
The time when me and my family went to other world

Our main character is obliterated by God, but he is also given another chance in another world with different deities, climbing up the ladder for his growing family and struggling with new challenges every day, let's see how far he goes all the way from the bottom!

Miugui · ファンタジー
29 Chs


After a good time, something close to a minute of that hug, everyone started cheering loudly our survival, from that natural disaster, truly an amazing feat was done, luck also played it's part, but overall it was a strong preparation which allowed all of us to live, the only problem is where the dragon used its breath, there was a sign of some charred land forming, I even believe there is some molten material in the vicinity,

"Hey, stupid Ta, it is time to celebrate, not to keep gawking at a war field!" said Ti'oh.

As if a wake up call, I try to get up, only to be completely unfeeling on my legs and arms, the shock of being threatened by that huge mouth was still showing.

"Sorry, Ti'oh... I don't think I have any strength left for now..." I said with a small, tired voice "But I am truly happy to be alive, that I don't believe it."

On these ten days I learned a lot about the fauna in this world, from Ti'oh, of course, the one which he really pointed as a lost cause whatever you did against was an adult dragon with wings and any double color on their scales, which indicate their insanely high capabilities even so if it had vibrant and vivid colors, this one did, yet we are still alive and kicking.

So me not getting up, was normal after almost being killed as a plaything, truly wasn't the best way to go to the otherworld a second time.

My mind was really jumbled thinking random thoughts, maybe I should just rest. But there was going to be a festival really soon and I didn't sleep a restful respite these last days full of agitated situations popping up left and right.

"I think... I will... Just... From here..." I said broken down sentences to pass what I was thinking of doing.

My lovely and fearful wife also wasn't letting me move with the added weight from herself truly, breathing was still hard too.

Yeah, the best thing to just do was to stay still and enjoy this blessing which was been given upon ourselves, a third shot at life, I must never forget and cherish it with my loved ones for sure.

"Honey...?" I call for my lovely wife and still not born child right beside me.

"Thank the Gods... Thank you for being alive..." she was still weeping "Thanks for answering my prayers..."

"Honey... come here... let... me... see... you..." I said with gasping breath "Please...?"

"No! I am unsightly! I was crying! I am mess... You wouldn't want to see me so ugly like right now!" she shouted in my ears as if the dragon's roars weren't enough.

"I know that... I just... want.. to see... you..." I said while my mind was going fuzzy. Soo the energy to sit left me and now I was falling to my side, quite slowly at that, but I couldn't struggle against the motion.

As I finally hit the earth, a small noise proceed the impact and now my softly weeping wife stopped sobbing and turned me towards her, her face was a mess, her hair was Tangled in some knots in some places, others were messy and quite dirty, her eyes were full of tears and her nose was really runny with a ball of snot forming in the right cavity, she was so cute anyways that I felt relieved and started to smile, before everything started to dim.

"Cute..." I said before passing out from the exhaustion. It seems the time I spent at the forge, combined with me being the most active in the last battle put a huge strain on my body.

After what felt like a time for a gente nap I was once again awake in this truly wondrous and terrifying world, as soon as I take the surroundings in it was noticeable the laughter and bright lights still going outside, it seems as if the party is still going strong.

I could notice some weight on top of my stomach, so I must not be wearing any of my equipment since it dulled my senses somewhat.

It was a truly lovely and messy face as she was gently snoring. Such amazing different looks from how she used to be with the exception of her hair and eyes color, which still were black and a hazelnut tone. But still, her face still has the same beautiful features she had while sleeping.

I shook her lightly, trying to wake her up, but I couldn't muster any strength whatsoever in my fist to shake her, so I should just enjoy this blissful moment while I rest, so I close my eyes again, till this body become fully rested again.


Meanwhile, in the white room of Gods.

'It seems as if our pair of first candidates have survived what seems to be one of the heaviest test possible, the whims of a dragon of the highest order.' Lucipher spoke with an amused tone.

'The lad has a good head above his shoulders and luckily he wasn't an idiot to try and provoke a dragon while it was full awake with his puny and weak body' said Ashura showing acknowledgement for not fighting losing battles with an unknown factor.

'Luckily, our efforts on the child were not lost because of this whole endeavor" said Shiva whilst sighing from being relieved "We should at least properly reward the village for cleaning the horde of mutated beasts and repelling a semi awake dragon going bezerk on their vicinity and surviving without any casualties. That is what I think we should do, it wasn't fair of our part to put them were a dragon was sleeping anyway."

"Yes, yes, I will let both of you decide what you want to give them, both the martial prowess and minimum life was destroyed on this outcome, so choose what to give to the group and the individuals you think deserve a better reward, upgrade whatever you would give them, so think carefully what you are going to do." said Lucipher.

"Ha, this is gonna be fun!" "Ha, this is gonna be a pain!" both said at the same time, Ashura was beaming with joy since he can't give many blessings whereas people who fight a lot die soon before completely earning the blessings and Shiva was pissed cause she had to give blessings based on life equilibrium which was a little more complicated to do.