
The time I became the judge of a parallel kingdom

I ended my life cursing the gods for my pathetic existence not knowing that they have a different plan for me.

Jerome_Sy_5080 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

The Time I became the Judge of a parallel kingdom

Chapter 1: I'm just looking for the exit

This is it, no turning back now, as I take one last picture of myself. Hah why did I even bother, no one's gonna see this anyway. Well whatever, I'm about to die anyway so I'll just get this done. I uploaded the picture on my facebook, the background looks great and you can clearly see the blue sky behind my back. The picture would've been perfect if only I'm not 30 feet high above. I'm at the highest part of our condominium and don't even bother to ask how I got here. I'm pretty smart so I know my way around things. Still all the smarts in the world couldn't save me from this lonely and pathetic life so I had to call it quits.

As I lean closer to the edge, a tingling sensation has crept up and all the hairs in my body stood up. Yeah, I forgot I'm afraid of heights. I knew I should've gone to the train station and threw myself in the rails. Well it's not too late to try that. Maybe I could try going to the station tomorrow, you know give the world another day, another chance. As I thought that, my mind was filled with hope for the future and suddenly I wasn't too eager to die today. little did I know that the god's love playing cruel jokes, as soon as I tried to take my first step back I tripped and instantly fell.

I tried to grasp something, anything, as my life flashed before my eyes but it was all for naught I'm falling hard and fast. I could literally see the ground inching closer and closer and with that I let out one final yell. Curse you gods! Then everything went black.

It feels like I've been sleeping for a long time when suddenly I could feel a feeling of burning heat to my face. As I open my eyes I was overwhelm by a bright flash of light. I looked away and as I did that I felt grass in my hand by this time my eyes had already adjusted.

I am now able to study my surroundings, the strong burning light I felt is the sun, shining directly above me and I'm in this grassy field. " Is this heaven?"

It's like I'm transported in a different world. There's lush greenery all around and

around and some crops. There's also a river near me. I still don't know what's going on, the last thing that I remember was falling down from our condominium. I stood up and started to wander around. I'm not seeing anybody maybe I am really dreaming but wow it's beautiful in here. I won't mind living here alone. I also noticed that I'm still wearing my school uniform which was what I was wearing when I fell. Just then I heard voices, a man and a woman and their heading towards me.

I froze and didn't know what to do. Then I came in contact with them, they're humans! One is a grown man while the other is a girl who is probably around my age. They both wear funny outfits, the man is wearing a white cloth around his head, baggy brown clothes and skirt, He is also carrying a large sac and I'm guessing he's some sort of farmer. The girl too is wearing a long dress and has some clothing wrapped around her head, to be honest both of them looked like they came straight from Lord of the Rings.

Am I in Europe? But I don't think they still wear this type of clothing there. We'll I haven't exactly been to Europe so what would I know. I raised my hand and said "hello" both of them looked shocked and as confused as I am.

Who are you the man asked and where did you come from?

Oh! you can understand me! That's great I said. Well, my name is Mihael Cross and I'm from Manila, could you tell me where I am? I don't know why I lied about my name but I don't trust them so I reacted accordingly. I didn't want to lie about my location though as they might be able to help me go home.

Mani what? what is that? I haven't heard of that kingdom before. You must be from a different island! Are you here to invade us? How come you speak our language?

Hm…Mani…la? I haven't heard of a kingdom or nation like that. Pa he might've been a survivor of a shipwreck I think we should help him.

Wait Perdita, he could be a spy look at his clothing it's different. Pa, if he's a spy shouldn't he be trying to blend in I mean with his clothing he's sticking like a sore thumb.

Well you got a point but I still don't trust him. He's not from around here but he knows our language that alone is really suspicious. I really think this guy's a spy, I should kill him and turn him over to the constable I might even earn a reward.

Wait a minute please don't kill me I panicked I'm not a spy and I'm sure you won't get any reward from me!

What I didn't say that! the man looked stunned how did you.. how did you know what I am thinking?

Pa what's going on are you really thinking of killing him and you. Did you really read my father's mind? How did you do that.

I'm also as confused but then I realized that I didn't exactly hear him speak but then I could hear him even now. It's like his voice is flowing inside my mind. Even now this guy is thinking that I'm some kind of demon worshipper.

Suddenly another voice came in a female voice, is this guy really a mind reader or maybe him and Pa are friends and they're pulling a prank at me again?

Now I can hear Perdita's voice too? I really don't know what's going on anymore. Aargh this is so confusing!

Before I can have the time to process all of this Hakam produces a weapon in his hand, a sickle.

His killing intent is filling my mind that I could also taste it. But I can also sense fear, he is afraid of me… Because he can't understand me.

In an instant Hakam leapt and just before he could close the distance an image formed in my mind, I could see where he is aiming at almost as if I'm the one thinking it. He's going to slash at my neck from coming from the right. My body moved accordingly and I was able to dodge his blow. This surprised him but he's not finished yet, just then another image formed in my head, an overhead swing!

This happened repeatedly, his every intent is being displayed in my mind like watching a movie.

I knew you were a spy, the way you move or are you going to tell me you're reading my mind as well? I'm not even thinking anything.

I can see all of his movements but to be honest, Hakam might not have realized this but he might be picturing his attacks before it happens and it's being transmitted to my mind like we are connected. This is nice and all but I'm actually getting tired I don't know if I could keep this up for long.

It looks like Hakam sensed this too, he stopped for a moment it looks like you are getting tired boy haha! all that mind reading couldn't save you from this. As soon as he said that he is already attacking and as always, an image formed in my mind I prepared to step back but as soon as I did that I tripped on a protruding stone and lost my balance. Hakam's slash barely missed me tearing out my uniform and drawing a little bit of blood.

Hakam didn't let this opportunity slide, he was ready for another blow and this I won't be able to dodge.

Damn! I'm dead!

Stooop! Perdita let out a scream. He's got an emblem don't kill him!

I can feel the force of wind at my face as Hakam stopped his attack. His sickle just inches away from my neck.

Hakam had the face of astonishment written all over him. By the gods! It is true! You are mage, then why didn't you say so.? But your attire it's very different than the one's the mages usually wear.

I don't know what emblem they are referring to honestly, but when I look down I can see this emerald medallion embedded in my chest. There's also an image of a dragon sculpted at the center.

Just then Hakam got on his knees and began pleading. I'm soo sorry my lord! I didn't know you were a mage, I'm truly sorry. I didn't why I didn't notice it. I should've known the moment you read my mind

Perdita joined in and got to her knees as well. Please forgive my father o great mage he was just trying to protect me. I am willing to bond my soul to you if you promise to spare my..

No! Hakam suddenly cut her off. Please my lord take my life instead my daughter doesn't have anything to do with this please.

They were both being frantic I had to cut them off.

