

"Mike said they were about one thousand or so...but they were like 100 or less. Where are the others...?" Anon questioned.

"No... please leave me." The caller begged no.300 to spare him.

As no.300 was about take his head off...anon stopped her.


"Yes, your majesty." No.300 immediately backed off and lowered her battle axe.

Anon closed his distance to the caller, grabbed his face and looked him in the eye as he used a skill...

<Hypnosis >

His eyes shined purple and the caller went into a trance state.

"Where is the rest of your allied forces ?" Anon asked.

"Rest of the forces are coming from six different directions to seal the location and stop the intruders from running away." The man confessed without any resistance.

"How many forces are you divided into...?"

"We are divided into 24 squads of 50 men each."

"Three squads from six different directions.. huh ?"


"Who is your main caller ?" Anon asked.

"Our main caller is king's left hand, Sir Denzel Macro."

"Macro...? That's the guy that mike wanted me to kill. Do you hold any other vital info in that little brain of yours ?" Anon asked.


"Yep, kill him now." Anon said as he released his head.


As soon as anon left his head no.300 spined her axe and seprated his head from his body without any mercy.

"Now...this is a bit of a problem." Anon said as he looked at the sky.

Inside the stonelake mansion...

"Robert...i know you are hiding in their come out now, you won't escape alive today." Mike shouted in a threatening voice as he looked towards the dark corridor that was heading to the underway of the house.

"Robe-" before he could've called again, a green light shined from the dark corridor.

"So you finally decided to come out of your little mouse house huh...?" Mike said.

"He tried..." A voice was heard from the dark.

"What ?" Mike questioned.

"He tried to take over my will...but i took over him instead. Hahahaha..." Suddenly robert's body appeared out of the dark.

But robert's body didn't look very good as black spots near his eyes are covering half of his face and his pupils are dark black...the green locket that looked like the eye of a snake was embedded into his chest and dark purple veins covered it.

His nails have grown to about 1 meter and his legs are looking similar to an owls. As he talked his tounge came out just like a snake.

"You are under possession." Mike said as he attained a defensive stance with his daggers.

"This idiot tried to bend my will according to his way but lost his soul...he thought i was letting him take over me but didn't noticed that i already am eating his soul away." Robert said in a heavy voice.

"I don't know who you are...but you choose the wrong body to posses." Mike said as he looked at robert and prepared his daggers.


"Master human soldiers are approaching from the east side..."

"Master humans are also approaching from south-west and south-east."

"Hmm... let's see how are going to do this. If you notice clearly every group is moving at a 10 minute gap for back up...means north-eastern group of soldiers will be first once to engage and after that north-westerns will come 10 minutes later to back them up and avoide any traps that were set before hand...nice strategy.

I will turn this strategy of theirs into mine...i will use their power as their weakness and kill them one by one." Anon said as he looked at north-east.

"Master, what are we going to do now ?"

"We will engage with the same strategy on North-eastern side and after that 10 minute for cooldown will be given. Ten minutes later we will start next engage on the north-western side. Do you all understand ?" Anon explained.

"Yes, your majesty." All the ogres shouted.


Soon, when the Royal forces were close enough anon commanded.

"Boys, we are going to engage in 10, 9, 8, 7..."


But before he could've engaged with the human forces something came flying out of the mansion.

"What the fuck...?" Anon said as he looked at the thing that crashed into the street.

"Mike, what the fuck is going on...?" Anon asked as he saw that the thing was none other than mike himself.

"...*cough* Master that son of bitch used the eye of the witch and got possessed by a soul." Mike said as he fixed his broken hand and stood up.

"What ?" Anon said as he looked towards the mansion and noticed a figure hovering over the house.

<Demonic Eyes>

[Name: Robert Stonelake]

[Race: Vampire]

[Mana: 8900]

[HP: 5000]

[Level: 58]

[Status: Under possession of Morgana's will.]

The human forces immediately stoppedand looked at the figure hovering above the mansion.

"What the hell is that thing ?" A sound came from anon's behind

Anon immediately turned around and saw frank standing their with his eyes wide open in terror.

"That 'Thing' is your father." Anon said as he turned his attention back to the figure.

"Soldiers charge." A sound resounded in the environment.

Anon immediately got alert as he noticed that the royal army has shifted their target and now attacking robert.

No matter what type of attacks they did all pf thwm were blocked by robert.

"Mages, use binding spells and bring that thing fown on the ground." The caller commands.

Suddenly many golden ropes were shot from the royal army that caught the flying figure from all over his body.

"Hehhe....This is fun." Morgana spoke as the golden ropes holding her possessed body turned black and instantly killed the mages that were casting them.

Observing this all the other royal forces came forward and started attacking Morgana together.

"Back off." Anon commanded the ogres.

'Why waste my energy if i can steal the kill at last.' Anon thought as he smiled and backed off into an ally with his team.

"Master...are we going to fight the humans again ?" No.300 asked.

"No, we will be fighting something more dangerous now. Only if i can get close to her...i will use that skill." Anon said as he looked at the hovering body of robert killing the royal army.

"Master, are you thinking of stealing the kill ?" Mike asked.


"I have to warn you that thing is to strong to fight....when i was fighting her she used a spell." Mike said as his face turned grim.

"What type of skill ?"

"A necromatic skill."

"You mean bringing the dead back shit ?" Anon asked.

"Yes...she can revive the bodies of the dead and control them like puppets."

"Now i understand why they holded the front lines for 13 days." Anon said as he looked at mike.

"What now ?" Mike asked.

"Nothing, we just watch. At the last moment i will try to steal the kill." Anon said.

