrendous aroma of the lemon bars. Although, she straightens her posture and face when she spots her mother staring daggers at her. A grandfather clock ticks, the only thing making noise in the room besides the soft movements of chess pieces.

"I hear you're engaged, Lady Cronies," Leoria says to break the silence. Lady Cronies smiles and nods, but doesn't respond, just staring at her hands, at her ring in particular.

"Leoria is dearly familiar with his majesty, I heard that younger Lady Cronies was too, was she not?" Leoria's mother asks between sips of tea.

"Yes, he and she were actua-" the elder Lady Cronies began.

"Mere acquaintances for a very short time, that's all," Marrianne Cronies interrupts with a sense of urgency. "Just acquaintances," she finishes.

"Would anyone like to venture into this nice spring air?" Leoria asks. She's desperate to get out of the stuffy, frozen air that the house brings.

"I don't like the out of doors, I'm afraid I'll catch hay fever with all the flowers out," the elder Lady Cronies replies before walking up the stairs to her room.

"I'd love to go outside, but I'm afraid your father needs someone to stay with him, dearest," her mother says. She then also heads upstairs to Leoria's father's sick room. Her father had been better for a time, but the spring brought up all of his illnesses back. Leoria searched the room, pleading with her eyes for someone to walk with her. Lord Cronies and the youngest Lady Cronies said they would like to continue their game, and the two younger Cronies boys said they would come only if their older sister did.

"Well-I," Lady Marrianne began. She stares at her brothers with golden eyes, her mane of red hair has been combed and styled similarly to her mother's, and she picks at a pin at the back of her head before speaking. "Well, I–alright, I'll come."