Could the two of you please stop! To be honest, I don't know what's going on and I don't recognize this place. I think I've lost my memory.

I'll just use the amnesiac card for the time being, I don't think they'll believe me if I told them I'm from a different world. It's a good thing I have this emblem thing. I don't really know what it is and how I got it and frankly it looks disgusting sticking out from my chest but it saved me, and as long as I got this I think I could get the cooperation of these two.

First off, I will forgive your transgressions Hakam… (Damn I sound high and mighty!) but I would like to ask something out of you in return.

Anything my lord, you only need ask.

Alright, can you show me the way to your village? I need a place to stay and eat since I'm hungry. I would also like for you to provide me a brief introduction to this land. Ahem it might help me to regain my memories.

Yes milord! gladly! our village is called Karelya, it's just a short trip from here. We'll help you settle down and give you some food! As for the information you need, my daughter here can fill you in. Just ask what you want to know.

During our trek, Perdita was filling me on some important information, for instance, I learned that their village is under the rule of the kingdom of Asvalithe and is situated on the southern part of the Galvahard continent. Their kingdom is currently under a truce with their neighboring kingdom of Teal'valis.

Mages are considered to be powerful weapons of each kingdom and are considered an ace in the hole since they can easily turn the tide of war. Think of them as this world's version of "nukes"

Below the mages are the Realm Knights, formidable warriors who can use a little bit of magic, not as powerful as mages but still a force to be reckon with. They are usually deployed for special missions.

Then at the bottom of the military force were of course the foot soldiers.

We soon arrived at Karelya and damn this Hakam, the trek was anything but short infact I've never walked that far in my entire life! By the time we arrived I was sweating buckets.

The entrance to the town had a big arch and at the middle is the word Karelya written in foreign letters that I haven't seen yet. The odd part is that I understood those letters. I still don't know what's going on. How am I able to understand those letters and when did I gain the ability to read minds? Now that I think about it, I'm sure Perdita and Hakam are speaking in a different dialect, there's now way in hell they knew how to speak my language but somehow, I am able to understand them. I have a lot of questions in my mind but first I need to eat. All that long walk has made me hungry.

Speaking of which, all the houses in this village are made from stones and straws, the kind that you'll see from medieval fantasy movies. The village itself is small and soon after we reached Hakam's abode. There he introduced me to his wife Alajah and his two other kids Peroleo and Pertuna. He told his family my situation and asked his wife if I could stay in their place for a while. To my surprise she agreed without hesitation. Luckily, they left out the part where I was able to read their minds. Probably didn't want his wife suspecting me.

Our house is small and we only have two rooms. My wife and I have one while the kids are all sharing the other room. To be honest, I don't know where to let you sleep. I'll think about it after we have our dinner, I'm too famished to think about anything.

Well It might take a while before the meal is cooked, Alajah said, Perdita why don't you show Mihael around the village, get him acquainted to everybody.

Alright Ma, come Mihael I'll show you around. Pertuna, who's sitting on the dining table butted in, I want to come too! No Pertuna, it's getting dark you stay here and Perdita make sure not to wander outside town, don't forget that there's a murderer lurking about.

I was taken aback. Murderer? Yes, poor little Khaya's body was found in Karelya forest by the wood cutters. Battered and beaten, she was violated. Anyway, I didn't mean to scare you and I promised you that the towns watch has been doubled ever since but please don't go wandering too far alright?

Perdita showed me around their village, there's a blacksmith, a bakery, and the constabulary's office. There's also another entrance at the back of the village and this leads to a forest.

Are there any wild creatures there? I asked curiously.

Well a few years back, when I was a kid a pride of Lynx inhabited that forest and they were attacking the villagers. The kingdom dispatched a couple of Realm Knights to exterminate them.

Oh, I see. well that forest sure looks scary.

Actually Mihael, don't tell my father but I've been sneaking out and venturing from time to time.

What! That's reckless! Aren't you scared? I mean there's a murderer lurking around and besides were not even sure if the knights were able to exterminate all of the Lynx!

Relax, I usually go out when the sun is about and besides I can take care of myself. I'm also quite familiar with the forest do you want me to give you a tour?

Nah I'm good I don't know what a Lynx looks like but I'm sure as hell don't want to encounter one or two!

Perdita gave out a big laugh. Haha I told you they were all exterminated and besides you're a mage! If the Realm Knights can handle them I'm sure you won't have any problems.

Well I don't know exactly how to use my powers right? your dad almost killed me or have you forgotten about that?

Oh yeah.. you don't have your powers. Well maybe you could read their minds?

Read a creature's mind? Is that even possible?

I was just joking haha

By the way Perdita are mages really that strong? You seem to hold them in high regard.

Yes of course! Even the lowest ranking mage could take on an entire battalion of realm Knights. I also think that you're a high-ranking mage.

What makes you say that? I curiously asked

Well it's the first time I saw an emerald color, the one's that I saw before were quartz and they represent the lowest rank in the order. Perdita said with confidence.

I'm not too sure about that, maybe I'm a mage in training.

You mean acolytes? I don't think so. Acolytes don't have gemstones on their chest, at least the acolytes I saw didn't have them.

You seem to know a lot about mages. Are you perhaps?

Well, I wanted to be a mage when I was a child but I don't have magical talents so.

Actually, I was gonna say that maybe you are a peeping tom but it's good to know that you wanted to be a mage instead.

What! You think me a pervert?

Well the emblems are lodge in our chest so how can you see them without peeping?

Are you for real? The uniform that the mages wear exposes the emblem on their chest, it's like their identity.

Oh, so that's why, well I was only teasing you.

That's not funny you know.

I'm sorry about that, by the way I wanted to ask something.

What is it? Perdita asked still annoyed.

When you were pleading for your father's life you mentioned earlier about bonding your soul, what does that mean?

Perdita suddenly blushed. Well it just means that I'll offer my life in servitude to you. Please forget about that I was really desperate when I said that I'm sorry.

Haha don't apologize, I was just curious that's why asked. I looked up at the sky and notice the sun going down. I think we should go back to your house it's getting dark and I'm really hungry.

Well yeah, I can hear your stomach growling, all right let's go back Ma should be finish with dinner anyway.

Once we got back, I can see that dinner was already set. Alajah ushered us to take a seat.

Their dinner was modest, a few green vegetables and some fishes. I don't recognize the fish and I was hesitant at first but since they were eating them I guess they're edible. I took a bite and found them to be extremely delicious!

Wow! This fish is good what's it called? I excitedly asked.

Fish?? Hakam looked at me quizzically I don't know what you're talking about but this is the most common sea worm in Asvalithe, they're called blackskins due to the color of their scales I know they serve good food back at the academy but I would think that you've had these when you were young. Your family must've been very rich.

No no I don't think so. It must've been my memory maybe I just forgot.

Come now Hakam, Alajah interrupted, your embarrassing our guest. Don't mind him Mihael just eat your fill.