"Master..." A ogre came running towards them.

"What ?"

"The human forces...."

"What ? Don't tell me they killed him."

"No...they are all wiped out only one human remains." The ogre explained.

"What the ? Are you sure all of the forces are wiped out ?"

"Yes...i saw it with my own two eyes. That thing killed all the humans in matter of seconds." The ogre answered.

Anon immediately went out of the ally to look at the situation.

"Fuck...me." Anon said as he saw that 24 teams of royal soldiers are turned into 24 meat piles.

"I warned you that thing is very strong." Mike said from behind.

"Who is he ?" Anon asked as he saw a big muscular man fighting the figure.

"That's.....macro." mike said as his eyes shined red.

"Calm down." Anon said as he observed that morgana is now fighting macro with her full force.

"Human what are you ? Are you even a human ?" Morgana asked macro in a heavy voice.

"Hahahaha....say whatever you want to say. I serve only one king and i will finish you here today. Get ready." Macro said as his clothes ripped apart due to sudden muscle growth.


Macro used a skill.

[When you take authority of something you will attain a power boost of 30% and every attack dealt will deal only deal 40% of the damage as true damage and other damage will be neglected.]

His body started to grow rapidly and his muscles started popping as he spoke...." I take authority of a 10 meter area in a circle around me."

Suddenly his body shined golden as he disappeared from his place and punched Morgana.


Morgana's body immediately fell on the ground.

<Demonic Eyes>

[HP: 4700/500]

"My god that's some damage i have to say." Anon said as he praised macro.

"He is a motherfucking animal when it comes to fighting." Mike said as he looked at the fight.


The next moment when both of them looked back at the battle they observed that macro has been killed by morgana.

"Well....one of your enemy has killed your other enemy. That's one good thing." Anon said as he folded his hands.


"Master, We should retreat." Mike said with a very fearful expression.

"Why ?" Anon asked.

"That guy name, macro. He was the strongest beast I've ever seen in my life. He was someone even i didn't managed to get a scratch on but at this moment he was killed like a fly...i think that thing might be the strongest thing in the world." Mile said as an expression of grief appeared on his face.

"Do you not want revenge for your wife and children ?" Anon asked.

"I do, but even if i risk everything i have, i don't think i can win against that thing." Mike said as he looked at the ground with sadness.

"Haa....what are you ? A frog inside the well ?" Anon said as he laughed a bit.

"What ?" Mike asked as he noticed anon taking out his sickles.

"I will do this myself. Just wait here and watch me." Anon said as he left the ally.

"But, master..."

"Just watch." Anon said as he looked at mike and left.

"What is he planning to do ?" Mike asked himself.

"Never, ever doubt on his majesty's plan." No.300 said as she puffed her chest in proudness.

"But...what type of plan can defeat that thing ?" Mike asked with a confusing expression.



"He must've Thought of something." No.300 said as she tapped on mike's shoulder.

Anon who walked alone on the street looked fearless as he walked towards robert.

"Oi." Anon shouted.

"Hmm...? Another one huh...?" The dark figure turned around as it looked at anon with it's dark eyes.

"You look ugly as hell." Anon taunted morgana.

"So bold. You want to die a hard death, don't you ?"

"No, i just want to kill you." Anon said as he pointed his sickle towards the black figure.

"Die." Morgana said as she moved at an incredible speed and reached out her long nail for anon's neck.

Anon also used his legs and dodged her attack with the same attack.

"What agility ?" Morgana was shocked to see Anon's speed.

"Haha...you are so slow." Anon taunted morgana.

"Youuuu....dare to mock me, the great morgana."



"Yes, i dare." Anon said as he again moved at an incredible speed.

"You humans are still an failed Experiment, aren't you." Morgana said as she again used her incredible speed to move at a very faster pace and reach for anon's neck.

"Come bitch."

At this moment morgana noticed that something was wrong with this whole situation because a human should never be able to move this fast.

[Your Target is trying to escape the illusion, if the target's mind figured out the pattern of your illusion, your illusion will break off.]

A notification popped up in front of anon.

"Fuck i still am trying to figure this out and this bitch is breaking out of my grasp." Anon said as he looked at morgana moving at an incredible speed under her illusion.

Even if you are far more stronger than me but the body you are trapped in is still only 1 level ahead of me. Which means i can use every single spell on it.

Now since you are a soul i have got some plans for you.

Anon suddenly started moving towards Morgana. At this moment he only needed to touch ber body for once and use his skill but that one moment can be very dangerous for him.

"Let's try my look." Anon said as he went in and placed all of his bets on this try.

As soon as Anon noticed the closest angle to morgana he immediately broke his illusion and tried to grab her hand.



"Haaa...i knew it." Morgana said as she moved her hand with haste and used her nails to pierce through Anon's heart.

Before Anon could've reacted his heart was pierced by two big nails and his body was hanging in the air.

"Master..." No.300 and mike said as they looked at the hanging body of anon in morgana's nails.

Morgana thought of anon as dead and tried to throw his body away but before she could've throwed it away Anon's hand immediately grabbed her nails.

"Huh...?" Morgana looked at Anon's face and noticed a wicked smile on his face.

"You are still alive?"

"I am immortal bitch."

<Hell Of Eternal Damnation>

[Hell Of Eternal Damnation(Class Exclusive)][A-Rank]

[When you look into Abyss it looks back into you. With this skill You can make your opponent's mind fell into a C.O.M.A state where 1 second will equal an eternity, Target's mind will be shown his worst fears over and over until his will to live dies and even though target's body will live, but his mind will not work, target will become just a living flesh. This skill will passively protects you from every soul and mind attacks. Skill can only be used on only 2 level above and any level below the host's level.]

