
The Timekeeper's Legacy: A Mother's Time-Traveling Tale

I gazed upon the horrific scene before me, my heart sinking as I took in the sight of Michael's lifeless body, crumpled amidst a pool of crimson. Emily and Jack, still trapped in a nearby cage, wailed and shrieked, their innocent eyes transfixed on this nightmarish tableau. Robert, restrained against the wall, wept openly, his naked torso marred by the seeping wounds that mirrored his anguish. With tear-filled eyes, he bellowed, "No!" and directed his desperate gaze downward, locking eyes with me. "It's just you and me now, Isabel," I whispered, my voice a mere tremor in the air. Months of relentless torment and suffering had transformed me into a person unrecognisable even to myself. Anger coursed through my veins, fuelled by the physical agony I endured and the emotional anguish inflicted upon my family for no justifiable cause. These myriad pains melded into an insatiable rage, unyielding and unquenchable. And before me stood the woman responsible, her posture radiating a sense of smug satisfaction. "That's it, Isabel! I've endured enough!" I bellowed at her, my voice reverberating with defiance. Her obsidian eyes widened, a chilling smile stretching across her pallid face, reveling in her perceived triumph.

Max_McCann · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Blast from the past

So this is how it is all going to end...

I gazed upon the horrific scene before me, my heart sinking as I took in the sight of Michael's lifeless body, crumpled amidst a pool of crimson. Emily and Jack, still trapped in a nearby cage, wailed and shrieked, their innocent eyes transfixed on this nightmarish tableau. Robert, restrained against the wall, wept openly, his naked torso marred by the seeping wounds that mirrored his anguish. With tear-filled eyes, he bellowed, "No!" and directed his desperate gaze downward, locking eyes with me.

"It's just you and me now, Isabel," I whispered, my voice a mere tremor in the air. Months of relentless torment and suffering had transformed me into a person unrecognisable even to myself. Anger coursed through my veins, fuelled by the physical agony I endured and the emotional anguish inflicted upon my family for no justifiable cause. These myriad pains melded into an insatiable rage, unyielding and unquenchable. And before me stood the woman responsible, her posture radiating a sense of smug satisfaction.

"That's it, Isabel! I've endured enough!" I bellowed at her, my voice reverberating with defiance. Her obsidian eyes widened, a chilling smile stretching across her pallid face, reveling in her perceived triumph.

"I had hoped you would finally muster the courage to fight," she sneered, her voice dripping with malice. "I was once concerned about the repercussions of killing you, but now... It won't alter the course of history in the slightest. So, don't delude yourself into thinking I'll show any mercy! I'll relish severing your head from your body!"

"You talk too much," I whispered under my breath, my words laced with determination. In one swift motion, I flung my knife towards her, watching as it found its mark, sinking deep into her thigh.

"You insane little..." she cried out in agony, hastily extracting the embedded blade, blood gushing from the wound. Oblivious to her own injury, consumed by a surge of rage, she charged toward me, brandishing the knife, emitting a feral howl of pure hatred.

She appeared deranged, a vision of madness. Her coal-black eyes were rimmed with red, a cocktail of anger, pain, and exhaustion. Her once lustrous raven curls were disheveled, transforming her from a futuristic warrior princess into a savage creature from a forgotten era.

This was it. How had I envisioned this confrontation ending? My final weapon had been hurled, the knife I had acquired from Michael. It seemed all my efforts were in vain... and now, I would meet my demise at her hands, impaled by my own blade. But if this was to be my fate, I refused to go down without a fight. No longer the sacrificial lamb I once was, I rose to my feet, meeting her charging assault head-on, bellowing my own battle cry in response.

As I sprinted towards Isabel, a torrent of memories flooded my mind. The adventure, every twist and turn, flashed before my eyes. That last morning, the precious moments spent with my family... everything that had led to this very moment...