
The Three Black Widows

The_Kurona · アクション
19 Chs

Blood Brothers Pt.3 (Finale)

Riot was soon returned back to his cell until further instructions. He sat down on his bed and sighed. He wasn't sure what he should do. For all he knew, they were going to kill him in the next twenty-four hours.

It wasn't long until a guard opened his cell door and ordered him to get out of the cell. He directed him down the hall towards a door place off to the side. Once he reached the door he opened it and looked around.

It was a sort of office but it wasn't in the best shape. The walls had a little bit of mold in the corner and the only window in there was covered by a bed sheet. "What the fuck? you guys have a somewhat well kept building that has cleanish rooms but you make me go in here of all places?" he said. The guard pushed him forwards with his gun barrel and ordered him to shut up.

Riot sighed and looked over at the desk and noticed the old man sitting there. "Come, sit down I need to talk to you." the old man spoke. He sighed and sat down on the chair on the other side of the desk.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asked. "Listen carefully understand?" Riot nodded and waited for what he had to say. The old man placed some files in front of Riot and cleared his throat.

"Alright, so theres something I need you to do. I want you to go out and find your team and bring them back here. Now I'm going to send sparrow with you so you don't try and run away although I trust you won't do that." Riot scratched his chin and picked up the files.

"What's this for?" he asked. "I wanted to give you that since I know you're quite upset about us taking your memories away so those files have everything you need to know such as the place of birth for each of your team members and everything else of the sort."

Riot opened the files and glanced over it. He then closed it and looked at the old man. "Fine. However I need gear." Riot said as he stared into the old man's eyes. "I already have some ready for you down at your cell. Oh and before you go, take this." He placed what looked like a epipen on the desk in front of Riot.

Riot squinted and hummed. "Why would I need a epipen I'm not allergic to anything?" The old man shook his head and pointed at the label on the side of it. "It's in a epipen but its not what you think. It has a liquid inside of it that we've been experimenting with before the outbreak happened. We call it Enhanced Performance Limit Breaker or EPLB for short. You could also call it a super soldier drug." he said

Riots eyes widened. He never thought the day would come where the human body could go beyond its usual limits. "However, only use this when need be because there is a chance it could kill you and it is very likely." Riot squinted and sighed. "Alright, I'll see myself out then, thanks for this I guess." he said as he stood up and grabbed the drug.

Riot grabbed the door handle and got ready to walk out. "Be safe out there kid." The old man said. Riot nodded and walked down the hall to his cell. He soon arrived at his cell and was greeted by sparrow.

"Put your gear on and lets get going, we can't waste time." he said. Riot shook his head and entered his cell. He began putting on his gear. Once he finished up he walked out of the cell and looked over at Sparrow.

"Ready?" he asked. Riot nodded and the two began walking out of the building. The sun beamed over them as them reached the outside. "Finally fresh air.." Riot took a deep breath. "Let's move." Sparrow ordered. The pair began walking in the direction of his teams last seen appearance.

They walked for around 3 hours until they end up spotting two people what looked to be Jackal and Dozer. "HEY! GET OVER HERE!" Sparrow called out in a menacing voice. Jackal and Dozer flinched and quickly made a break for it. Riot and Sparrow began chasing after them.

They chased them through alleyways barely being able to catch up with them. "Riot split up, we can track them down a bit easier and force them into a corner." Sparrow said before running in a slightly different direction. Riot sighed and did as he was told.

Riot walked through the town, still somewhat following tracks of Jackal and Dozer. He suddenly spotted a door move in the corner of his eye. he turned and began walking towards it. Riot pulled his rifle out and slowly pushed the door all the way open. Once inside he turned on the flashlight that was attached to it.

Out of nowhere a zombie tackles him to the ground sending the gun out of his hands. Riot quickly apprehended the zombie and began stabbing it until its head looked mushed. "That was way too close for comfort." he said.

Riot stood up and grabbed his gun. He then continued searching the building. Once he finished searching the entire building he walked out the back entrance. "This is going to be a long day..." Riot sighed.

He suddenly was grabbed from behind. Riot panicked and squirmed around. He quickly elbowed them in the gut, releasing him from their grasp. Riot then grabbed their arm and threw them over his shoulder, slamming them onto the ground. "Jackal?!" he said. Jackal coughed and looked at Riot.

"You betrayed us as well huh?" Jackal chuckled with a hoarse voice. "What? no I'm not here to capture you guys. I mean yes that's what I was sent here to do but I refuse to do so." Riot said. He then reached his hand out for Jackal. He hesitated for a moment but grabbed it anyhow.

