
The time when me and my family went to other world

Our main character is obliterated by God, but he is also given another chance in another world with different deities, climbing up the ladder for his growing family and struggling with new challenges every day, let's see how far he goes all the way from the bottom!

Miugui · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Preparations for a Stampede

It was morning again, I feel in top condition to work everything out today! I got up with my wife and, while she is making breakfast, I bring the pups to the fields outside so I can water the crops.

It seems that no crop has dried out or is dead, which makes me relieved, so I take my trusty bucket and fill it with some water on the river, the puppies keep pestering me, biting my ankles, stop this, little rascals!

About some half an hour, I finished watering all the crops, I already can see some green blooming from the seeds I sow, which made very happy. The crops were already blooming green sprouts, they should be ready in one week, when they were just right for harvest they would emit a small glow, as if the morning dew was showered with sun rays diffusing light in other direction creating some kind of halo on them.

But it would still take one week... I hope it at least is before the Stampede would happen.

Thinking about this, I went back to the house, followed by a bunch of playful puppies, which were growing quite fast.

Breakfast was ready and served on the table and I went towards a chair, sitting on it and this time we had some meat with some grains which looked like wheat... This world food is really weird.

I was waiting my wife to sit with me to ask about the breakfast.

"Hey, beautiful, what does this taste like today?" I asked her since I was worried.

"It is some dry food, which you mix with water to make an amazing soup or eat it as is, only if you do it that way, you will need a bunch of water to drink." she said while giving a soft smile, since she knew I was a little scared today.

"Let's try dry and as soup." I said looking at the beef and wheat like substance.

I take in a mouthful of the wheat and it tastes like an assortment of pumpkins, tomatoes and carrots, but it suddenly absorbed a bunch of saliva and water from my mouth, making me feel as if I just crossed a desert without any water on me, really dreadful, I had to drink to cups of water to make me feel better. I reached towards the beef really carefully, since the meat could have the same effect, but to my surprise it was easily dissolving in my mouth, the fat between the muscles felt like a drizzle of oil and the meat was very soft from such spacing between the fibers, it was wonderfully tasty.

So I tried mixing the hot water wheat and beef, every one of these ingredients mixed and formed a goldish-brown soup, which looked like beef stock, but have a spice taste with a small tinge of sweet at the end of it, really amazing how the taste changed from the isolated ingredients to the composition of all of them, I kind of like the ingredients by themselves more, than the soup, so I kept eating it whole and drinking water to make up for it.

"Wow, it really is amazing what you have done with these dishes, honey, they taste amazing." I said beaming with smiles.

"Thank you, hubby, hehehe" she giggled so alluringly that I wanted to eat her instead.

We finished breakfast and gave a little bit of the meat to those little fellas waiting under the table... They look more and more like farm dogs, instead of mutated wolves. Is that fine?

Nevermind this, after cleaning ourselves with a damp cloth and brushing our teeth, we went. towards our ways, I went towards the Smithy and she towards the Atelier.

I knocked on the door and I meet Ti'oh opening it for me, I greet him good morning.

"Good morning, Ti'oh!' I said while bowing my head.

"Good morning, lazy Ta, go inside, because Dohvan wants to work with that Indigo Steel of yours, since he used it all yesterday." Ti'oh said while looking at me "I will also teach you a striking method with blunt weapons for Ki Tempering, while you are there, so don't try and kill yourself while I am not looking."

"Hahaha... Yes, Ti'oh..." I said feeling a little depressed about being scolded.

We went directly inside, right after I opened the Smithy door I felt the same wave of heat as before yesterday, it seems as if I never left this heat scorching place, feels comfy even tough is blazing hot inside, must be my mutated Nucleus that resembles this Flame now.

"Ti'oh, what Ki Tempering Method are you teaching me now? I kind of was using the Asura Forma of the Sword with the hammer, without kicking as I strike the metal." I said explaining what I did before.

"Not bad, but that is dangerous, now you are going to follow my movements and breathing, since you are good with the sword variant, this Ki Method is probably better for you to use, since I don't know the whole Asura Forma to teach you everything, but this Method I know it thoroughly, since it is the one passed down on our family." he said while looking at me.

"Our...?" I asked confused, staring at Grandpa and Ti'oh, not understanding what was happening.

"Well, this was a secret for after, you lad, had made it through your first month here, but we could observe the amount of hard work you are doing towards us, the village and this family even though we can't give you full support on everything." Grandpa said while scratching his neck "And you have a heart of gold, we saw that too, foolish lad."

"Welcome to the family, brat, to me you will be the same lazy Ta, but now it is time for you to inherit the family Ki Tempering Method, it specializes in weapons, I will teach you the hammer method now, it is called 'Presas de Lycanrir' treasure it deeply and never show it to outsiders, since the secret is in the breathing, not just the moveset." Ti'oh said with a blazing smile on his face, I also felt like the blaze in my soul was suddenly ablaze.

