
The Tomboy who captured the CEO’s heart

A romance story between a handsome, cold CEO and a tomboy. Story contains mature content as it progresses. Logan Adams, CEO and heir to the Adams Enterprise falls in love with Mia Montoya, a half Spanish/half American tomboy with a mafia father, who turns his sad life into an interesting one. Logan was heart broken for years and didn't think he will fall in love again after Selena left him at the alter, until Mia came along. He asks Mia to sign a contract to be his girlfriend and get paid just so that he avoids going back to Selena but Mua falls for him in the process. Even when he acknowledges he has feelings for Mia, he decides not to be with her for fear of hurting her because he still had strong feelings for his ex-lover, Selena. There are many obstacles in the way of their love like; Logan's former lover Selena who is hell bent on destroying his life, the mistakes of both his mother and father haunting him, their age difference, Logan is six gears older than Mia as well as their status differences. Things get heated when Logan cheats on Mia with Selena. Mia flees the country from the deep hurt and later on discovers she's pregnant for Logan. She decided to keep the baby away from Lagan and especially Selena but fate has other plans for them. Are they meant to be?…

Thee_Prax · 若者
27 Chs

Chapter 21: Mysterious Lady


'Tell me the truth, how was it?' Sophia nudged and asked me on our way to the hospital to see mum.

'How was what?' I asked her

'How was love making with Logan?' she blurted.

'We were both sedated Sophia so I could not remember most of the things that transpired last night' I said

'You couldn't recall most of the things. This means you do remember some details' she said

'Can you just focus on the road?. I don't want to become another patient' I warned Sophia

'Geez. I was only trying to make a conversation with you' she said

'I know and I'm sorry. Just that I feel like I went overboard with Logan today. He might not talk to me anymore' I said

'He will. You guys have this boyfriend/girlfriend game thing going on so you are bound to talk and see each other even if you guys don't want to' Sophia said to me but I just sighed, I was as drained.

'You think so?' I asked her

'Yeah' she responded

'You are sounding like you love him, because if you didn't, you won't care if you hurt his feelings or not. No, scratch that, you love him. I mean who wouldn't, he's a handsome man and has got the money' Sophia spoke

'He's a jerk sometimes, you just haven't seen that side of him yet' I told her

'We all act like jerks at some points in our lives but that doesn't make us bad people' she said

'You are saying so because he's handsome' I laughed at her

'No, that's not it' she laughed as well

'Sometimes he acts like he cares, sometimes he's mean to the core. He confuses me a lot. I'll just do my job since he already paid.' I said and took out a cigarette but after thinking about Logan, I threw it out the window.

'What?' I asked Sophia so had suddenly turned white

'Did you just fight the urge to not smoke before my own eyes Mia Montoya?' she asked

'Yeah. Someone told me smoking isn't good for my health' I told her

'See, that's what I have always been telling you Besty' she said

'That someone is Logan' I burst her bubble

'How is this fair?. I have been telling and begging you to stop smoking and now you listen to Logan whom you just met instead of me?' she cried desperately

'You were all bark and no bite. You never seized any of my cigarettes, you just talked non stop' I smiled and stretched my hands to tickle her sides

'Stop doing that, I'm driving Mia' she tried to talk but more giggles came out than words.

'Alright' I said

I sent an arm out through the window to feel the wind, it was nice.

Maybe I was just being paranoid for no reason. I mean between Logan and I, he had more to lose than me if any information about the incident at the hotel got out.

We soon reached the hospital premises and I rushed inside.

Mum was awake when I got there, she was talking with Connor.

'Mum' I called and moved to hug her

'Sweetheart, how are you doing?' she asked me

'I'm fine mum' I told her

'How did the party go?' she asked again

'It was great mum' I lies to her

'And the launch was a success' I added, I didn't lie this time around

'I'm proud of you baby' she told me

'Thank you mum' I thanked her

'What of your boyfriend, where's Logan?, I don't see him following behind you?' she asked me

'Mum he's fine. He had something to do so he couldn't come' I told mum

'Ohhh! That's bad. I wanted to see him' she said

'How do you feel about the surgery tomorrow?' I asked my mum

'I'll be fine. I will make it through, I still have you and Connor' she laughed

'Yes, you have us. So you better come back to us ok' I told her

'Yes baby' she answered

'I will be here through every step' I told mum but then my thoughts went to Logan. He had made a similar statement to me but I succeeded in driving him away.

