
The Thousand Droplet

The Su family has been known as the guardian of the Hukuo waterfall and was famous because of this. The village, Fangjing have been peaceful and prosperous, near and wide, people love and patronize the village. The Su family was the only family that worshipped the Hukuo goodness called Sunü and at every thousand droplet of water from the waterfall, a new creature will be formed, to rule the land to prosperity till another is formed. But war crept in to Fangjing village and all the Su families was killed expect Qianfan who managed to escape death and ran with some villagers into a thick forest, dividing the village and city. He found a lady he loves in the forest but things didn't go as expected so they didn't end up together. Qianfan married a powerful lady who happens to be Ai's (the woman he really loves) enemy. Qianfan's wife gave birth to a baby boy while Ai gave birth to a baby girl, both fell in love, despite their age difference but the riff between the two families torn them apart. Qianfan remembered his culture and took his son home so he could continue but it turned out that he was not his father. Qianfan got an heart attack and almost died. Soon, the Hukuo goodness grew furious as she hasn't been worshipped for years and sent a human like creature to find the Su desendant. Su Qianfan was aged already so his child was needed to carry on but the creature went to Ai's family, rather than Su's family. Ai's daughter fell in love with the creature and they made a bet which led them back to the waterfall. Qianfan found out that he had a child with Ai and went to apologize but she refused.

Da_Golden_Wealth · 歴史
12 Chs

I fell for lies again

Wú Ai's POV

"Míng has always been in love with you but he was shy back then to express his love to you" father said

Qianfan coughed and I know well the meaning.

"I'll just be in my room" Qianfan said and stood to leave.

"Why? You barely even touched your meal" Mei said

"I already had dinner before coming here, I wouldn't want to have an indigestion"

He left and I watched him leave for room. He just lied now because he couldn't bear the way Míng was holding me hands and was all over me.

"Can you please let go of my hand?"

"I'm sorry, my lady but I can't. I wouldn't want to lose you anymore"

I looked at dad, how happy he was seeing Míng and I together, I couldn't bear to make him sad, at least, not on the first day of my return.

Míng held my hand throughout the dinner and even volunteered to walk me back to my room.

"Thank you, you can leave now"

"Why? Are you chasing me?"

"of course not. I mean it's late, you should go home now"

"Okay, if you insist. I'll drop by tomorrow. Have a good night rest"

He planted a kiss on my cheek and left.

I shut the door and sent all the maids back to their quarters. I sat on the chair, thinking of a good excuse to tell Qianfan but nothing was coming up. I waited till when everyone was asleep and tiptoed to Qianfan's room. I tried opening it but it was locked, I knocked softly and fortunately for me, he opened up.

"What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean by that? Aren't you even going to let me in? What if someone sees us?"

"Exactly my fear. I don't want to be seen with a lair"

"Me? A lair? But I didn't lie about anything to you"

"Really? You really have the nerves to tell me that?"

"Look who's here!" I heard a voice startle me from behind. I looked back and it was Mei .

"Not this time, witch" I cursed under my breath

"You should be audible next time, big sister. You never can tell, I might have the right answer" she whispered to my ear

"What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same, Ai."

"Well, he is my guest and I can talk to him anytime I want to"

"Guest indeed. Sneaking on a guest isn't polite"

"What are you doing here? You should be asleep" I asked, now very furious.

"Calm down, big sister. I have some unfinished business with this handsome guest of yours so if you don't mind, please, excuse us." she said, running her hands over Qianfan's body.

My eyes widened, one of my brow raised in form of asking him what was happening.

Su Qianfan's POV

I could see the angry in her as Mei ran her hand over my body, I thought it would be best to play to Mei's tone so I could get my revenge on Ai.

"Yes, we have something to discuss so you may leave now" I said and held Mei's hand

"I'm not a stranger to you, Qianfan. We both know the kind of relationship we have so I think I should be present with you while you talk to my sister"

"We are just friends, Ai. Don't ever forget that"

"Friends? Is that who am I to you?"

"Stop raining your voice, big sister. You might wake the others up"

I took Mei into my room and locked the door from behind. Ai continued knocking softly for about two minutes and left.

Mei stood up from the chair she was sitting and came to me.

"Thank you"

"What for?"

"For choosing me"

Choosing you? Is this family full of psychopaths? I thought within me

"I'm sorry I had to use you that way but I didn't chose you over Ai. I don't even know you"

She moved closer to me and I instantly stood up from the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing but I don't appreciate what you're doing"

"Qianfan, since I saw you, I couldn't get my mind off you."

"You should better do because I love Ai and not you"

She laughed out aloud hilariously, enough to wake up the house.

"Stop looking like a moron! Each room here is sound proof so nobody can here me, no matter how much I scream. And about Ai, Míng loves her and she's going to marry him"

"Ai loves me, not Míng and nothing can tear us apart"

"If you love her this much, why did you embarrass her?"

"I think you should get going now"

"Yeah, I should get some rest. See you some other time, handsome" she said and left.

I laid on the bed with my hand and legs spread out and sighed relived. I just hope Ai doesn't get angry at me tomorrow.

Wú Ai's POV

I went back to my room and banged the door hard in anger.

"How dare he do that to me? With Mei of all people? Is she more beautiful than me? So everything he said was just to get laid with me?"

I sat on a chair and I broke down, sobbing.

"I'm such a fool. I allowed him to use me, everything was just lies. Lies to lure me. He now choose Mei? Qianfan, you think you're smart? You deceived me and now, you want to do the same to my sister? I won't allow that, even if it means giving up my life for her. I'll make sure that she doesn't make the same mistake I did with you. I'll make sure I send you out of this house and I pray I don't see your face anymore. Míng, on the other hand, is much more better than Qianfan. He had looked me since I was little and even waited patiently for my return, loving him back wouldn't be too much to give back. At least, I'm sure, he's going to treat me better than that womanizer"

I took off my dress, changed into a pyjamas and went to bed.