Thanks, Alajah. She's so considerate, I said to myself however, I suddenly heard a voice whispering in my mind, it's Alajah's.

Hmm is he really rich? Then I hope he finds our daughter alluring. I'm actually opposed to Hakam's plan at first but now I think it's a good idea. If he marries our daughter we'll become rich too!

I almost choked my food when I heard that. What were they thinking? I thought. I guess I was not able to hide my surprised as Perdita saw my reaction.

What happened Mihael? Your face is suddenly red?

It's nothing I was just eating too much, I might've swallowed my food whole.

I really don't like this guy I hope he leaves soon..

Wait whose voice is that? I realized it's a child's voice Peroleo?

Peroleo is Hakam and Alajah's youngest killed and their only son. I'm not really sure why he hates me but I think he's just maybe jealous that I'm talking with his sister? Ha even the kid is getting the wrong impression now. I'm also wondering about the plan Alajah mentioned earlier

Well I didn't have to wait long I guess

Oh, by the way Hakam suddenly spoke. I've decided where to let you sleep. Since we only have to rooms, the two children will be sleeping with us while you share the room with Perdita.

Whaaaat! Perdita and I exclaimed in unison.

Bbut Pa? I mean how come, I aargh

Perdita seems to be having trouble composing her words. I too am befuddled by this decision.

However, before we could even have the chance the oppose their decision, we heard loud banging on the door followed by a man's voice. He sounded very concern.

Hakam open the door quickly! The man kept on banging.

Hakam stood and opened the door, Rufus!? What's going?

Come quickly Hakam we found another corpse in the forest quick it was Selg's daughter.

What! Hakam's face turned dark. Alright I'll come with you. The five of you finish your meals and then quickly go to bed. Al, locked the doors and don't open it for anyone unless it's me you got it.

Hakam quickly left with Rufus while the rest of us is processing what happened.

A lot of things happened in just one day and here I am still wondering if all of this is true.

Chapter 1 End.

Chapter 2.

Inside the house, while Alajah is urging her children to finish their dinner, I stood up with the intention of following Hakam.

Where are you going? she asked.

I wanted to take a look and also investigate. (To be honest, I'm no detective and don't know squat about investigating but I'm really curious and wanted to see things for myself)

All right, I guess you could take care of yourself, you are a mage after all.

I'll go with you.

No Perdita you stay here. Alajah's voice is calm but the order is absolute, Perdita gave up.

I went out and quickly followed Hakam. This whole business of being a mage isn't too bad. In my world people would usually doubt me, here, I have the authority.

Hakam wait up!

Mihael? What are you doing here? Did Alajah send you?

Well, I wanted to take a look and see how I could help. I asked for her permission and she allowed me.

Hakam's faced beamed. Well you could be handy, He stopped himself glanced at Rufus then continued well I mean we could use your opinion. Come on then.

By the way Hakam, I've been meaning to us but who is he? I saw you and your daughter coming back to the village with him earlier.

Mihael, I would like for you to meet Rufus, my trusted friend.

Nice to meet you lad! Rufus exclaimed. What's your relationship with Hakam?

I uh. I stuttered I didn't know what to say.

I'll just explain later on we have more pressing matters to attend to. Let's hurry it up at the entrance.

At the gates, I can see that there were already a lot of people gathered with torches near the entrance. I can scarcely see the victim from the mob that had gathered. All I can see was her body wrapped in a white cloth and a big burly man and a middle-aged lady crying beside the body.

Selg? Selg?! what happened? Hakam asked as he parted the villagers.

Now that I think about it Hakam looks like he's a bigshot in this village. They called him at his house and now these villagers were giving way for him. I followed them closely as this is my chance to take a closer look.

The victim looks young and is probably the same age as me. She had red markings around her neck and a few bruises in her face and body. Her clothes were torn in the middle and a piece of clothing was place on top of her body to hide privates.

Selg looked up, Hakam, look my Aurelia, my only daughter, she was just gathering water at the mill. She was just gathering water! And it's taking her too long that I got worried. I went to the mill to check but she wasn't there! I began looking everywhere but couldn't find her.

Who found her body then? Hakam asked.

It was Glend who found her in the forest while he and Will were gathering wood.

Aye! A tall and shirt less muscular guy spoke. I found her body deep in the woods. I was trying to look for thicker trees to chop when rudy growled and suddenly ran. I followed him and saw propped up on a tree. Her body was exposed so I wrapped her with my clothes before me and Will carried her back.

Hakam approached the corpse and inspected, what time did you ask her to gather water from the mill?

She was still asleep when I went to the fields but according to Elma, our daughter left on the third hour of dawn.

I became worried when it was time for our meal and she didn't return, Elma added.

I asked my son to go and look for her but he couldn't find her, only her pale was left at the mill.

That means whoever abducted her must've met her at the mill. Hakam turned to the crowd gathered. Anybody here who was at the mill at that time?

A woman answered, my daughter told me she saw Aurelia but she was there first and had left immediately once her bucket was filled, but she swore that your Aurelia was alone at that time.

Anyone else seen her?

A man raised his hand. Hakam, I arrived there before noon to gather water but did not see anyone. I did notice the pale but I thought someone just forgot it.

Hmmm, Hakam placed his hand on his chin, thinking deeply. We have to ask all of the villagers for their whereabouts in the morning and afternoon.

Rufus, Glend and Will would you be able to help? I'll ask for help from the others too.

All three of them agreed with his request. Thank you, I'll head back home first and inform my family that I'll be late, you do the same.

Hakam looked at me and signaled for us to go home.

So, what do you think? Hakam asked as we were walking back.

I heard a few voices from the villagers but nothing really helpful. A lot of them were just thoughts of fear and worry. Although there's something I want to ask, the guy who spoke about coming to mill after Aurelia, the one who only saw the pale what's his name?

That's Galli he's the son of baker Birdle, did you find him suspicious?

I wasn't able to read his mind but I just it's better to ask him again, after all, he did admit going into the mill after Aurelia.

I don't think it's him, Galli is a good kid and he mentioned that he was there a few hours after Aurelia.

It's very easy to lie about the time frame. I'm not saying it's him but it won't hurt to ask again.

You're right. I didn't think that well, you are a smart kid! No doubt you're a mage.

To be honest my suggestion was just standard police protocol at my world but I didn't bother saying anything, Hakams a bit of a simpleton but he's a good man.

Once we arrived at Hakam's house, he talked with his wife and informed her that he might be going home late. He looked at my direction and signaled to her wife.

I think he forgot that I can read his mind, he might as well just say it aloud.

After Hakam left, Alajah handed me a pillow and blanket. She looks a bit amused and is hiding her smile. I know what she's thinking and I couldn't believe it. Normally mothers would be protective of their daughters especially around strangers, here they're even handing me pillows and wishing for "something good" to happen.