[Mana: 1500/Use]

As soon as this skill was casted anon's consciousness was drifted away into a very hot place.



Lava was coming out of the rocks and big mountain of coals were around him but even though he was standing in the lava his feets were not getting burnt.

"What the hell is this place ?"

"This is the Eternal Damnation." A red figure emerged out of thin air.

It had two big horns bending forward and red skin as if the devil itself presented itself in front of anon.

"Who are you ?" Anon asked.

"I am a creature that was created with the first use of this skill and you are my master. Please give me your command and i shall complete it." The red figure said as it bent down to show it's respect.

"Is she here ?" Anon asked.

"Yes, master. Please come with me." The red demon said as it started walking towards the west direction.

After walking for about 1 kilometre anon noticed a big black door with a sign board on it that says 'Morgana.'

Anon opened the door and looked inside.

As soon as he entered inside he saw a girl getting beaten to death by her own father, again and again.

"This is ?" Anon asked the red figure.



"Master this is her worst memory...she hates this memory. Her mind has locked these memories into her unconscious mind." The red figure answered.

"So...are you torturing her ?" Anon asked.

"No, torturing is done by giving her physical beating but this mental pressure on her brain breaks her will to live. This means she will experience hell in this realn every second."

"For how much time will this process continue ?" Anon asked.

"Until she stops fearing this memory and then i will start another memory." The res figure said with a smile.

"You seem to enjoy this...huh ?' anon asked.

"Master, i am born in this realm. The more this realm gets filled with people like her the more my energy will increase." The red figure said.

"What happened to robert's soul ?" Anon asked.

"Come with me please." The red figure said as it took anon to another door.

On that door the same black sign hung that said 'Robert Stonelake.'

Anon opened the door immediately and noticed that a man around 21 is walking inside a black hallway with a knife in his hands.

Suddenly a man jumped on him, his eyes were crimson red, legs were bent, hairs were fallen and his teetha are coming out of his mouth.



The black figure instantly attacked the little boy and the scene again started repeating itself.

"I captured two souls didn't i ?" Anon said as he laughed a bit.

"Not two souls....two minds. There body and soul is still outside but their brains are inside this Eternal Damnation. the eternal Damnation is not made for soul capturing it was made for breaking the captured minds.

You've been talking to me for over an hour now but the time you spent outside is not even the 100th fraction of a second." The red figure said as it looked at anon.

"Really like does the time really flows this slow here ?"


"I have to go back now, i have a body that i want to save, but i will visit again soon." Anon said as he thinks of exiting the realm.

"Oh, yeah leave that guy's soul in 2 days...okay ?" Anon commanded the red figure.

"As you command master."

"Good and from now on you will be called chad."

"I accept master's name with pleasure and respect." The red demon apoke as it thanked anon for giving him a name 

As soon as anon thought of leaving the realm his mind jumped out of the realm.

As anon opened his eyes he noticed that he is back to the same position he was in beofre he died.

Anon freed himself from the body of robert as he noticed that he wasn't moving at all.

Suddenly robert's body started turning back to normal as anon took off the eye of the witch from his chest.

"Huh...? What am i doing here....?" Robert asked

After robert came to his senses...he was faced with mike's angry figure.

"You... fucking bitch die." Mike said as he stabbed robert to death.


After the battle ended anon sat on a chair nearby and looked at the sky.

The sun was coming up from the horizon and spreading it's light all over the city.

"It's time we go back." Anon said as he called his three eyed raven.

"Master, you've helped me take my revenge. I swear my loyalty to you on my name Mikelson." Mike said as he went down on his knees and stabbed both of his daggers into the ground.

"Good. Let's go." Anon said as he mounted on his raven.

"Wait, what about my other brothers...?" Frank asked in a worried expression.

"Eh...i don't feel like killing them today. Will do some other day, meanwhile you can tell them how your partner killed your father and keep them at bay." Anon said as he left the site at once.

"What...?" Frank asked in confusion as he looked at anon leaving.

"Ha...i am sleepy. Oh shit i forgot that." Anon turned his raven back and landed it near frank.

"You back to kill my brothers ?" Frank asked with joy.

"No, you idiot. Send your mother to my home before the night falls or you'll know what happens when someone lies to me." Anon said as his eyes shined purple.

"Y-Yes, i understand." Mike said with a feared expression.

Anon took off, after warning him.

"Hmmm.... it's time that i go back to my job and fuck some bitches." Anon said as he commanded others to go back and he went to the nicolas mansion.

When anon reached in front of the nicolas mansion he noticed something going on there, anon landed at a place nearby and sent the raven back.

When he closed his distance he noticed many carriages and labourers loading items in them.

Anon saw Jennifer standing near the carriage and immediately went to her as he asked.

"Yo, what's going on ?"

"We have been infiltrated by Monsters yesterday..."


"The walls and gates are turned into dust. Our house is responsible for labourers loading to the gates and fix them before the sun sets. 

Why are you ao early today ?" Jennifer asked.

"No reason. My eyes just opened early."

"Dear, are you really going ?" Suddenly a voice came from behind.

Both Jennifer and Anon looked back.

It was none other than the mistress of the house itself...Mrs. Lara.

Her whole body is covered with brown fur, two big dog like ears, her hands and face looked similar to humans, but her ass was so big that if you hug that you can't touch both of your hands behind it.

As she is a well developed female bitch she has 6 big breasts covering her whole stomach.

"How much babies can a female beastwomen like you give birth to, at a time ?"

"Hmm...? Why do you ask ?" Jennifer asked.

"Just curious."

