
The Throne of Sins and Virtues

A young man on his last day of high school saw his world be torn apart and felt the ground dissolve underneath his feet. In his despair, demons extended their hands and whispered sweet words, while angels tried to get their own contracts signed and whispered words of relief and salvation. He, instead of being consumed or contracted, chose to tame Lust.

Stupid_villain · 都市
21 Chs

A mix of Lust and Vengeance.

Together with the wind, came Cecilia's natural perfume. She still had a tinge of lemon scent underneath the army uniform.

One whiff and Leonardo were brought back to the time when they played together in her backyard that was full of fruitful trees. A slightly more subtle smell of sweat came along her aroma, but it only got Leonardo mouth-watering. He looked at her exposed nape lightly covered with blonde strands of hair, His eyes turned hazy and he pushed himself forward, he just wanted to lean in and let his nose dance around her hair, while gently nibbling her nape...

But he pulled himself back.

'The line between bother and boldness is too thin. She's only allowing me to touch around because, for her, I'm still inoffensive.' Leonardo thought and sighed with irritation, then opened his eyes in surprise..'My lightheadedness faded away…'

[Your repressed desire helped its remaining effect go away, but your mana did suffer a qualitative change, though very minute. It'll be consumed as you use it. You can use it however you want, but to permanently increase your mental processes, you'll need to use it while exercising exactly that.]


Leonardo nodded.

"What are you nodding at?" Cecilia asked when they stopped on the red sign.

Leonardo took out his cellphone and started typing while gently feeling her hip with the other hand, "This firmness is passable." He said and nodded again.

Her eyes went wide, "What? Boy, you're-"

"It's green." Leonardo motioned to the green light with his chin and lightly slapped her hip. "Let's go."

She stared speechless as he just gazed down at his cellphone and didn't even give her a second glance.

The car behind honked and Cecilia bit her lips and bolted away with a loud motor roar

Through the mirror, she inspected his grinning expression.' Elder sis did say his hormones were messed up, but to change this much…' Suddenly the boy on her memories changed to the one wearing an eerie grin while texting on the phone. 'Nah, but he's still an inexperienced nerd. Haha.' She giggled. "Enjoy it while you can, nerdy boy."

His eyes flashed red. "Oh, I will."


Inside the Community gymnasium. A tall, clear blonde girl was gazing down at the swimming pool, watching the swimming competition for teens happening. soon it came to an end as a twelve-year-old girl finished first.

"Look! I knew little sweetie would win! She's Cloudia's little sis after all, haha!" A sweet voice resounded, making the slight smile dissipate from the blonde Claudia's face.

"Yes, I know right, at this age my little brother is still playing games in his bedroom." The voice of a young man followed. He was seated with an arm draped over the woman with a sweet voice. As he spoke his eyes wandered through Cloudia's silhouette who were right beside them.

The little girl in the pool looked brightly at the stands, and sighting Claudia who laughed and waved, she jumped up with both fists in the air…

Claudia's smile remained for a little longer, as the voices around her disappeared and the little girl received the golden medal.

Receiving no answer for their buttlicking, the couple smiled wryly but didn't dare to demand Claudi's attention.

Behind the couple were scattered groups of young men and women gossiping and laughing aloud, completely unaware of the teacher trying to ask for silence, so the little girl could say something.

But they slowly grew quiet as Claudia unhurriedly stood up and leaned in the fence. Her thin but firm body, molded from cheerleading exercises were in full bloom with a short skirt and a shoulderless blouse keeping some of it a secret.

A faint mumbling reached her ears, she turned around with a smile.

"Am I on the way of you guy's sight? Sorry, I just want to hear a little better." The apology for standing up sounded right, but she did not make any motion to get out of the way. The only thing that happened was the mumbling disappearing.

Turning back and leaning her chin on her palm, she waved again to the happy little girl by the pool, her little twelve-year-old face was red with happiness and shame as she spoke in the microphone.