I took the pillows and blanket and knocked at Perdita's room.

It's unlocked, she answered.

I'm sorry for intruding, I said. She was facing the wall and I can only see her back. I laid at the makeshift bed on the floor a few inches beside her bed.

I laid quietly, feeling awkward with the situation she's not speaking either.

It was horrible, I said breaking the silence. It was first time seeing a dead person.

That seemed to have gotten her attention, she sat up and leaned forward. What happened? Can you please tell me? Aurelia's my friend and I can't believe something terrible happened to her.

From what I saw there were bruises around her neck as if she was strangled. Her clothes were also ripped.

Oh! poor Aura. Perdita began to sob. I began to feel sorry for her as thoughts filled with grief drowned my mind.

I'm sorry, is all I could say. I didn't have a lot of friends and don't know how to comfort another person.

What if the person who did that to her is a villager. No, I'm sure the killer is from the village, Aura is the third victim now. She cried even louder.

Your dad wouldn't let that happen you know he would protect you. I, I'll try to do something too. What a lame thing to say, my voice didn't even sound confident when I said that.

For some reason Perdita seemed relieved when I said that. I believe you, and you have that mind reading thing so as long as you're always around I think I'm safe.

Actually, it's a bit useless, I tried reading the villager's mind but I did not find the killer.

Perdita paused. Hmm probably the killer isn't present in that crowd or maybe there's some limitations to your ability.

Yeah! you're right! I haven't thought about that. She's correct, there might be some conditions in order to use this ability. I have to figure it out. Your smart, I said.

I'm not really smart, she turned away but I could tell her mood livening up.

Just then we heard multiple loud banging sounds on the door. Let me in, what are you doing to my sister, are you making her cry? It was Peroleo.

Perdita opened the door and Peroleo instantly came rushing

What are you doing to my sister? I can hear her crying? Are you doing some nasty things to her?

What the? I'm not doing anything to her and aren't you just 5 years old? Why are you talking about nasty things?

Don't worry Peroleo, he's not doing anything, we were just talking.

Well I don't trust this guy so tonight I'm going to sleep here!

But Leo, father told you to sleep with them is that right?

No! tonight this is where I'll be sleeping and that's final! He crosses his arms and refused to budge.

Alright Leo, you can sleep here tonight beside me.

Alright! I'll be your guard and protect you from this nasty guy.

Since when did I became a nasty guy? I protested.

Alright, you two let's just go to sleep, I have to wake up early tomorrow to accompany father. Perdita looked at me and whispered "thank you"

We were already up before morning's first light, I insisted on accompanying Hakam and Perdita in the fields as a way of repaying them while I'm staying under their roof.

I helped Hakam in toiling the fields and carrying the crops. I noticed something strange happening to me. I'm not an athletic person and to be honest my constitutions a bit weak. I couldn't even lift a sack of rice but this time around I am able to carry two sacks of rice without any problems, even Hakam was a bit surprised.

Wow you are strong for a skinny guy! I remember when I was around your age I could only lift 1 sack and I was bigger than you are at that time You must've undergone some kind of body training at the mage academy.

I really have to figure out what's going on here. To be honest I still think all of this is just my brain dying and imagining things.

By the way, Hakam what happened to that guy, the son of the baker? Were you able to get more information from him.

Oh right, I asked him again but he maintained the same story, however…


I can't explain it but it looks like he's hiding something, when I asked him if there's something else that he saw his demeanor somehow changed, the way he acts I just can't wrap my head around it, he was fidgeting and he won't look straight at me.

Hmm, that is a bit suspicious.

But I can't find anything on him either and the other villagers also confirmed that they saw him getting back to the village in the afternoon and never left again after that.

Yeah, that's a solid alibi I thought to myself.

Anyway, I'll try asking him again, maybe he was just afraid last night.

Yeah, it could work. I answered.

The rest of the day where uneventful and as soon as the sun began to set we were already on our way back to the village. As we approach the village, I suddenly sense this unexplainable feeling of dread. It looks like Hakam noticed it too.

That's odd, Calun is supposed to man the watchtower and I'm not seeing any villagers near the entrance.

As we entered, the village seemed quiet and there's no sign of the villagers anywhere.

This is strange, let's head home, I'm worried about your mom and siblings.

As we headed towards Hakam's place we encountered Calun, his sword drawn.

Calun, is something amiss? Where is everybody?

Glad you're back Hakam. I'm doing the rounds, we told the rest to go back to their homes, lock up their place and stay put.

What's going on and what's with the sword.

Actually, we found another body. You can head into the other entrance and see for yourself, Rufus and the others were there.

Damn, another one. Who is it Calun can you tell me?

It's the baker's son Gallie. We found him in the woods hardly, the poor lad can hardly be recognized.

No! Hakam paused. I can feel his disappointment.

Let's go home first and deliver our harvest then Mihael if you're feeling up to it I want you to accompany me. I think your insights can be valuable there.

Sure, no problem. All these killings have piqued my interest there is definitely something going on here.

I want to go too Pa!

No Perdita, it's not your place.

You don't get to decide where I should be. I can go wherever I want.

This is not the time to be stubborn Perdita, you'll do as I say because I am your father.

Pshh. Okay I'll ask Ma!

Perdita! Hakam shouted louder then sigh. Alright, we'll ask your mom. If she agrees, you may come but if not.

Alright, I'll try to convince Ma.

Yeah you can try, I'm sure she won't let you.

Perdita and I looked at each other and I can hear her thoughts. Hah! I knew it Ma is the real boss

I suppressed a laugh and Perdita noticed she placed her fingers between her lips forming a shushing sign. Hakam's back was turned so he didn't notice

Once we got home and unloaded our harvest we immediately went to the village's main entrance. Surprisingly, Alajah allowed Perdita to join us.

At the entrance, I can see some familiar faces. Rufus, Glend, Will and even Selg was there.

Birdle, the father of the murdered boy and his wife are also present.

When we saw the corpse, my stomach turned. I'm glad that we haven't had dinner yet. Like Calun mentioned, the boy can harldy be recognized. Half of his face is gone, torn to shreds like it was placed in a meat grinder. There were deep cuts all over his body and his hand is missing a few fingers. His arm also looks like someone had bitten it off and tore a huge chunk of meat.

This is more gruesome compared to the other ones, I can read from Hakam's thoughts.

We are both thinking the same thing. It doesn't look like the work of a human, more likely done by a monster.

I can't believe it. I thought they've been exterminated.

Aye, Rufus agreed. That's what I thought too, however, seeing the body there's only one monster who can do this.

Yeah, there's no doubt about it. It's a Lynx.

Glend spoke up, if it's a Lynx then we won't be able to handle this on our own. we'll have to ask for help from the kingdom and I pray to the almighty that this is a lone Lynx, otherwise were doomed.