"We can give birth upto 10 babies if the seed is good but 7 is minimum. In out tribe most males only mate once in their lifetime and carry on their lifes without any physical intimacy."

"What about if the seed belongs to a human...?" Anon asked.


"What ?"

"Nothing. Human seed can't make babies with a beastwoman."


"Hmmm....you got a beastwoman in your hands huh...? You two trying to produce some little kids huh...?" Jennifer asked as she poked anon with a silly face.

"Yeah..." Anon said as he acted shy.

'Oh, hell yeah. I will fill her tank womb upto the brim and erase her memories like a re-usable bitch.'

"Where is your father going ?" Anon asked.

"He is coming with us. All of us brothers and sisters are going to the repair station today. You want to come ?" Jennifer asked.

"Na, i am good here. How much time will it take to repair the gates ?"

"I already told you we have to fix them before tonight. I still can't figure out, who can be strong enough to break the seven gates that were enchanted with defensive magic."

"Yeah...i am also wondering that. He must be very strong huh ?" Anon acted as the most innocent guy on earth.

"Well, they left before the sunrise, that's one good thing for them. If our house was there, they would've been under their graves by now." Jennifer said as she puffed her chest.

'If your house were to be there, i don't know about graves but i can guarantee you would've been converted into a breeding machine by my ogres.' Anon thought in his mind as he laughed a bit.

"It's time we leave, dad." Jennifer said as he mounted on an armoured horse.

"Honey, give me a kiss before you leave." Lara said as she grabbed the family leader's hand.

"No, leave me you idiot woman. I don't have time for your useless things." Family leader said as he shook his hand out of her hands and left with an emotionless expression.

"Hmph." Lara pouted as she went back inside.

'Jackpot.' Anon thought as he smiled towards lara.

After all of them left anon entered inside the mansion, roamed for a bit and went to freeda's room.

Observing that freeda is still under the coma effect he gave her breasts a nice feel and left the room.

Anon immediately saw his chance went directly to the third floor where only counted servents are permitted to work.

On this floor lived the family leader and his sexy wife.

Anon started roaming on the third floor as a made came across him.

"Hey, Who are you ? I've never seen you around here ?" She asked in a angry voice as she thought that Anon was a lost servent.

<Hypnosis >

Suddenly her eyes shined purple as her temper went to neutral mode and her face expressions also turned neutral.

"Now, apologies to me like a little bitch as you lift your dress and slide your panties down by showing me your worthless pussy." Anon said as he laughed a bit.

The maid immediately lifted her black maid dress revealing her furry legs and slided her white panties down that revealed her pink pussy lips.

"I am sorry sir for my wrong actions, me and my worthless pussy are very sorry." She said as she swinged her waist showing that her pussy is also very sorry.

"Good, now go back to being a little bitch and leave me alone as if you didn't saw me." Anon said as he slapped her pussy and pinched her breast nipples as he let her go.

I would've fucked her but what's the profit of picking a silver chain while the gold bar is lying in front of you.

Anon walked ahead and after walking for few steps he saw another guy with long black furry ears.

"Sir, who might you be ?"

"Oh, i am the new guy who works here."

<Hypnosis >

"Ah...yes, i remember now. Well keep up the good work." He said as he left without another question.

"Excuse me." Anon said.


"Where is lara's room ?"

"You mean madam lara ?"

"Just tell me, where that bitch's room at ?"

"What did you just say ?" The black guy said as he started coming back.

<Hypnosis >

"Ah, yeah that bitch's room is over there...third to the right." He said as his eyes shined purple.


Anon walked upto lara's room and opened her door.

"Wh-Who is it ?" A strangled voice came out of the room.

Anon observed lara covering herself with the blue blanket and only her head was uncovered.

"Good morning, madam lara."

"G-Good morning....wh-who are you ? Why are you here in my room ?" She asked as her face turned red.

Was she masterbating ?

<Demonic Eyes>

Name: Lara Stonelake

HP: 3000

MP: 6000

Race: Beastwoman

Class: Mage

Status: She has masturbated three times in a row but still unsatisfied, when she was about to reach the climax for the fourth time you disturbed her.

As expected. This is the best time a man can enter in a woman's room.

Anon immediately tried to search for an excuse to get close to her so he can use his alluring scent on her.

After a moment his eyes fell on an empty tea cup on the table besides lara.

"I am here to take that empty cup beside you mam." Anon said as he pointed at the cup.

Lara immediately turned towards the cup and said "Okay, just take it and leave. I am doing something very important over here."

"As you wish mama....i mean mam."

Anon closed his distance between him and her as he used the skill.

<Alluring Scent>

Immediately a scent made out of male pheromones spread over the whole room.

As soon as the scent entered into lara's nostrils her pussy inside the blanket immediately started producing more and more pussy juices as her eyes started to close bit by bit.

'Now starts the game of Prey and the Hunter.'

Lara observed anon as he picked up the tea cup from the table and started leaving the room.

"Wait..." As Anon was about to leave through the gate a voice stopped him.

'Let's go...."

Anon immediately turned around and looked at lara, her face was red and shy.

"L-Leave the tea cup and close the doors." Lara said as her voice stumbled.

"As you wish..mam." Anon said as he placed the tea cup down on the table and closed the doors.

"Now remove your clothes." Lara commanded.

"Why mam...?" Anon asked in a teasing tone.

"Just do, what i tell you to do."

"Yes, mam...but just to refresh your memories, a noble woman can't establish any intimate relationships with a Commoner."

"I am not establishing any relationship with you...i-i am just going to use you...as a prostitute." Lara tried to outsmart anon but she didn't knew who she was messing with.

