
Chapter 2

Waking up early in the morning, I clearly realized that all the nightly adventures were not the inflamed delirium of a dying consciousness but a real reality, my new life. The light barely filtered through the wide-open shutters, but it still provided a view. I easily spotted the pile of rags I had tripped over at night when I had used my power for the first time. By the way, my previous save point disappeared, but my energy managed to recover overnight. Is it worth it? And since I plan to roll back to this position anyway, it makes no sense to clean up the scattered things. So let's go explore right now!

First of all, I went to the window and opened it. The sun penetrated the gray room and gave it a little life. The previously barely perceptible contours of objects had turned into sparse and old furniture. A sagging "bed" and a mattress with straw on it. By today's standards, it was a luxury, almost reaching the level of lords. And I'm not kidding because most of the "ordinary" people slept on the floor, mostly next to their place of work. Washerwomen slept at the troughs, and cooks slept at the stoves. In the families of peasants, the "bed" was dried hay, covered with rags. I had my own, some kind of no room and even a wooden frame as a place to sleep. I didn't even know where my father had brought this from, but almost all the interior items were his merit. Bought, exchanged, stolen - no one reported to little Arvind. Although...I do not rule out that all of this had been here since the time when my father was not a landowner. Yet, as far as I know, this estate went to him along with the rest of the property. This means that the entire interior is at least twenty years old. Ha…Or maybe not? Hmm, on occasion, I'll inquire if there is a desire. After all, it could have been a simple design by local carpenters.

I pulled out something resembling clothes from a pile of dumped rags, to which my memory reacted, and habitually dressed, but then grimaced. It stank. Okay, let's try to find the servants...and there they were! A couple of women came every day to take care of our simple life. Mother also helped them and took care of the house, even though my father said at first that it was "not in a businesslike way." But Areta was bored, in which I perfectly understood her.

So, we'll hand over the clothes for cleaning and try to find something better. And in the future, we will not allow such a pigsty at all. My gaze once again passed around the room. No, we definitely needed to clean up here carefully! And then it wouldn't hurt to put things in order. "Bed," I came closer, resting against the back, and started shaking it. It staggered. The mattress was torn on its side, the "dry" hay was not too dry...And what was this that quickly ran across the floor? A cockroach? A bug? Lice? Medieval romance, motherfucker!

No, I'll clean it up here, one way or another. Shake out the clothes, change the bedding for sleep. I will repair the furniture to the best of my ability...Maybe I will get a pet that will eat small insects. I would like to know who and whether they are found with us. Maybe find spiders? At least they will sit in their corner and not shine...Or find a toad? There is probably a swamp nearby, but for its comfortable stay, I need water. Hm, I'll think about it later.

And I realized this only after looking around the room! Hmm, in a modern person, at the sight of the Middle Ages, there is definitely a break in the pattern.

Shaking my head, I finally left the bedroom.

I lived on the second floor, and my brothers' rooms were nearby. But it seems that Gabe has already gotten up, and Ollie left a few days ago with father, who went "around" their lands. There would be something to inspect, three poles, two yards... Although I know that he went to inspect there, and he's even getting his brother used to "sweet" things. Or is it normal for them? After all, he's only twelve years old...

- Arvind, have you already gotten up? - I heard a female voice. It was my mother.

- Yes, mother! - I pretended to have my old enthusiasm, although I didn't. I had a premonition of future problems. I had explored the boy's memory, assessed the prospects...

What could a land knight achieve without my superpowers? Stand in a line and die? Okay, I guess I'll have a horse. Then I can die by someone's spear, galloping in the front line. Sounds better, doesn't it?

In future wars, people like us are just cannon fodder. Even great lords and kings die in droves, let alone "little people". But we'll break through... There's still plenty of time before the canon, but aren't we bound by it alone? And there will be another Baratheon rebellion. That's if we're talking about major events, but what about the smaller ones? I don't know! I wasn't a true fan who obsessed over the universe down to the last detail. There was a lot I didn't know, even though I read the book and watched the series at one point. But even if that's the case, it's still a long way off from these events. Tyto rules, so Tywin isn't lord yet. As far as I remember, when he does take power, he'll be pressing his own vassals. Hmm. I hope we don't get caught up in all of that. Damn it! It's just when you let your guard down and hope for a peaceful life, that trouble comes knocking.

Ah, in any case, I'm still too young to do anything. So, I wouldn't be able to do anything. And that means, we'll have to hope that it'll be at least ten years before Tywin becomes the lord.

- You can play outside, breakfast will be ready soon - my mother said, peering out of the kitchen for a moment, bringing me back from my thoughts to the real world. She was already smeared with something. The woman cooked deliciously, of course, but not neatly. However, cleaning had long been left to the servants.

One look confirmed my memory and immediately made it clear why father began to cheat. The birth of three children had not been kind to the woman. She looked, to put it mildly, not very good, even though Areta was only thirty-one years old.

Sagging breasts, plump figure, roughened hands, thin, grayish hair, now hidden under a cap... And yet, that's the only way I remember her. It's a pity there are no photos, and we didn't earn enough for a painting. It would be interesting to see her in her youth. What did father find attractive about her? After all, I know they got married before Gothal became a landed knight.

- Okay,- I turned to leave.

What is life like for a medieval person? I will have to find out soon enough in practice. But for now, I will try to find my brother. Seven-year-old Gabe was focused on watching the grass, where I approached and stood next to him.

- The bugs are fighting, - he whispered loudly to me. - Look!

Sure enough, ants had swarmed a large wingless beetle with long antenna-like feelers, trying to bring it down, but the beetle was holding its own, even managing to scatter them. However, solid reinforcement was coming to the aid of the little fighters. The beetle didn't have long left.

Memory quickly provided me with the correct model of behavior, so I was able to talk to my brother quite normally, with some allowance for age, of course. But it was still easier for him to talk to me than for Ollie, who was twelve. He was already trying his best to act like an adult, which our father indulged as much as possible.

And with the little one (who was almost twice my age), we quickly "became friends again." Within ten minutes, we started a new game, the rules of which instantly popped up in my head. And this was only the beginning... And even though Gabe is frankly a bit slow, he still doesn't quite reach the level of a "special needs" child. Rather, he's a kid who has had a healthy upbringing and education. Same goes for me, by the way. But the current me was actually happy about that. All the attention was given to Ollie by our parents. Our father trained him, taught him, and introduced him to the "guard". In short, he tried to make it as easy as possible for him to inherit the land. As for me, I think Ollie got too much attention, but... let them do what they want.

Breakfast turned out to be quite decent, just as I expected.

I ate it without any grimaces. And it turned out that I didn't make any mistakes, neither in words nor in deeds. I just used logic, common sense, and the boy's memory. There wasn't even a real need to return. But I had to test my strength and try to make everything "even better"?


As soon as I thought about it while sitting on the porch after breakfast, I instantly found myself in my bed. I was full of energy again, not counting the reserve. I didn't feel any moral fatigue at all. I was renewed... essentially, it was like I had received all the memories of future events! Ha-ha-ha!

But... it wasn't memory play, or "predicting the future" or any similar power. It was... time.

That sphere clearly couldn't fully understand me or interpret the simple thought, even unspoken. I gained the ability of limited time control, with the possibility of gradual buildup. Oh boy... alright, I admit, it's very powerful as long as I don't get myself in trouble. In the end, it wouldn't matter to Superman, but for me, even with these abilities, it could be really easy to get caught, although it would take some effort.

No, now I will be ready, for intrigues as well as for battles. I will be able to fight for my right to live the way I want!