Henry said he will come too. I will be fine with Connor, Sophia and Henry, I tried to convince myself.



Few minutes after I reached home, Hector joined me.

'I know what you want to tell me. I looked into a few things as soon as Kevin called me before coming here' he said

'That's good. So what do you have?' I asked him

'Someone spiked your drink at the party as well as Mia's drink. It was a lady, but it seems she knew her way around the hotel because we spotted her on several places in the hotel that night' Hector said

'So why don't you have her then?' I asked impatiently

'She was spotted six different times. She was backing the camera in all the scenes' he explained

'She is good' I said nodding my head and Hector did same in agreement

'You have to find her and her accomplices. We need to know what they are up to' I insisted

'Yes sir' he answered

'Sir there's something you should see' he said

'What is that?' I asked him

He showed me of the CCTV footage from last night

'That's Mia, do you know who that lady is?' he asked me

'That is Olivia. Olivia and Mia are both doing their school work at the company' I told him

'Ohhhh I see. Just keep watching' he said

'Why is she winking at the waiter like that?' I asked Hector

'That's the first thing that caught my attention' Hector added

I watched Olivia and Mia as they talked. She took a drink from the waiter she was winking at and gave Mia.

Mia downed every last drop of her drink and started acting funny on the footage.

She went to the bathroom and Olivia, who had left before, followed her this time.

She took Mia to a room, the same room I ended up in.

'Show me the clip where she took me to the room' I ordered Hector and he nodded

'There, stop there. You see, she didn't want me in that room because she already had Mia there' I said

'So you weren't the target, Mia was' he said and looked at me

'But why?' I asked him

'How would I know?' He asked me

'Maybe they had a fight or something' I said

'But why drug her then bring her to a room. Unless she was planning something bad for Mia' I added again

'There was another person that was drugged apart from you and Mia' Hector said, causing me to gasp.

My hands trembled in anger.

'Henry, that's his name' he said

'Henry?' I asked surprised

'You know him?' Hector asked me

'He's one of the students at the company too' I answered

'So this Olivia girl's target was Mia. It's clear she wanted someone else in that room with Mia not you. However, you are the target of the lady who covered her identity throughout your party' Hector said and it all tried to make sense.

'Find that lady Hector. I will take care of Olivia at work' I told him

'I wish I could come to the office tomorrow and see for myself how you will handle this' Hector looked thrilled

'Not tomorrow. Nothing is happening tomorrow' I said

'But why, you need to handle it right away' Hector said

'I need to be with Mia. Her mother's surgery is tomorrow' I said without thinking how it sounds

'I thought she was your fake girlfriend' he said perplexed

'Yes, so?' I asked

'I can't believe this' Hector lamented

'What can't you believe?' I asked

'That you are in love with her. Your taste is expensive' he laughed so hard that it annoyed me

'I think it's time for you to leave, you are always talking nonsense' I said

'She's way younger than you are, about six years younger, yeah?' He asked

'Hector!' I warned

'She dresses like that, I heard she smokes too' he added and laughed

'Hector, I'm still your boss. Do you want me to fire you?' I frowned

'You can't, I have been very competent' he said

What a proud man.

'Boss, I also know she's pretty, she's smart, she's strong, she loves family. Wait, did you see her dress at the party?' He asked me

I dragged him out of the house.

'Go away. You have work to do' I ordered

Someone knocked on the door again.

'Boss, there's something you need to see' Hector said from outside

'What now Hector?' I asked him as he pushed past me to enter the house

'The mysterious lady, boss. She has a tattoo, take a look' he said

'Let me see' I asked him to show me

'Stop there, zoom it' I said

'I know that tattoo' I said

'Are you sure boss?' he asked me

'Selena' I said