"Still, the rule is same. You still can't have sex with me."

Suddenly a sad expression covered her face as she realised Anon isn't a stupid one.

"I will give you money...any amount you want, just say it." Lara said with a confident face.

"Don't want it."

"Huh...? You don't want money ?"


"Why ?"

"Why not ?"

"I mean you must need money... because you are a comm-" Before lara could've completed her sentence anon rushed in front of lara's face and kissed her on the lips.


Anon licked her lips and used his tounge to stimulate her tongue by whirling it around inside her mouth.

After kissing for one good minute he removed his tongue and looked at the surprised expression of lara.

"Don't say that word anymore or i will not fuck you like the bitch you are."

As soon as these words fell into lara's ears, an angry expression appeared on her face.

"Did you just call me a bitc-" before she could've completed her sentence, anon again kissed her tightly as he removed the blanket from her naked body.

Her 6 big breasts were revealed as they jiggled with each other.

"You really have some big-big tities huh..?"

Lara immediately covered her face with both of her hands in shame.

"No...No...No...close ypur eyes. You didn't see anything. Noooo." She cried out in a cute voice.

"Hmm....why should i ? These are my favourite boobs i can't leave them like this." Anon said as he immediately started sucking her tits and started groping other ones.

"What ?" She looked at anon in confusion as she noticed that anon is sucking on her breasts.

"What ? Don't you wanna get fucked like a little bitch ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"You are not afraid of my breasts ?"

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"Whaaaat ? Who the fuck get's afraid of breasts ? Breasts are my life. If you think i will be afraid of breasts then you've judged me very wrong." Anon said as he started sucking her other breasts.

"But, other humans got very afraid of my breasts... whenever they saw my breasts they ran away."

"Heh..? Fuck those idiots just get down on the bed or i will kiss you again." Anon said as he pushed lara back on the bed and removed the blanket from her whole body revealing her tight pussy.

As anon sucked her breasts from up to down her moans started to increase.

"Mnhhhh...ahhhh...yes. pinch my nipples more. Lick my nipples....anhhhh~"

Anon motorboated all of her big breasts as he felt like suffocating inside them.

"Ohhh...my god this place is paradise." Anon said as he withdrew his face from her breasts, his face is covered in sweat.

"A-Are you alright...?" Lara aaked as she looked at Anon's sweaty face.

"Are you kidding me ? I am more than okay."


Suddenly a knock was heard on the room's door.

Lara immediately got startled and spoke... "Hide fast or you will be dead before you fuck me like a bitch and i don't mate with dead partners."

Anon smiled at this and an evil idea immediately entered his his mind.

"Come in." Lara's voice was heard from the Inside of the room.

Suddenly two knights entered inside.

"Madam lara, are you alright ? We heard sounds coming from this room." The knight asked.

"Ah...Y-Yes...i-i am alrigh- annhhhhhh~ t." Lara said as her eyes rolled up towards the top and her legs opened wide inside the blanket.

Inside the blanket anon was eating her pussy out while the knights were questioning her.

Her face expressions changed with every lick that anon did on her clit and pussy lips.

Anon licked lara's clit and at the same time groped her breasts in a crazy order.

"O-Okay...we are right outside, please call us if you need anything." One of the knight said as they left the room.

"Y-Yessssssss~." Lara came hard as her hips started vibrating up and down just like a bitch in heat would do, her natural instincts were triggered at this moment.

Before Anon could've came out of the blanket, two maids entered inside the room.

Lara lifted the blanket and looked at anon with an satisfied but worried expression.

"What is going on ?" Anon asked.

"They are here for cleaning." Lara spoke in a low voice.

"Fuck it." Anon kisses lara on her lips as he comes out kf the blanket for a moment and goes back inside, fortunately no maid noticed him as they were busy in the work.

"What are you doing ?" Lara asked as she felt something big Poking her pussy.

It's can't be anon's lips because he can't use his mouth on her breasts and pussy at the same time.

It was his dick.

As soon as this thought hitted her mind.


Something else hitted her womb's entrance.

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"Anhhh~" a small moan left her mouth as she grabbed the bedsheet with both of her hands.

"Madam lara, is something wrong ?" Both of the maids asked as they tried to come closer to her.

"Yes, yes, everything is *thop* allllllllrighhhhttttt~"

Anon was tapping her pussy with literally zero stops as he motorboated her breasts with his face.

"As you say mam." Both of the maids went back to the cleaning.


A faint clapping sound never stopped coming from her blanket.

'Oh my god, after so many years I've found a mating partner....and he is making me cum like crazy.

I can't explain this feeling...i am feeling lust and loved at the same time.

This human boy isn't scared of me, instead he loves my body.

...and this feeling of getting fucked like a powerless bitch in front of my own maids is making me cum even more.' lara thought as she got banged secretly by anon under the blanket.

Suddenly the banging speed increased.

Lara knew what's going to happen now as she locked anon's butt with her legs.


Anon didn't stop as he was feeling this kind of tightness for the first time. He instantly came inside her womb and filled it half-way through.

"Anhhh~" suddenly a big moan escaled her mouth and both of the maids turned towards her.

"Ah, can you give me that book..?" Lara immediately realised her mistake and tried to stabilize the condition.

"Yes mam."

The maid immediately handed the orderd book to lara.

"Oi, turn over." Anon said from the inside.

Lara followed his orders as she putted the book on her pillow and turned over.

Anon immediately drowned his face in that hige furry ass.

His cum dripped out of lara's pussy.

"Mnhhhh~" lara felt a tickle as she realised that anon was licking her asshole.

Just to tease her even more anon bited on of her butt cheek.