You're right Glend,Hakam agreed. For now, we close the gates to this entrance and will allow no one to pass. Glend, Will I know this is bad for business but your safety comes first. We will also post sentries to watch the gates. I will send owls to the kingdom and the constable. They might be able to send us some help.

Come now Mihael and Perdita, let's go home for now. Everyone let's hold an elder's meeting before sundown, we'll reconvene at the meeting hut to discuss further actions.

I can't say I'm not curious as to what this world's Lynx looks like. In my world, Lynxes were medium sized predatory cats and while certainly dangerous is not something a group of grown men can't handle.

Perdita, can I ask you something?

Sure! What is it?

What do they look like? The Lynx I mean.

I've only seen one when I was a kid and it was already dead, but they were huge creatures with hair around their heads and big sharp fangs the size of a sword.

From her description it looks more like my world's lions but bigger and deadlier.

What's wrong Mihael, you've become quiet.

No! I was just thinking about this Lynx, I hope it doesn't try to enter the village.

If the gates are closed then I won't be able to enter. Anyways I'm not afraid we have you.

I can't say I was not flattered by that but I'm not really sure if I can take it on, in truth, I'm actually scared but I tried not to show it.

I can't cast spells remember?

I know you'll pull it off.

Hah you might be disappointed. By the way, your father, I initially thought he's just a farmer but it looks like he's the leader of this village no?

I won't say he's the leader but he's part of the village's elders along with Rufus and the others.

I thought Elders were a bit older?

No no. Once you reach the age of thirty and five you will be accepted in the village elders and will be serving as one until your 60th age then you retire.

My Great Pa also served as an elder before.

So, you also have a grandpa!

Grandpa? Perdita asked surprised.

Oh! I mean great pa. I haven't seen him though.

He lives in another village called Tenhen. My pa used to live there as well before settling down here in Karelya to be with my Ma.

How about your ma's parent where are they?

Sadly, they're no longer with us. My great pa on Ma's side passed away before I was born while her Ma passed away just last winter.

I'm sorry to hear that.

No don't be. It's alright, she's with the almighty now as we all would be once we passed.

I guess even in this world they also believe in God huh.

Once we arrived at Hakam's place we had our dinner and Hakam shared what happened to the rest of the family. After that Hakam prepares to leave for the elder's meeting and he asks me to join him.

The rest of the elders were surprise to see me.

One of them a bald bearded guy can't help himself.

Hakam, I've seen this guy with you all the time, I'm wondering for a longtime now but who is he?

Yeah, I forgot to introduce you guys, this is my son in law Mihael! I brought him here to show him to the ropes and to prepare him for his duties.

What? Son in law?

Hakam, looked at me and suddenly his voice popped up in my head.

If you can hear me, just go along with it. I'm not sure yet how they'll react once they learned you're a mage so me and Alajah thought it's better if we keep it as a secret for the meantime.

I nodded as a sign that I understood and to be honest I'm glad they're keeping it a secret. With a treat like the Lynx and the murderer looming around, the villagers might come to me for help and I don't know if I could handle it.

Isn't he a bit skinny for your Perdita? Can he help on the field? Asked Will.

Bah you went ahead and looked for a mate for Perdita? Another bearded guy with long hair complained. I though you said you'll think about marrying her to my son.

My apologies, Baaz, it just happened, for now, let's focus on our current situation.

I've already sent owls to the constable and the kingdom and I've also sent them to our neighboring villages for awareness.

Thank you Hakam, we also need to set up rotating shifts to guard the main entrance and make sure nobody goes out that way. As for the wood cutters, I'll ask for permission from the village of Tenhen if we could use the old passageway from the water mills. It could lead straight to the forest.

That's a nice idea Rufus. Will agreed. I forgot about that old passageway on the watermills silly me!

I second that. Selg raised his hand. We all looked at him.

Selg are you sure that's the place where.. Hakam couldn't finish his sentence.

Where my daughter was last seen yes. I don't have a problem with it. Far from it.

I could hear his thoughts. He wants to investigate the place in the hopes of finding something that could link back to his daughter's murder.

I could help you with that Selg Rufus said.

When he said that I could feel something cold in his voice. Our eyes met and I could hear him in my mind.

"I don't think you'll find anything there Selg"

Chapter 2 end.

Chapter 3: An Orchestra of Lynx

I couldn't believe it. What did Rufus mean by that. Is he the killer but it couldn't be, he doesn't look like it, I mean he's about Hakam's age but he's skinnier and doesn't look that intimidating to me?

I averted my gaze as I don't want him to know that I'm suspicious of him.

Their meeting went on for a couple more hours and they've discussed a lot of things like the weapons, the people who's going to be on the look-out as well as the rotating shifts.

All have agreed to devote half of their working hours into manning the gates. Their livelihood will be impacted but their lives are more important.

After the meeting was adjourned, Hakam and I started walking back home.

So, what do you think? Anything in particular that I need to know?

I contemplated telling him about Rufus, I don't have any evidence and besides what I read from his mind doesn't really sound all that suspicious. He could just be a really pessimistic person.

There were a few of them who weren't satisfied with devoting their working hours and a few were afraid to watch the gates. There are also some who were wishing for the realm knights to come sooner.

Figure, Hakam replied. We're not fighters, to be honest I'm also hoping that we won't encounter another incident like this, at least not until the knights arrive. As things stand it might take them two full moons to arrive here.

That long huh?

The kingdom is a long journey from here so yeah it might take a while. If you could cast your spells though then we don't need those knights.

Haha as if. I said.

I withheld the info about Rufus, I'll have to investigate this further. He is Hakam's friend after all and besides my number one suspect is still the baker's son although he's dead now. Maybe that's his punishment, sent by the gods.

By the way, I'm sorry about earlier, I mean when I introduced you to the elders. I said you are my future son in-law.

Yeah you blindsided me there but I guess it can't be helped. Baaz was ready to kill the both of us though.

To be fair I didn't really promise Perdita's hand to his son. I just said I'll think about it. Besides between you him, I'd rather she marries you, the perks of being associated with a mage is more advantageous to my family bwahaha.

Wow, you're really not hiding it huh.

You can read my mind anyway no point in hiding it. By the way how'd it go last night?

What no no nothing happened.

C'mon you can tell me, I'll know about either way so no use in hiding it.

No! it's the truth, Peroleo's there he slept in the room with us.

Tssk that kid ruining my plans.

I can't believe this what kind of father are you?

Haha don't sweat it kid I already see you as my son in-law so it doesn't bother me.

He gave out a huge laugh again. This world is weird or maybe it's just Hakam that's weird.

When we reached the house, Alajah and the rest were all already in their respective rooms.

Hakam bade me good night as well since he needs to wake up early tomorrow.

Before he disappeared to his room, he gave me a wink then pointed to her his door while grinning.

