
Chapter 2

When Owen was 5 years old his mother got seriously sick that she will not be able to take care of owen, because Elena and Jade are big enough to take care of themselves Owen's mother send Owen to his grandmother's place there Owen used to live with his grandma and his aunt who don't like to get married Owen get so close to his aunt that he accepted his aunt as his mom and forget about his real mother. His aunt admitted him in the nearby school and Owen stayed at his grandmother's place for a year. Then one day Owen is playing in the hall and his aunt's phone started ringing Owen asked his aunt, "Mom, should I pick up the call ? ," his aunt replied, "Yes", Owen answered the call and said, " Hello, who's this ? " the person who called replied, " Hello, son it's me your mother" but Owen didn't recognize, he ran toward his aunt and give her the phone his aunt asked, " who is on the line dear" but he was so shocked that he didn't replied. His aunt answered the call, " Hello who's this ?" the woman replied, " Idiot it's me your sister," his aunt replied, "Oh sister how are you ? are you feeling well ?" the woman replied, "Am fine now, but what happened to Owen why he didn't talk to me" his aunt said, "He might be scared cause he never replied to any other calls, Haha." the woman replied, " am feeling better now so am coming tomorrow to take Owen back, it's summer vacations so we can make his admission near our place, make sure you pack all his stuffs okay, bye," they hang up the call and Owen asked his aunt, " Mom, that lady was telling me that she is my mother," his aunt replied, " Well, thats the truth you are her son and I am your aunt," Owen asked, "what is the difference between aunt and mom ?" his aunt said, " the lady who told you that she is your mother, is my elder sister they send you here to me because your mom was sick that she was not able to take care of you, your mother is coming tomorrow to take you back to your home, make sure you get your luggage ready and be a good boy don't bother anyone over there do you get that," when his aunt telling him this all things Owen started crying his aunt saw him and she asked him with a low voice, " what happened child, why are you crying ?" Owen replied Weeping , " I.. I don't wanna go with that lady, I want to stay with you forever, I promise I will never bother you and always listen to whatever you say to me, please..please don't send me with them," his aunt replied while rubbing her eyes, " Listen child I also don't want to send you with them but I can't do anything in this it's their decision because they are your parents." Owen ran into his room and his aunt started crying because she also don't want Owen to go.