"Ahhhh..." Again a loud moan was released from her mouth.

"Ah- pass me that book too." Again she managed the condition.

Anon slided his hands below her chest and grabbed two of her boobs as he inserted his penis into her pussy from behind.

Lara felt the pleasure as her eyes turned white.

Anon again started moving as he clapped her big ass and kissed her back from time to time.

After a minute both the maids left the room.

Anon immediately removed the blanket and grabbed lara into his hands from her waist.

"Anhhhh~ hey calm down." Lara said as she noticed the heat in both of their bodies.

Anon didn't stopped and started pounding her even harder.

"Anhhh~ yes, yes, yes,....use me like a little bitch, cum inside me like a cheap whore. Treat me like a thing." Lara cried out in pleasure.

As soon as these words fell into anon's ears his beast mode activated as his thrusting speed increased and he did the same as he was commanded to.

He throwed lara on the bed on her all fours and started fucking her like a cheap whore.

"Take this you ducking nobel whore." pAnon saidas his penis's top penitrated her womb and filled it to the brim.

"Ahhhhhhhh...yes, yes, yes, fill me up. Give me your seed." Lara cried out in pleasure.

After fucking lara for one good hour anon took a break as he laid in her lap pillow and looked at a piece of paper.

Lara scribbled anon's hairs slowly as she smiled and looked at him with love.

"What is that ?" Lara asked as she pointed towards the piece of paper.

"Hmm...? This ...?"


"This is a new weapon, i am trying to make." Anon said as he smiled a bit and looked at his new creation.

"What is this ? A round sword or spear ?"

"Neither a sword nor a spear but still has more range than a spear and more damage than a sword."

"Hmm...? What can that be ?" Lara asked with a curious expression.

"I call it Avtomat Kalashnikov-47, in short AK-47." Anon said as he smiled towards the piece of paper.

"Ho... that's one wierd name. Why did you name it that ?" Lara asked.

"No particular reason, i just liked it a lot back then."

"Back when ?"

"Never, just sleep, it's evening already. Do you realise that we've been having sex like crazy from the morning...?"

"I do and believe me it was the best day of my life." Lara said as she smiled.

"Well, good for you. I will be leaving now since I've some work to do, bye then." Anon said as he left the bed and got dressed up real quick.

"Wait... can't you stay for the night ?" Lara asked as a sad expression covered her face.

"You sleep with your husband, don't you ?"

"No, he sleeps in the other room with those cheap bitches." Lara said with an angry expression.

"Who..? Your maids ?"

"Yes, i don't know what they have, that i don't have."

"Nothing, it's a symptom called, getting bored. A man get's bored very easily with something that he can use anytime and anywhere as he likes." Anon explained.

"Will you also get bored bored of me, if i let you use me ?" Lara asked with an innocent expression.

"Nope, good for you that I've got many other girls to satisfy myself and never get bored of them." Anon said as both of them started chuckling.

"Hey wait, where is my goodbye kiss ?" Lara asked as she grabbed anon from the biceps.

As soon as she did she felt his iron like muscles and steel like skin.

"Wow...these are some real good muscles for an 18 year old."

Anon immediately grabbed lara's neck and sealed her lips with his lips as he pinned her body to the bed and kissed her for one good minute.


"Haa.... always a pleasure." Anon said as he removed his lips and left the room.

Anon moved towards the main hall and exited through the main gate of the mansion.

As soon as he exits through the gates, he sees two white owls sitting on the gate of the house.


One of the owl immediately flew at him and dropped a letter from his wings.

Anon immediately caught the letter and started reading it.

[Academy Of Knights and Mages]

[Hello student, You have been choosen in our admission process and your classes will start from the next week. You will receive a gate pass to the magic academy, if you try to enter inside the academy without the pass you will get burned alive by the protection barrier. You will have to reach at the academy within the certain time period or you will get burned alive by the protection barrier.

After coming to the academy you can choose to stay at the dorms or a daily up-down, but we will prefer the dorm option as it will be easier for students to attend lectures directly from the dorms.

You have to attend the academy in the assigned uniforms or you will get burned alive not by the protection barrier but by the disciplinary team of teachers.

You have to be respectful to everyone and especially to the nobles if you are a Commoner, keep your eyes down whenever you see a noble teacher or fellow student.

Although noble students have seprated classes they can attend Commoner classes too but Commoners should never attend a noble's class or he/she will get suspended from the academy.

Classes will continue for 6 hours with three 5 minute breaks, noble students of a house higher than 4 star can leave the class at anytime and enter anytime.

Everything is legal inside the campus unless you have any proof of an illegal happening. If you have the proof to your claim, strict actions will be taken on it immediately.

As soon as you tear the letter apart you will receive your gate pass and uniform.

Principal: Madam Ysaddgrill. ]

"An acceptance letter ? More like a Commoner prison invite..haha." Anon laughed as he teared the letter.

Suddenly the letter Burned down to dust and two dots of light came out from the letter as one of them turned into a gate pass, and another one turned into a set of green Uniform.

"Woah...this technology is even more amazing." Anon said as he grabbed both of them and throwed the inside his inventory.

"It said from next week, today is Saturday meaning my classes will start from the day after yesterday."

"I still have more than enough time."


Suddenly a shouting sound was heard from a nearby alley.

Anon immediately rushed to the alley and noticed a woman surrounded by 10 to 15 people.

Some of them were men and some were women. All of their walking style looked a little wierd.

"Oi...what are you doing ?" Anon shouted.

Suddenly all of them turned towards anon and he noticed that the people surrounding the woman are none other than mindless Zombies.