"I-I want to thank my elder sis Claudia, that trained me and…." The little girl grew red as a tomato as she pointed a finger at Claudia, "I won so I'll eat everything I want in this weekend like you promised!"

The people-watching laughed and applauded, Cloudia was grinning uncontrollably and walked down the stands to talk with the little girl.

Only after she crossed the midway down did the mumbling behind her continued.

--Isn't she too full of herself? Who does she think she is!?

One almost whispered with anger.

--I know right, who died and made her queen?

Another followed and the mumbling started to rise in volume and strength.

"They know full well why they are walking on eggshells, but still chose to ignore it for the sake of bitching. Dumb people, if you're going to do it, do it without complaining." The young man, Jeff, sneered and continued to speak to the girl on his arm. "I thought you said you were friends? I didn't see her talking to you of anything more than weather and high school things on the way here."

"She closed herself around a few years ago, though we had our misunderstandings then, we're over it. Besides, today is a sunny day and we're just messing around, what do you think we would talk about? Boy's shouldn't try to understand girl's friendship."

Cassie, a beautiful red-headed young woman answered while in his arms.

Seeing him half-appeased a light flashed by her eyes. 'I shouldn't have drunk so much on the ball and passed the night with him… Mom said that men can lose interest fast…'

"But don't worry too much," She continued, "Thought she closed herself up, our families are pretty close. Plus, she awoke a C rank authority of lightning, and she's just beneath Leonardo in studies, there's only benefit in the future if we follow her, we just have to have some value."

Thinking about what Cassie said and her family's assets plus his own desire to marry her since he first saw Cassie...He smiled and kissed her lightly. "You're right, I shouldn't be too tryhard, otherwise I'd be just like that nerdy ex-boyfriend of yours."

They giggled and kissed.

"Whoa, even when your name is on the news, people can still despise you like that."

A sarcastic filled feminine voice reached them.

Cassie and Jeff looked to the side, A tall man with short messy hair walked unhurriedly towards them, beside him was a smirking woman in a military uniform.

"Cecilia? Leonardo?" Cassie said aloud with surprise. More Surprise reached her to notice that Leonardo was walking straight, with eyes loosely wandering around the people, then it found her own and he smiled and said. "It's how I was, I don't blame him."

"Was? Wow, a bit of fame can really make some people crazy Haha"

After that random comment every scattered group started laughing. It didn't stop until Leonardo looked around and asked. "Where's Claudia? I was sure that if I followed the buzzing of the little lackeys I'd find the queen bee."

He didn't turn red or assumed a defensive stance; he just waved it off and asked for the most popular person while offending everyone present.

"...Haha, Have you became insane after losing your woman? I guess you did, otherwise how could you try and run over an authority holde-" Jeff couldn't mock more as a particular dial tune rung from his cellphone.

He frowned and took out his cell phone immediately. As he went away to pick it up Cassie remained. "Leonardo…?" And muttered as she still couldn't believe her eyes.

He gazed right into her eyes, chills went up to her spine but were gone in a second as he smiled widely with glee on his face.

"It's good to see you're not feeling too much guilt. Feelings shouldn't be repressed after all." He said, then looked at Jeff talking slightly far away. "A football player with an assured future, You chose right." He nodded at her with a smile.

Cecilia was right behind with eyebrows raised. She opened her mouth to speak, then grinned and felt it'd be much more entertaining to watch from the side.

"Leo, I-" Cassie tried to speak but a shadow hurriedly got in between.

"We're sorry!" Jeff suddenly appeared and bowed. He gathered his hands and raised it in front of Leonardo, in a pleading motion. "We're terribly sorry, Leonardo. I did not mean to hurt you in any way, we just happened to fell in love a few days before the ball, and Cassie told me you two weren't really together, that you two were just good friends. Please I'll do anything to make it up to you!"

The words poured out of his mouth like a broken dam, astounding and silencing people with surprise and disbelief.

They couldn't understand why the arrogant Jeff Varius was lowering himself in front of Leonardo. In this manner.

