
The Third Prince

A man dies tragically but discovers he's been reincarnated in a fantasy world resembling the novels and mangas he read on Earth. Resigned to live a quiet life, he adapts quickly to his new surroundings, but his plans are disrupted when he realized he reincarnated as a prince. As royalty, he's unable to live the peaceful life he desires. Will the man be able to overcome the constraints of his position or be forever bound by his title? *The Protagonist just do whatever he wants if he feels like it but he's not perfect. Sometimes good sometimes bad.* *MC will not hesitate to resort to violence if someone dare to mess with his 'peaceful life'* *This story has plenty of Time Skips* *This Novel is made by an idiot*

Bankets · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Chaos (2)

Inside the temple, an eerie spectacle is unfolding. It was within this hollow ground the acolytes, once dignified member of the temple, are now the main cause of the havoc.

The acolytes seems fallen under the sway of an unknown entity. Their eyes glazed over, their movements puppet-liked, as if some unseen force had commandeered their very souls. They roamed the temples, purposely attacking the powerless.

Amidst the chaos, a small figure stood, wide-eyed trembling. Voltaire, a three-year-old child was seeing this perilous situation he didn't experience from his past life on Earth for which he was wholly unprepared.

Vivienne, saw Mathilda vanished before her very eyes, but she didn't let it affect her. She knows Mathilda is going to be fine no matter where she is. Right now, the most important person she should be worry about is Voltaire.

In this chaos, she's having a hard time to even spot him. She look at every corners of the temple. And finally, she saw him standing still, as if he's staring into oblivion.

And then, she saw one of the acolytes has its eyes on Voltaire. The acolyte still a twenty meters away, and despite other people passing in front of it, the acolyte didn't lose sight of Voltaire as if its looking at him as a prey. This makes Vivienne sure that the acolytes is definitely coming for Voltaire.

Thankfully, it still need to pass through some people and objects on its way before reaching Voltaire. Thus, Vivienne has enough time to get on Voltaire's side.

"Young Master!" Shouted by Vivienne as she saw the acolyte is making its move.

However, her words didn't seem to get on Voltaire's ears as the young kid was so afraid that he didn't even try to move or look her way. Realizing this, Vivienne should hurry more than ever to get to his side.

To her, Voltaire show incredible intelligence for someone his age, but this situation they're in, proved that Voltaire is still a child no matter where she look.

A child who's not even know nor experience the terror of monsters, and yet, he's already a witness to this dangerous event. Vivienne bit her lips furiously due to this chaos not made of monsters but fellow human being.

So, it's normal for Voltaire to be scared like that.

Vivienne still need to cross thirteen meters away from her young master. If she hurried now, she can still save her young master from the acolytes.

""Help us, Lady!""

As she was ready to move forward, two servants run towards and hide behind her.

They're being chased by a puppet-like acolyte trying to harm them.

Her principles wouldn't let herself neglect these two servants. Due to this, Vivienne halted herself from saving Voltaire.

"Then, stay from behind and don't move or try to do anything reckless." Vivienne stated to them, deciding to lend the two servant a hand.

However, it doesn't mean she loses the intention of saving her young master. She will definitely do it after she save these people.

Vivienne's physical capability is levels above to normal humans, as she's an archon herself although her ability isn't for offensive like a normal ranger is.

"I may be old, but I can still handle this much," Vivienne grinned. "Someone who move so simple couldn't possibly beat me."

As she's preparing her fist to launch a counterattack, the acolyte stopped in its track and changes direction as if its lose interest to the two servants behind Vivienne.

But now, that same acolyte, target another servants who doesn't seem to be an archon.

"What was that?" Vivienne asked herself in confusion, her eyes wide-open.

Then, she remembers the image of her young master.

"Young master." She called once more, her voice was full of desperation.

She at least spent twenty seconds dealing with the acolyte earlier. Is it enough time for the acolyte to land an attack to Voltaire?

With that thought in mind, Vivienne slowly turned her gaze to Voltaire's direction hoping that's not that case.

She won't be able to face Mathilda anymore if things unfold to the worst case possible.

After her desperate gaze, she saw the acolyte close the distance as much as two meters.

It prepared its knife without a change of expression and started to aim at Voltaire.

It's futile. Considering the distance between her and Voltaire, Vivienne wouldn't be able to save Voltaire now even if she try to sprint with all her might.

However, a man wearing a white clothing, much closer to Voltaire, move from the corner of Vivienne's eyes towards Voltaire in less than a second.

In his left side, a little girl is being carried by the man. The man doesn't have a weapon but seeing he can move that fast, Vivienne thought he's an archon.

The man quickly reaches Voltaire in split second and aggressively front kicked the acolyte on its guts sending it flying away quite a distance.

"Meagus, Thank you!" Vivienne thanked the man, Meagus, for saving her young master.

"Lady Vivienne, since you're the closest to her majesty, please tell the other noble to listen," Meagus pleaded. "We need to calm down everyone but they won't listen to me since I'm only a Baron."