"What the fuck....?"

"Save meeee...." The woman again cried out.

Anon immediately pulled out his sickles and moved at a very high speed as he severed all of their heads easily.

After killing all of them anon checked the woman for any biting marks.

"Good, you are still not infected. Now tell me how did all of this happened ?"

"Wh-Who are you...?" The woman asked with a feared expression.

"Hah...i don't have time for this."

<Hypnosis >

Anon's eyes shined purple and so did the woman's.

"Now tell me."

"This street is often used for illegal prostitution, me and my 5 friends come here every evening to get fucked by adventurers who get tired by doing quests the whole day.

When we were doing Business today...my friend lilly pulled a wierd man inside the alley that gave her 1 gold for using her body as he likes.

It was normal sex at first but after a moment he started doing it harder and harder...after 10 minutes lilly started to become uncomfortable and tried to stop him but he suddenly bit her on the neck.

After that she pussed him back and kicked him out of the alley.

...but after sometime her body started to become hotter and hotter. She started going crazy with the customers, pushing them down on the ground and thrusting without any stops, not even when they came.

When my other friend linda tried to stop her, she kissed linda so hard with her mouth that she chocked for a bit.

After a while linda also started behaving the same. The customers they were having sex with suddenly started biting them on many places.

They did it regularly for 2 hours and after that it felt like something was wrong when their bodies started turning blue and purple.

I tried to stop them from having sex but they throwed me into this corner and started coming towards me like walking corpses.

When i felt danger, i ceied out for help and you came to help me."

"Good...now go home and forgot this ever happened. Oh and never come here again."

"Yes." She said as she left the spot immediately.

"Zombies inside the city...? This shit is getting interesting. I wonder if biyuk made my big rail gun or not ?"


Anon whistled and the third eyed raven immediately appeared in the sky.

The raven lands near anon and bends down for him to get on.

As soon as anon got mounted, the raven flew from the ground and pierced through the sky.

'How did the zombies got inside...is the virus air contagious ?' Anon thought.

'But, she told me that he bit her first, meaning he was the host containing the virus.'

'if i leave him like that, half of the city will turn into zombies by tommorow's morning.'

"Darling, turn around. We got some work to do before returning." Anon commanded the raven.

As soon as his words fell into the raven's ears, it immediately made an 180°

turn and started flying back inside the inner rings.

"This city is too big...where would a zombie go to first ?" Anon wonders.

The sun sets down and dark covered the whole city.

Anon immediately started his search for a zombie that was wondering in the inner rings now.

A full red moon was shining in the dark sky as it covered the whole city in it's red light.

In front of that red moon a black raven and her master is flying over the city to search for a certain someone.

"Where can a brain dead creature even go ? How did he even got inside the city ?" Anon asked as he ised several bees to find the zombie.

After searching for a while anon didn't find anything and thought of going back...but as soon as he started to go back a bee detected something.

"Hmm....? Red eyes, walk of the dead, blue body and an ugly ass face. It seems i found him." Anon said as he immediately started moving towards the direction.

After flying for 10 minutes anon found the zombie.

Without any second thoughts anon killed it and started going back to his house.

"What am i even doing ? It's been 9 months since i reincarnated into this world and all i did was fuck 5-6 bitches and made weapons...i am really bored."

As anon was thinking about this a notification popped up in front of him.

[Level 60 Has been Reached]

[Evolution Will begin in 3 hours, you will get your choices to select from two classes]

As anon was about to become happy with this notification, another notification popped up.

[Gods Have Founded your evil presence into this world and they will try to do everything in their reach to wipe you out from the face of this world.]

"What ?" Anon said as he looked at this message.

The message was shortly removed from his front.

"Wait...what the hell was that ? Can anyone tell me anything ?"

Suddenly many other notifications started popping up in front of anon.

[System Controls Have been Changed]

[Switching in to the ayakashi records]

[13 Holy gods are looking at you from the heaven and they are sending their avatars to kill you.]

[7 Demon Gods Are looking at you with pleasure as they watch your evil deeds.]

"What the fuck is happening here...? Anyone care to explain ?" Anon shouted as he read all of them.

[The 4th Demon God, Fremus has Summoned your soul to hell]

Suddenly anon felt his consciousness sinking into another space.

After moment of silence anon opened his eyes and found himself in dark space.

"Hello, child of human." A sound came from the dark.

Anon stood up and noticed two red eyes shining in the dark.

"Who are you ?" Anon asked.

"I am Fremus, The ruler Of souls. I can crush your little soul and kill you right here but i will not do that since you are important to us." The dark voice said as it's eyes shined bright red.

"Fremus ? You summoned me here right ?" Anon asked.

"Yes, but i don't have any personal reason to summon you here. I just work on my brother's command."

Suddenly another pair of bright green eyes appeared in the dark.

"Hellllo...*hissssss* Human chillllddd. *hisssss* you are very eveil, even though you are a human, you always had the thoughts of devil himself *hisssssss*"

"Wtf ? Are you a snake or something ?" Anon asked.

"Not even afraid of us, aren't you a brave one ?" Another pair of eyes shining bright orange appeared in the dark.

"What can i say ? I am build different. Wait... don't change the topic who are guys ?" Anon asked again.

"We are the 7 Demon Gods, Darling~" suddenly a very sweet tone was heard by anon.

Anon immediately looked at it and saw two pink eyes shining in the dark.

"A lady ?"

"Yes, your sex styles and techniques are cruel but amazing i have to say." The voice praised anon.

"Ah..thanks... but if your heroic entries are over can you tell me your identities ?"

"We already told you. We are the 7 demon lords." Another one spoke as his eyes also revealed.