"Look I'm being serious Jackal I promise you that I just want to help-" Jackal put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head. "Yeah I knew you wouldn't do that to us." he said. Riot smiled and Jackal did as well.

"Alright so where's Dozer? Riot asked. "He separated from me so I don't know exactly but I know the general direction he went. lets go find him" Riot nodded and proceeded to follow him.

The duo walked for a bit until they heard rustling behind a building. They looked at each other both having the same thought. They quickly went to see what it was. "Oh shit" Riot said as he saw what was happening in front of them.

Sparrow was doing his best to keep Dozer down on the ground to apprehend him but Dozer was a bit too strong for him. Dozer flipped around and began punching Sparrow. However Sparrow used most of his strength to get Dozer off him. He quickly pulled the taser off his vest and tased Dozer.

Riot couldn't stand there doing nothing. "Jackal help Dozer I'll try to deal with Sparrow." He said. "Whos Sparro-" Riot was already running towards Sparrow. Jackal sighed and began running behind him. Riot tackled Sparrow to the ground while Jackal helped Dozer move away from the area.

"GAH what are you doing!?" Sparrow yelled. "I'm not going to sit here and watch you capture my team. I refuse to be kept in cages like wild animals!" Riot yelled back.

Sparrow began kneeing Riot in the stomach making his breathing hoarse. He then grabbed Riot by the vest and dragged him across the ground and into a wall. Riot raised his foot and began kicking at his knee. Sparrow stumbled back for a moment giving Riot time to stand up.

Sparrow reached for the knife in his pocket and pulled it out. He then charged at Riot. Sparrow swung the knife, nearly cutting him several times. Before he could land a hit, Riot grabbed the hand with the knife in it and kneed him in the abdomen. Riot then proceeds to elbow him in the jaw causing him to stumble back.

"Heh nice hit little brother..." Sparrow coughed. Riot grunted in anger. Sparrow used every bit of strength and energy he had against Riot. Sparrow dashed towards Riot, tackling him to the ground.

Out of nowhere, Jackal kicks Sparrow off of Riot. "Huh why did you come back..?" Riot asked. "Because we're a team. No man left behind remember?" Jackal stated. Riot smirked and slowly got up.

Suddenly Jackal dropped to the ground after a loud bang. Riot looked over at sparrow holding his pistol. "NOO!" Riot shouted. Adrenaline began rushing through his body. Riot ran at Sparrow with all his leg force. Sparrow was too worn to react giving Riot the opportunity to punch him across the the face with maximum force.

Sparrow fell to the ground and Riot looked over him. They both panted and stared at one another. Sparrow stood up and punched Riot making him stumble a little.

"I'm sorry little brother but this has to end." Sparrow pulled out his own EPLB and injected himself with it. "hahaha that feels good!" he said. Riots eyes widened as Sparrow grabbed him by the vest once more, this time with one arm and slamming him into the wall, nearly making him black out.

Riot, using any little energy he had left, pulled out his EPLB and slowly injected himself with it. He suddenly got a massive surge of pure adrenaline in his body. Riots eyes shot wide open and he stood up straight. He grabbed Sparrows arm and began twisting it. Riot then punched him across the jaw.

"IT ENDS HERE, YOU ARE NOT MY BROTHER, YOUR A DAMN MONSTER." Riot grabbed Sparrow by the head and slammed it into the wall, cracking it. "Hahaha you think I feel ANY of this?" He laugh hysterically.

Riot gritted his teeth and pulled his knife out and began stabbing him repeatedly. Sparrow however didn't flinch. He kept laughing until he reached over and grabbed Riot by the head and threw him off to the side.

A hour went by and they both began feeling the effects of the drug wear off. Both of them slowed down and started feeling excruciating pain. Sparrow felt his stab wounds and fell to the ground faster than ever. They groaned in pain however it was obvious that Riot was victorious.

"fuck...Just..kill me, I rather let you kill me then the damn drug." Sparrow said. Riot shook his head and sighed. "No, I wont have family blood on my hands.." he responded. Riot began limping away, leaving Sparrow on the ground. He kneeled down over Jackal and picked him up. He had just enough strength to carry him.

Riot limped away with Jackal and made his way downtown. Clouds formed over in the sky and rain started to fall. Riot didn't care though, all he wanted was to find shelter for him and his friend.

He limped over to the nearest convenient store and pushed the door open. He walked behind the counter and laid Jackal down. Riot suddenly felt more of the after effects and held his chest in pain. He fell to the floor and coughed. It wasn't long until he blacked out next to Jackal.

The convenient store door slowly opened again and someone or something walked closer and closer to Riot and Jackal. They kneeled down and felt Riots forehead.

"Your going to be alright my child.."