It made me bashful and nervous. I wasn't thinking about it earlier because of all that's happening but now it dawned on me. Thanks a lot, Hakam.

I knocked at the door.

No answer.

I knocked again then softly announced myself

Perdita, are you awake? I'll be entering the room.

Then the door to her room slowly opened.

Sorry I wasn't able to answer, Peroleo's already asleep and I don't want to awake him.

Oh, so he's here. That's a relief a said to myself.

Yes, he said that this is his bedroom so this is where he'll sleep. I hope you don't mind.

No of course not. This is originally his room anyway.

So, what happened at the meeting?

They talked about how to set up the defenses and stuff's like that and..

And what?

Well, they mentioned a sealed passageway to Tenhen village, they said the loggers could use it to gain access to Tenhen forest. Are you aware of this passage by any chance?

I heard about it but I've never been there yet. That passage was sealed when I was still a youngling.

I see, so only the older people knew of that passage.

Yes, Perdita replied. Why do you ask?

Nothing really, I'm just curious. That baker boy probably doesn't know about the passage as well I thought to myself. He maybe innocent after all, what about Rufus? Rufus was one of the people that Hakam asked to help him with the interrogation, I wonder if they also interrogated themselves. I might have to ask Hakam tomorrow, however, it might imply that I'm suspecting his friend and I don't want him to know at least not until I have enough evidence otherwise Hakam won't believe me, and worst he might tell Rufus.

Arrgh there's lots of things going on in this village in just two days. In my world, days would just pass by without nothing really happening just the same old day every day. I might've resented it but now I find myself missing my old miserable life.

I fell asleep without realizing it, but I was awoken by a hand shaking me it was Hakam!

Mihael, I'm sorry to have woken you up but we need all the hands we can gather, a Lynx has been spotted in the entrance.

I was startled and instinctively got out of the bed. They're attacking in the morning?!

No Mihael, it's still the hour of the moon, we've only been sleeping for three hours. Come now get ready.

I certainly though I was sleeping for more than three hours. I must've been really tired.

After getting dressed, I got out to towards the dining place and saw the entire family awake.

Perdita is hugging Leo while Alajah and Pertuna are sitting across the table looking very worried.

Hakam had a hatchet and a sickle dangling on his waste. He also carried a small bag filled with torches and a few tools like a rope. He tossed me a bag with the same items and handed me a hatchet.

Will and the others are already there, come Mihael. Alajah you take care of the kids.

Don't worry, if anyone or anything dares to come here I'll be sure to put an arrow between their eyes. You and Mihael take care too.

That's my wife. Perdita, Pertuna and Peroleo, you three be good okay and incase of emergency always listen to your mom and don't act rashly. Perdita, remember what I thought you.

Yes father, Perdita answered confidently.

We left in a hurry, running towards the gate and did not speak with each other.

Several of the elders were already gathered at the gate when we reached it. They were armed although rather poorly, they carried hatchets, axes, hammers, pick axes and sickles. I am really hoping that there's just one lynx.

How's the situation Will? Hakam asked.

It's better if you see for it yourself Hakam. He pointed towards the ladder in the watch tower. I am hoping now that the Realm Knights don't take their time.

Hakam climbed the tower and gasped.

Good lord it's a family of Lynxes. They've never hunted in groups before though and as far as I know they tend to avoid villages.

Your guess is as good as mine Rufus chimed in. Whatever is happening, if they do decide to attack our gates won't be able to stop them.

One of the guys manning the watch tower drew an arrow and notched it. If they make a move I'll drop them.

Stay your hand Dreist, don't provoke them. Light your torches, Lynxes are wary of fire.

Just then a terrible howl can be heard from a distance, a dreadful and terrifying sound. The Lynxes that gathered at the gates followed suit. That blood curdling howl was probably made by their Alpha.

The howling made Dreist panic and he inadvertently let's his arrow loose. Unfortunately, he missed and only hit the ground, this made the lynxes agitated and in their fit of frenzy they slammed the gates one by one.

The strength of the lynxes shook the gates and the watchtowers which made Dreist lose his balance and he fell to the ground in the front surrounded by lynxes.

Oh no Dreist! Hakam shouted. He tried to draw their attention away by throwing his hatchet which successfully hit one in the body, however his axe is blunt and thus didn't do much damage. All the Lynx did was roared back at Hakam then turned his attention back to Dreist.

The Lynxes had encircled Dreist, one of the hunters atop the watch tower tried shooting arrows but the beasts just ignored him.

Dreist had submitted to his faith, he knows he's not getting out of this alive. Say goodbye to my family for me he said then he let loose one final arrow.

His final attempt is not in vain, he hit one lynx square in the eye, while the others swarmed him. He let out one final scream as the beast tear his limbs apart.

Hakam and the other hunter looked in horror, they couldn't do anything. The other defenders are filled with dread. I could feel my legs wanting to give. I wanted to run far away from him.

Armed yourselves men! Hakam shouted as he came down from the watchtower. He readied his sickle. Do not be afraid, remember if those godsforsaken beast breach these gates they will go after our families! our children! Dreist gave up his life for his family we will do the same.

Light up your torches! Will commanded. Garth, light your arrows, rain them down with fiery bolts.

On it! Garth, the other hunter atop the watchtower answered back.

Will climbed the unoccupied watchtower where Dreist felled. We need more archers, it our advantage, do not be afraid to fall.

Two more villager climbed the tower with their bows whilst the Lynxes are banging the walls.

Garth and Will are holding tightly at the rails. Another hunter tried to risk his life by aiming be he too fell when another lynx shoved the gate. He was quickly dispatched by the predators below.

It's hard to shoot while clinging, we have to wait for them to open the gates! Will shouted.

Are you mad! shouted Rufus, we can't open the gates.

We won't be able to get off a shot. Terror filled the villagers and they went on a panic, one by one they tried to climb the ladders.

They swarmed the ladders like an ant, with their weight combined with Lynxes pounding the door the ladder gave way and fell down bringing with it a couple of villagers injuring them.

Just then the gates to the entrance swung open and we came face to face with a pack of Lynx. Most of the able-bodied villagers ran, including Rufus. Hakam stood his ground, sickle on-hand.

The lynxes helped themselves on the injured villagers lying on the ground. Will and Garth did their best by knocking a few fire imbued arrows which proved effective as they were able to take down a lynx. The fire spread all throughout the lynx's body and roasted it alive.

Mihael do something! Shouted Hakam. A lynx is atop him and his sickle is the only thing standing between the monster's fang and his neck.

If only I could cast fire out of my hands. As things stand I don't even know how mages conjure magic, do I need to chant an incantation or to I have to picture it on my mind?

As I stood there like an idiot, a lynx charged at me, I was able to dodge but was whipped by its tail. The force of the impact threw me to the ground. The Lynx quickly pinned me to the ground it jaws wide open.