"TYRYA! TI'OH!" I responded excited to receive such a great gift from amazing teachers.

The movements for the hammer method composed of drawing a deep five seconds breath with the diaphragm, while lifting the hammer reading for a strike, and striking while letting go the air through the compression of the ribcage as quickly as possible, the same breathing is used and the strike can be used from any of the nine directions, just not from a wide sweeping a attack or a continuous strike movement, it was best used as a counter techniques or as a surprise attack, although explaining seems very easy to do so, the actual execution of the breathing exercises demanded a huge concentration, so I didn't expel the air through the same way the air came in, it took me half an hour to being able to start doing it, the second move used the opposite, you had to breath in through the ribcage and breath out using the diaphragm, striking on any of the nine directions.

The only problem for this technique on a fight was the long pause between the strikes, which would leave you wide open, but the amount of strength between them was amazing, the iron which I had to hit for ten times without using this method now I only had to hit it for two or three times to get the same effect.

Ti'oh explained that after using it and practicing it you would be able to reach the peak breathing in the same amount of time as someone breathing normally, about one second.

Looking at Ti'oh I also begged to be taught the sword method if there was any difference between those.

He said that the sword method required absolute body control and was the hardest to master, since the breathing you needed was to make your body to be breathing in and out all the time, whatever that means.

For now, let's work on making this Indigo Steel and keep making some more weapons, the pile of pig iron has been restocked for today, it is even bigger than before I think.

I started heating everything on the forge with some coal and used the bellows to pump some air inside it, so we can make a low carbon content steel, just as Grandpa taught me.

First, batch is ready for striking, so I took my stance breathing for the five seconds to fill my whole lungs with air and the weird of my diaphragm combined with the ribcage pulled in a whole bunch of Ki, so I rapidly descended my arm on a mighty strike, forcing my Nucleus to refine the Ki, tempering itself with it.

We went on through the whole morning refining the whole steel, it came out of the forge with the same blue hue from before, the only problem is that the pile we used had so many impurities that when we finished the work it only had a third of the size from the initial pile.

Ti'oh kept correcting me through the whole process adjusting my breathing method, I almost feel like I can breath in through one of my lungs, while breathing out with the other, it was really hard, this practice.

We had a pause for lunch, which Nordya came to the Granny's house and we had a wonderful lunch with everyone, listening to Granny complaining towards Grandpa and Ti'oh about keeping me on the forge, which made me laugh and say it was actually my fault, since I asked them, because at the time we finally developed an amazing synergy, plus the steel could not be left as is, since it would react to air and rust everything.


She knocked on my head as if it was a door, it hurt hard, everyone started laughing hard at the table which made her hit Grandpa and Ti'oh too. Sorry...

We finished and I helped Granny and Nordya to bring the plates back to the kitchen, then I looked at the knife on the shelf for a reference of what to do for some time, after this I went towards the forge again and started making single bladed knife to try and copy the design I saw there, a thin edge and a small tang.

We kept working until it was afternoon tea time, luckily I was able to make one thin edge knife with the Indigo Steel that received approval.

While we were having the afternoon tea, Ms. Agnes came to the house, delivering the sword and it's scabbard.

"Here, little lad, take good care of it" she said while throwing both at me, I catch it and thank her for the job, it goes inside easily and is very comfortable to put on belt, I didn't quite feel it weighting on me, so I must be getting stronger.

"Thanks, Ms. Agnes l, for the scabbard" I said.

"Hahaha, it is your commission for all that timber you felled, I removed the furniture from your debt and added this as a bonus, don't worry, just fetch me some more timber tomorrow since we are in need of it, our stock of timber is low right now" she said while leaving the door.

"Okay, I will!" I said while waving goodbye to her.

My wife looked at the sword, looked at me, ganked a little.

"Yo-yo-you are using that!?" she exclaimed clearly worried.

"Yes, it is just really hefty." I said while smiling at her.

She was speechless and me, Grandpa and Ti'oh laughed hard this time, while Granny just giggled a little.

After that we finished having the afternoon snacks and went on towards the preparation for the stampede.

With the experience from working on the first knife I finished the whole process for the second one quite quickly, I gave them to Ti'oh for him to try out.

"They are balanced and serve really good for cutting, yeah, I liked these" he said while holding them on his hand and finally putting them away, with this finishing my part on arming with blades for the Stampede with the new steel, now all that is left is for me to make some armor, fences and maybe some barricades for the Outpost.

"Grandpa, I know that is still a lot for us to do, but can I go fell some trees for Ms. Agnes, since she is low on wood and she might need it soon?" I asked him.

"Yes, tomorrow you can go there for the day, put we still need to make armor for everybody, including you." he said while looking at seriously.

"Yes, sir! You can leave it to me." I said smiling, but blacksmithing is really hard.