Meagus put down the girl and move one step ahead, facing the acolyte while the girl stay in on her toes.

"I'll take care of the prince so please... Also, I'm trusting that you can find a solution in this situation."

"All right, I understand. I'll find a solution." Now that Voltaire is finally safe, Vivienne took a few deep breaths to compose herself and replied in agreement.

(If you're wondering why these two can talk normally from a distance without shouting is that both of them were archons. Archon has heightened sense although it depends to their power.)

The acolyte who was sent flying by Meagus stood up.

Meagus, on the other hand, look at it intensely, ready to defend any upcoming attack.

However, the acolyte lost interest and change its gaze. It continue to look every nook and cranny of the temple until it saw a defenseless person.

"What? It's not going to attack us, anymore?" Meagus asked himself in confusion.

"Again?" Vivienne muttered.

Now that her young master is safe, Vivienne now have the leeway to look at other matters.

She looks around trying to observe everyone hoping she might notice something that can turn the situation around.

The nobles are trying to defend their vulnerable children, while the acolyte continue to attack either the unblessed servants or the children who can't use their power yet.

"That confirms it," Vivienne remarked, then look at the Baron once again. "Meagus, bring the prince and the little girl with you here."

Meagus felt that Vivienne finally has a plan in mind so he follow along.

"What is it, Lady Vivienne?" He asked. "Do you already know how to deal with these acolytes?"

"Yes. Look around, the acolytes only targets the unblessed."

Indeed, when Meagus look; he saw the acolytes only go after the unblessed. He thought earlier that it's just a coincidence when the acolytes stopped attacking Voltaire, but there's no denying it now that he saw it happening again with his own eyes.

"You're right, Lady Vivienne. But what should we do now? The nobles especially the high ranks, won't listen to me."

"Don't worry. I'll handle those idiots." Vivienne replied with confidence. Then, she looks at Voltaire.

"Young master, are you alright."


There's no reply. It seems her young master is still shock. Not only him, Vivienne also checked the little girl with Meagus.

"Is she your daughter?"

"Yes." Meagus responded, his voice was dire.

"It seems she's having the same reaction as the young master."


Seeing Meagus starting to lose his fighting spirit, Vivienne comforted her.

"This event is definitely traumatic for them. You don't need to worry though. Sure these kids are archons now, but they're still kids and their resistance to other people's ability isn't develop yet. I can make them forget this event using my power."

"Really?!" This time, Meagus regained his energy. "Wait. What about their memory of the ceremony?"

"I understand what you're trying to say since the precious memory of attending the ceremony and receiving the blessings is a once in a lifetime event. However, I'm out of my prime now, and there's nothing I can do. For me, it's better to forget what happen today."

"Well, fine. I'll just tell my daughter to thank the goddess everyday." Meagus replied after thinking it through.

"Right. So, let's focus on the matter at hand."

Vivienne took a deep breath preparing herself to one loud yell.

"Everyone!" She called. Her voice was so loud she attracts all the attention of nobles.

The nobles didn't look her way but she can see that they are now paying attention awaiting what she would say.

"I will only say it once so listen carefully. First things first, the acolytes doesn't attack a full fledged archon. They only go after the children who can't use their ability yet and the unblessed servants.

"So as long the children stay by an archon's side, they will be safe. Same goes for the servants.

"However, from what I can see, every children were in deep shock. So, I want to get every parents or guardian here to let me use my power to make the kids forget what happen today."

"As expected of Lady Vivienne, so competent." One of the nobles remarked.

The other nobles agreed in unison.

"Idiots! I'm not done yet! The acolytes still roaming around the temple. We must not let them go pass though the door to not harm those innocent people outside. But I'll take your flattery as a yes."

"Oh, right. The acolytes! What should we do about these assholes?!"

"We'll just need to put them out of their misery." Vivienne replied.

"Kill them, huh. I like that idea Lady Vivienne." A muscular man said starting to stretch his hands.

"I doubt you can kill them." Meagus butted in.

"What?! Are you underestimating me little Baron?" The muscular man glared at Meagus looking at their way for the first time.

"Meagus is right," Vivienne stepped in front of Meagus to blocked the muscular man's sight. "You can't kill a person who's already dead."

"Dead? Surely, you are joking." The muscular man said while smashing the head of an acolyte who's trying to sneak an attack to the ground.

"Do you really think I'm joking in this kind of situation?" Vivienne replied with a question of her own.

"How could a deadman move like that then?!"

"Wait," Another noble stepped in. "Is it related to dark attribute?"

"Indeed," Vivienne replied. "There is someone who's controlling these acolytes behind the scenes. The acolytes always halted their movements when facing an Archon. So, I have a guess that the one controlling them is here and purposely trying to avoid the Archons. If you find anyone suspicious, just say so and we're going to confront them."

I apologize for not uploading for almost 8days. This last week has been tough for me.

On another note, I'll probably change this chapter after some time. I just need a break for myself.

Banketscreators' thoughts