This is it for me then. My second death. Man, what a way to go, this is probably my punishment for attempting suicide. As I prepare for my imminent end a voice whispered.

You look pathetic. Need a litle help?

Out of desperation, I answered.


Then suddenly the unimaginable happened, a flame burst forth from my body incinerating the lynx atop me.

My eyes were wide with shock as the ashen remains of the lynx crumbled into dust.

I stood up and noticed that my whole body is enveloped in flames but I don't feel any pain just this unbelievable feeling of warmth.

What is going on I wondered.

The others didn't want to interfere but I'm bored.

There's this voice again. Who are you? I thought aloud. it feels weird, it feels like I'm talking to myself in my mind.

You've really forgotten huh? you can call me Samael, we used to work together.

I don't understand what you mean? Work together?

You like asking questions don't you, but you don't ask the important ones. Do you need my help with those cats?

Yes! the lynxes I got caught up the situation that I somehow forgot. Please lend me your aid!

HAHA that's the spirit boy! I gotta say I like this weaker version of yours better.

Weaker version? What does he mean? I got a lot of questions to this Samael guy but I have to put them aside the most important thing are these lynxes.

Now boy wield my power reduce these inferior creatures to ashes.

A warm feeling has enveloped me and the next thing I knew my whole body is aflame, however, I don't feel any pain.

I looked at Hakam's direction and pointed my finger at the Lynx atop him.

Ignis! A ball of fire shot up from my finger towards the beast and hit it. The force threw the creature in the ground as its body is being consumed by the flame.

How do you like it boy? Samael spoke. My fire burns everything it touches. HAHAHA! Now then finish the rest!

Pluvia Ignis! the words are coming out naturally from my mouth, like I've known the spell for a long time.

The sky above us had darken and instantly fuming spit balls came raining down burning all the lynxes.

Amazingly, the fireballs have targeted the lynxes with pinpoint accuracy and missed all the villagers.

And as if reading my mind Samael answered. My flame will only burn all those you deemed your enemy and it will continue to burn for as long as they're alive.

What a convenient and terrifying power you got there Samael.

Aren't I the best? Anyway, the problem is taken care of so I'll leave you for now. A fraction of my power are yours to command.

Wait Samael! I still have a lot of questions. Samael? Samael? No response. I felt a pat on my shoulders. It's Hakam.

You did kid, you saved us. Phew! I thought I was going to be a Lynx lunch. Still everything's a mess now. We got to gather all the survivors to rebuild the walls and bury the dead.

Gazing at the aftermath, it's a total mess. The ground is littered with burning carcasses but that's not all the human remains of the unlucky villagers are scattered as well.

I got to my knees and started retching. This is my first time seeing human guts spilled and it's disgusting.

First time huh? yeah that can be traumatic. Hakam helped me get on my feet. Look away now lad or you'll spill your entire dinner. It's time for you to go home it's been a long day for you.

How about you?

I should probably stay around and help the other villagers clean up. We still have to identify the unlucky ones who did not survive.

I wish I was able to do something sooner. I told to myself. I could've avoided the casualties. As we began our walk home I can feel my vision blurring, my knees buckled once again and my world began to spin followed by darkness.

Chapter 4:

When I came to It was already morning. My clothes have also been changed which made me feel embarrassed. I walked out of the room and only saw Alajah.

Good morning Alajah.

Oh, you're up already you look so exhausted last night that I thought you're going to be out for the whole day.

Was I really that exhausted. I can't really remember that much I thought to myself.

Hakam brought the kids to help outside Alajah said while handling me a plate with meat strips and bird eggs.

You should take the day off for now. Eat as much as you want. This town's savior needs to rest.

I see, Hakam has already told you.

Yeah! he wouldn't shut up about it. But really thank you for saving my husband if you weren't there I fear the worst could've happened.

I'm sorry I was not able to save everyone.

Hush child you did what you could, we won't be here talking if it weren't for you. Finish your meal now and get some rest.

Now that she mentioned it, I can feel my hunger now. I ate the delicious meal that Alajah prepared then proceeded to meet Hakam and Perdita at the gate entrance.

There still weren't a lot of people outside, children used to litter the streets but now I can only see a few of them. I guess it's understandable some parents are worried that there still might be Lynxes wandering about.

I've encountered some adults on my way who thanked me. I guess the jig is up and now the whole town knows I'm a mage. Now my responsibility has grown. And I'm not sure if I can carry the burden.

There were also some who did not approach me but I could feel their eyes on me. One of them, a woman is staring at me with such intensity. I returned her gaze and her thoughts quickly invaded my mind. This selfish mage did nothing to save my husband how can they call him a savior? She's the wife of Dreist, the hunter and she blamed me for her husband's death.

You're wrong I wanted to say but I know that she wouldn't understand, I also don't want to cause a scene. Them knowing that I'm a mage is already bad enough, imagine what would happen if they knew I could read their thoughts.

Another woman came running towards me and grab my shirt and crying out loud please bring my husband back to life! You can do that can't you? you're a mage right? surely you can do that.

No madam I'm sorry but I can't.

Mihael is a mage not a god Ilena. We all grieve for Glend but we can no longer bring him back.

I see, so Glend was one of the casualties too. I thought to myself.

Come Ilena, we must prepare for Glend's burial, my daughters will help you with the preparation. Mihael, can you come with me? The Realm Knights have arrived and they are looking for you.

The Realm Knights, they arrived earlier than I had expected but they're still too late.

Madam I'm truly sorry for your loss. I bowed my head and bade farewell to Perdita and Pertuna before joining Hakam towards the gate.

I'm sorry Mihael, the Realm Knights have been asking questions and we had no choice but to tell them the truth. A small band of peasants annihilating a pack of Lynx is just too tall a tale to believe.

Don't worry Hakam, I figured this would happen as well.

Just tell them the truth, you're a mage so I doubt the Realm Knights will do anything to you, you may have lost your memory but you still outrank them.

Well I hope so.

Don't worry too much Mihael and if it comes to worst you can just use your magic on them right.

Are you serious? I can't believe Hakam just said that.

I'm just joking lad! Of course, you can't do that the Realm Knights are still the kingdom's main military force, attacking them is like attacking the kingdom itself and it could ruin the relationship between the kingdom and the order of mages.

Hey this is not the time for jokes Hakam!

Haha relax son, I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Look here we are at the entrance and there's the knights.

At the entrance I saw three men and a woman they all wore the same a white long sleeves shirt underneath a cuirass. They also wore white pants with knee protectors.

They saw us approaching and looked at our direction.

I'm sorry we're late Sir Rael, this is Mihael the mage who protected our village.

No need to apologize mister Hakam we're not in a hurry.

Nice to meet you Mihael, my name is Rael, lieutenant of the first division and the leader of this squad.

Rael has a blond shaggy hair and looks young for someone of his rank. He extended his hand for a handshake.