Leonardo sighed helplessly and stepped forward; He slapped Jeff's shoulder twice, in a free and easy manner. "My boy, there is no need for so much, the heart wants what he wants."

Jeff's face was red with anger that he could barely hold in, he trembled and lowered his head again. "I truly am sorry, please, I'll do anything to make up for it." He repeated the phrase and kept his head low to not show the expression that Leonardo had already seen through.

"J-Jeff?" She felt weird, Cassie suddenly felt various pairs of eyes pricking her from the sides, all the scattered groups seemed to be smirking at them.

"Don't worry about that," Leonardo said after patting Jeff on the head as if he was a younger brother. "Thanks to that I realized where my true love is too."

"P-Please, I'll do anything." Jeff was clearly pleading now.

"Hmm… now that I think about it, cassie and I never had a proper goodbye." Leonardo said, and cold took over Jeff's stomach, he looked on with panic at the smiling Leonardo.

He gazed at Cassie that was still confused and he felt his eyes water and rage engulf his chest.

"I think a proper goodbye is needed, don't you think, Jeff? Would you mind?" Leonardo sought approval.

Jeff trembled in place, his eyes turned scarlet. With extreme difficulty, he nodded. "I-I- d-don't mind."

Cassie didn't have time to understand the weigh of what was said, until an arm pulled her and she hit a hard, bony chest. Her chin then was guided up by a finger, and deep dark eyes made her stiff.

A tongue invaded her mouth before she could even pull herself away. The hand used to guide her chin slid down on her side and latched on her waist, all the while his other arm was keeping her body glued to his.

It was a wet, long, and deep kiss. She didn't resist more, because Jeff hadn't said anything. So she just delved into the feeling of the other tongue toying with her own, sending shivers of wonders down her body. It lasted a good minute.

Then Leonardo pulled away and showed his hazy pleasured eyes and grin with a bit of saliva on the corner of his lips. He didn't give a second glance at Cassie, as he walked up to Jeff who had blood slipping out of his nose and bitten lips, He grabbed both of the men's shoulders in a friendly manner.

"Thank you for allowing us that closure, friend, my father is hosting a barbecue tomorrow, I know your father will come, but I want you to come as well so I can pour you a beer and show my sincerity. What do you think?"

After a full thirty seconds of gritting his teeth and trembling in place, Jeff nodded.

"Good! Haha!" Leonardo slapped him on the shoulder and laughed out loud.

The people then exploded in rushed talks..

[What the hell did you do? I didn't pay attention when you were typing on your phone before, were you preparing for this!? how did you made him like this!?] Azumi asked.

Leonardo grinned

'Jeff's father wants to expand his chain of auto-center stores. His plan is simple, he wants all the customers from this city, so when he tries to spread to the rest of Brazil he would have a safety net to fall into. But there's also a chain of restaurants that has similar ideas, both need to pay bribes to get the best spots and quick permission from the government. So I sent a message with instructions to Silvio. He offered both of them half the bribe it's usually needed, but told he hasn't decided if he wants restaurant or auto-center stores on his side for the Mayor elections…'

[So, as a consequence, Jeff's dad will order his son, to do whatever must be done for their business!] Azumi who was inside his pocket exclaimed. [You thought of that while on the bike!? Were you even sure your father could do it!?]

'He can, he would've offered and given the same deal to both, for votes. But as I promised to talk about him in an interview, he agreed to let them hanging before saying he'll do it for both.'

[...] Azumi was speechless.

"Leo!?" a high pitched voice broke the clamoring in the place, but didn't unfroze the stiff Cassie nor fazed Jeff who was still trembling with a lowered head.

Two blondes holding cones of ice-cream appeared. One big, other small.

Leonardo laughed. "Hey little torment," and greeted the twelve-year-old girl. Then turned his eyes up to the woman who looked exactly like the common tv cheerleader, but couldn't be farther from them. And spoke aloud.

"Hello Claudia, I missed you."