
The Birth.

In the days of 20xx there was a couple who has a beautiful family with two children's one girl and boy, they used to live happily and one day they figured out that her daughter had a problem that she will never get married.

When they figured this out the woman is 3 months pregnant so she got scared that if this baby in my womb is going to be a girl then what I suppose to do.

They decided to abort the baby the woman take a lots of pills and injections for abortion but the baby in her womb took birth and the reaction of all the pills and injections, happened to her own body that woman accepted the baby because that's a baby boy she prayed and promised to Lord Jesus that the child which you gave me with your blessings I will take care of him and when he grew up enough to understand your path I will teach him to preach bible words to other people.

The woman who gave birth to that boy named him Owen and the man also agreed with that, some days after Owen's birth the daughter named Elena fall down from the jungle gym and got hurted between legs, the woman got scared and took her to their family doctor (the one who told her that your daughter have a problem) she checked her and said, "don't need to worry about her she is fine but the real good news is, she don't have that problem either," the woman get shocked by listening to her and she asked again, "Doctor are you sure about what you are saying," the doctor replied with a happy face, "The thing which I told you Is true you don't need to worry about that thing she is completely normal now,"

The woman is so happy that she started crying because she used to pray everyday for her daughter and now the Lord has listened to her she just waiting for her husband to come back home when he came back from job she jumped on him and tell him the news and her husband was also very happy by hearing that news.