My name is Mihael, and I'm an apprentice mage.

Apprentice mage? There's confusion in Rael's voice.

I mean Acolyte! I'm an acolyte.

Is that so. There's disbelief in his words and I suddenly regretted what I said. Me and my big mouth! He introduced himself with his rank so I got carried away.

An acolyte defeating a whole pack of Lynx huh. Wow you new generation of mages are getting stronger and stronger each year! I hope our new recruits are the same.

One of the Realm Knights, a bald man who's in his late twenties eyed me suspiciously.

Thanks to my mind reading ability I know what he's thinking and he can't believe that I'm a mere acolyte.

Would you be able to accompany us? Rael spoke, we just have a few questions for you.

Sure! I said. No problem. I'm actually dying from nervousness inside. I'm sure they suspect me.

Is there a room that we could use mister Hakam?

Yes! You may use the elder's hut it's where we conduct our gatherings. I'll have someone clear the place the for you.

Thank you! we appreciate you greatly.

The interrogation happened is the opposite of what I had anticipated. They asked me to tell them what happened so I narrated the events from that night from my memory as best as I could. Of course, I left out the part where Samael reached out to me and acted as if I knew how to cast the spell.

As I expected the three other knights did not believe my story. Surprisingly though, the lieutenant accepted my story. I could read his mind and he genuinely believed me.

Thanks for answering our questions Mihael. Before we end this meeting there's just one little favor that we liked to ask from you.

What is it? I said.

Oh no! is this a trap? I thought. Had they purposely made me relax so I would bring my guard down? No! I am reading their minds the entire time, not once did anyone of them thought of something.

We would like to ask your help in taking down the leader of the Lynx.

The leader? I thought I took them all out?

Believe me we all wanted that outcome. Nothing beats getting paid while doing nothing, however, Treena here saw a footprint made by a Regal lynx. Now if it was Sigmund who found it I would've dismissed it but Treena's our expert tracker if she says it's a Regal Lynx then it's a Regal Lynx.

yeah thanks for the vote of confidence Rael Sigmund retorted.

I was just kidding Sigmund, I only wanted to emphasize to our friend here how great of a tracker Treena is. Now back on point, the group of lynx that attacked your village is probably a scouting party. Since they didn't return the regal lynx would probably lead the next attack.

So, we hunt it first? I said

Yes! that's correct. It'll be better if we catch if off-guard.

Do I really need to go? It looks like you three are more than capable of eliminating this threat.

What makes you think we can take care of it? If we can we wouldn't be asking for your help. Rael asked.

I don't know you just have this air of being strong. Besides I can read your mind, I thought to myself. This Rael guy is a sneaky bastard. He meant to use me so he can relax.

You don't need me at all do you? I asked.

Rael let out a loud laugh. I like you kid. You catch on quick or maybe I just wasn't good at hiding my intentions, yes, you're right we have experience fighting a Regal lynx but with your added fire power we could finish the job quickly and save the village. It's a win-win for all right? we can go our own way sooner and you'll be the hero of this village. Your bride's father would be very proud of you.

Bbbrides father? How did you know?

The man told us himself, looking very proud saying ooh my son in-law saved us. He took care of all the beast here.

Please stop. Now I'm embarrassed.

I'm just pulling your leg. So? Are you in?

Yeah, I'll help you I guess.

Alright great! Pack your things and meet us at the entrance.

Right now?

Of course, if we're going to catch the beast of guard we have to act quickly. Come now no dillydallying or we'll leave you and you won't get to show off.

This guy likes teasing me. I thought but somehow, it's easy to talk to him, I guess it's because of his happy go lucky nature.

I went home and packed some stuff, I'm not really sure what to bring since I don't necessarily have to bring any weapons and besides I can't wield them anyway.

Alajah made me packed some food and advised me at least bring a sickle just in-case. It's a bit old and doesn't look sharp enough but it's better than nothing I guess. When I'm done I headed to the entrance to meet Rael's party.

I got there first and saw Hakam waiting for me.

I heard there were more of those gods forsaken beasts

Yes, according to Rael, they found a regal lynx apparently, it's the pack leader or something.

It's the first time I heard of such a beast, I always just called them lynx never thought there'll be a leader I guess when you think about they are like humans too.

I smiled but don't know what to say. There is still so much that I don't know in this world and the more I learn about it the more dangerous it gets.

Hakam noticed my silence and gave me a pat on the shoulder. Don't worry lad I know you can do it, besides you're with experienced knights now not some hastily assembled peasant army.

Thank you Hakam, I said.

By the way lad have you chance upon Rufus? I haven't seen him since last night and his family is getting worried.

No, I haven't seen him. Although I think I saw him run if I'm not mistaken.

Run to where?

I'm sorry but I'm not sure where, it was chaotic that night I hardly remember it. You don't think that he's

Dead? Hakam finished my sentence. No, I don't think so. Or at least based on the corpses that we've found. I'm still holding out hope that he's alive. Thanks for informing me about him running away at least I have a lead now.

Sorry if it's not much I said.

No don't worry about it, your right that it's total mayhem that night and besides you saved us that time. Don't worry about it now I'll search for him. You just focus on your mission today.

Right. I'll do my best.

I'm sure you will. Oh speaking of here comes Rael's party. I'll be leaving now you take care Mihael.

You too Hakam.

The sun bless you mister Hakam and to you Mihael, I hope you brought some food. Rael said when he saw me.

I brought a few, wait you don't have any bags?

Haha we left them at the lodging you gave us. We don't really need anything aside from a few torches if we ever need to explore some cave.

You won't even bring any weapons? I asked.

I have been wondering for a while now but I don't see any of them carrying any kind of armament. At the very least I expect them to carry swords I mean they are knights after all.

Sigmund and Treena gave me a weird look before laughing.

That's a nice joke kid you made us laugh there.

Hey now don't make fun of him. Remember he lost his memory. Rael said

Yeah right! I forgot, sorry about that kid.

Anyway, Mihael regarding our weapons, you'll see it eventually.

I wonder what he meant by that. It looks like there's more to these knights than meets the eye. I'm curious to learn more about them but at the same time I can't shake my anxiety, what if I can't cast my spells.

I felt a tap in my shoulder.

Don't worry, we got you. It was Rael.

I don't know how he knew, can he read my mind as well? I mean it's a possibility, if I can do it then maybe others can too, or maybe he's just perceptive. Anyway, what he said made sense, these guys are all experienced fighters even if my magic doesn't work I'm sure they can still take care of the problem.

C'mon Mage we're going to leave you behind. Treena shouted.

Hey we can't leave him behind he's carrying our meals Rael protested.

I hurriedly went after them.

I wasn't aware that I'll be sharing all my meals

What I thought we already talked about this.

At this time, I had no idea that my journey is just beginning and that from here on out my life is about to change drastically.