"All right, after this, lazy Ta, we will have some training ourselves, with sparring with your new sword, as well as hunting" Ti'oh smiled at me and we went towards dinner, Nordya was helping Granny make supper, while me, Grandpa and Ti'oh discussed best shape for a knife.

They came in carrying the supper, which was some tasty white meat, had some spiciness and kind of salty, with a small acidic taste in the beginning.

It was really good...

Ti'oh grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and dragged me for sparring, since I wouldn't always have a shield he was determined to teach me how to use just the sword, so I grabbed the swords with my two hands and waited for him to start the fight.

"Now, before anything I will also teach a way to maximize the Eruption technique you used since is just the basics of the basics, this time you shall use the breathing for the tempering in rapid bursts and force the Ki outside as if you are dealing many rapid strikes with your Ki, instead of your body against your foe, just try it first and then you will understand." He said while gazing at me.

So I started taking rapid breaths and making the Ki inside spike and as I strike suddenly claw likes Indigo Flames erupt from my sword, leaving a deep gash on the ground.

I looked at Ti'oh incredulous of what just happened, he just smiled and made a motion to start battling against him.

We clashed the early night about one hour, it was amazing using the trick Ti'oh taught me, but I couldn't use as much as he did or as strongly employed, but I could stand my ground against him. After getting beat up for a little less than usual we went to find some big game this time, we went towards the Zebra Bizon it was a giant striped with black and white bison, it is really huge, but has a nice fatty meat and the leather is really useful as is its hide.

We went towards the east behind the river and found a big plains in which there was a bunch of them grazing and close to the forest there were two nearing our bush, lucky us!

We positioned ourselves as a way to cut both of their necks, Ti'oh counted with his fingers for me when it closed on a fist we would jump at them.

Swiftly the surprise attack made us able to cut deep into their necks, making blood gurgle out.

They tried to hit each of us, I position the sword in front of me, to defend the horn tackle, it held out quite nicely, Ti'oh just straight avoided the blow.

After something like ten seconds they stumbled down on the earth, we looked at the others, since there wasn't any movement for now we each took one of the Zebra Bizon and went towards the village again, it was still evening, so I convinced my wife to go to the church and take a look at our status slate, the puppies insisted on coming too this time.



Race Tiefling

Lv 58


Amateur Blacksmith Lv 1->5

Amateur Farmer Lv. 1

Apprentice Physician Lv 2

Amateur Warrior Lv 2->8

Amateur Lumberjack Lv 1

Skill of Trade

Beginner Smelting Lv 1->Amateur Smelting Lv 1

Amateur Woodcutting Lv 1

Begginer Examination Lv 2->9

Ki Tempering

Asura Forma: Dezoito Golpes de Mortal e Espada do Demônio de Seis Braços (Strength Increase)

Presas de Lycanrir


Water Potential Lv 0->1

Earth Potential Lv 0->1

Fire Potential Lv 1


Companion Beasts Pact


Minor Blessing of Lucipher, God of Chaos

Minor Blessing of Moradin, God of Metal and Blacksmithing

Minor Blessing of Yggdrasil, Goddess of Earth and Farming

Minor Blessing of Shiva, Goddess of Water and Life

Minor Blessing of Asura, God War and Victory


Strength 23->33

Constitution 37->43

Intelligence 12

Wisdom 14->18

Agility 10

Dexterity 22

Luck 7

Charm 10



Race Wood-Elf

Lv 16->43


Apprentice Seamstress Lv 0->Amateur Seamstress Lv 5

Amateur Housewife Lv 4->8

Apprentice Alchemist Lv 1->4

Apprentice Leather Tanner Lv 5

Skill of Trade

Beginner Fast Hands Lv 3->Amateur Fast Hands Lv 4

Beginner Mixing Lv 2 ->Amateur Mixing Lv 1

Cleaning Lv 3 ->Cleaning Lv 5


Wind Potential Lv 0->1

Wood Potential Lv 0->1


Minor Blessing of Lucipher, God of Chaos

Minor Blessing of Hermes, God of Sky and Winds

Minor Blessing of Yggdrasil, Goddess of Earth and Farming

Minor Blessing of Dionisius, God of Parties and Brewing


Strength 9->14

Constitution 16->20

Intelligence 16->20

Wisdom 12->15

Agility 16

Dexterity 14->34

Luck 10

Charm 15



Beast Mutated Black Dog (Puppy)

Lv 10


Strength 5

Constitution 8

Intelligence 3

Wisdom 3

Agility 8

Dexterity 5

Luck 20

Charm 20



Beast Mutated Black Dog (Puppy)

Lv 10


Strength 8

Constitution 8

Intelligence 3

Wisdom 3

Agility 7

Dexterity 7

Luck 20

Charm 23



Beast Mutated Black Dog (Puppy)

Lv 10


Strength 8

Constitution 8

Intelligence 3

Wisdom 3

Agility 6

Dexterity 8

Luck 20

Charm 20