
The Three Black Widows

The_Kurona · アクション
19 Chs


Once Dozer and Jackal finally found a place to camp out at, they quickly set everything up. Dozer laid jackal down onto a bed roll and made sure his wounded arm wasn't more infected then it already was. To Dozers surprise it didn't look that bad.

"How- does it look?" Jackal asked sheepishly, followed up with a rough chuckle. "It looks fine friend, just try and stay still. I mean you look like shit, I don't want you looking any worse" Dozer said jokingly towards Jackal. They both laughed even though they were in a bad situation.

Dozer took his walkie talkie out and radioed in Riot. "Hey, we've found a place to stay, try hurrying up!" The radio was silent for a moment before a slight static sound blared through the radio.

"C-op-y T-hat" Riots voice cut out a few times but Dozer understood what he was trying to say. "Alright, over and out." Dozer let out a swift sigh and stood up straight. He leaned against the cold stone wall that held up the building they were in.

"Wh-e-re a-re Y-ou?" Riots voice came through the radio once more. "If you remember where we were last, you just need to head South East from there and you'll find a huge stone structure." Dozer said as clearly as possible. "Al-rig-" Riots voice was cut off and this time Dozer couldn't make out what he said. "Pardon?" Dozer held on the walkie talkie button. Nothing came through, annoying Dozer. "Damn it" He let out a sigh of annoyance and closed his eyes for a few minutes.

Riot and Deacon dashed through the town, trying to figure out how to get out of the town. "This place is fucking huge, it might as well be a city.." Riot said in confusion. "Oh over there, I recognize a few of those buildings, that's where i came in from lets go!" Riot began running towards the direction he pointed out and Deacon followed behind. It wasn't long before they reached the woods that Riot was in earlier. "Hmm I can roughly estimate where they are at.. going off the suns position-" Riot was quickly cut off by Deacon handing him a Compus. "Oh thanks! You saved us some time" he grinned under his balaclava. "No problem" Deacon responded.

Leaves and twigs crunched under their boots as they swiftly ran through the woods. A stone structure soon came into view and a surge of pure adrenaline rushed through Riot making him run faster than before.

"GUYS I'M HERE AND I BROUGHT SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP" Riot shouted as he barged into the place. Dozer shot up along with Jackal. "Jesus you almost gave me a heart attack-" Jackal said with a slightly hoarse voice. "Sorry, uh this is Deacon, he's a Turkish Field medic I think he can help us." Deacon walked over to Jackal and began checking his wound out.

"It looks...fine? I mean obviously you should take this with a grain of salt but he..might be immune?" Deacon said. Everyone was silent from this information.