"Why is there so dark here ?" Anon asked.

"No human soul can see our real face or thee soul will be shattered into many pieces of nothing." Another one spoke.

Anon suddenly noticed that 7 pair of eyes are covering him from each side.

"Human, no matter what you do, you shall not cross that line." The guy with the orange eyes spoke.

"What line ?" Anon askes but before he could've gotten any answer a red line forming a circle around him appeared on the ground.

Anon never noticed this line but now that he has seen it, he can feel an ominous aura coming from it.

"If you step out of that circle your soul will break into pieces, your body will become living corpse and you will turn into nothing." The guy with the white eyes spoke.

"Let's get back to the point without wasting time any further." A heavy sound came from behind.

"Kid, let me explain it to you. When this holy land was created two things created...Holy gods and Demon Gods.

Holy gods created other creatures with their divine powers like, elfs, dwarfs, dragons and humans.

When we, the demon gods tried to make something like that...we failed and created some evil creatures instead. You call them demons.

Just like you humans, elfs and dwarfs hold divine power in your bodies and use it to cast spells that you also call mana. For demons to cast spells they have to use negative mana."

"What is that ?" Anon asked.

"Yes, i am explaining that...just listen. When you humans commit any crime you generate an energy... it's called negative emotions and when your negative emotions mixes with the mana it creates a small portion of negative mana.

Only those who are blessed from the holy gods can sense the negative mana. 

When this holy land was made... Holy gods and demon gods fought with each other for a millennium, but at the end, we came at an agreement that holy gods will live in the heaven and demon gods will rule over hell and punish the souls of the damned.

This world will always exist with two powers, dark and bright.

If there are heros, there will those who will be jealous of them. If there is white then there is black too."

"I don't want to take history lessons....just get to the damn point."

"Child of human, just listen to brother. We are being respectful of you, you should do the same." One of them spoke.

"No, No....he is right. Let's get straight to the point.

Child of human, we demon gods get energy from the demon worshippers who worships us and gives us sacrifice to keep them enriched with negative mana.

But...we can't do this ourselves as are roo powerful to descend on the holy land now so instead we send our avatars to the realm, they commit evil deeds and produce negative mana for our demon worshippers."

"Why can't demons do that themselves ?" Anon asked.

"We are already evil...demons are the true form of what you call evil. If we commit any evil deed, we will not produce any negative mana because in our mind it feels right but for ypu it's different.

Whenever you commit something wrong...you regret doing it even if it's just for a moment because you are made out of the god's and demon's mix blood.

You are the perfect energy generator for our demon worshippers.

For, why I've called you here... it's because you are the highest negative mana generator I've ever seen."

"What...do you mean by that ?"

"Okay, suppose that a human commits one evil deed everyday...it means he is generating enough negative mana for a demonic family of four to survive for 1 more day."


"Now, you on the other side are on a whole other level."

"What ?"

"You produce negative mana for a whole demon town to survive for one."

"One hour ?" Anon asked.


"One day ?"



"One year, you produce negative mana for a demon filled town for one year in a single day. Ever since we reincarnated you into this world our demon worshippers are very happy and they increased the number of sacrifices in a week to almost double of the previous one.

It resulted into getting us more and more powerful, we gained too much power in last 9 months.

You made us more powerful."

"So what do you want ? Want me to stop doing wrong deeds ?"

"No, never ever stop doing that. We want you to keep doing that but now that the holy gods have noticed your presence, your life will be in danger every moment.

They will send their 13 avatars to kill you, now it depends on you to die peacefully or live and do more evil deeds.

Today, I've summoned you here to ask you the answer what will you do ?"

Suddenly a moment of silence covered the whole area.

"I knew it, he is a coward-"

"i will live..." Anon said with an evil smile.

"What ? Are you brave enough to face the 13 holy gods ?" The red eyed one asked.

"What do you think ? I am not a coward like you. I feared one thing in my previous life and it was death but now I've seen that too, now i am not afraid of anything." Anon said with a proud look.

Suddenly silence again covered the whole place, as the 7 pair of eyes looked at anon in surprise.

"Hahahaha..... Intresting Human *Hissssss*....Stupid but Brave. Weak but Strong, intelligent but stupid...*Hissss*...i like him."

"Oh My demon, You are making me so wet right now." The pair of pink eyes said as she looked at anon with a flirting look.

"Haha...well if you are confident in yourself, then we are also confident in you."

All of them started laughing together as they acknowledged anon's will to live.

"Isn't he like him, brother ?" Suddenly the guy with red eyes spoke and everything went silent.

After a minute of silence Anon broke it....

"Like who ?"

"150 years ago we choose someone like you from the other world to commit evil in this world, we supported him to the fullest but he still got killed by the last avatar of the 13 gods."

"Don't talk about him, he was a traitor." Another one spoke.

"What did he do ?" Anon asked.

"He betrayed us, We gave him everything treated him like our brother but he betrayed us, by stealing all the negative mana for himself and used it to kill many demons and humans without any guilt."

"Yes, you can use negative mana if you like but i suggest you to not use it because the more you use it, the more it will corrupt your mind and at last you will go mad and try to conqueror the whole world and that's when you will die."

"Woah, that's one dark side effect of this negative mana huh....? Are there any other side effects too ?" Anon asked.

"No, it only has this one side effect."

"Well, i will try to avoide it as much as possible." Anon said.

"Good for you."

"Brother, it's time." Fremus spoke.

"Yes, now you have to go for now because we can't hold your soul here for too long. Just remember two things, they maybe 13 gods and they might have 13 avatars but we are the 7 demon gods and we are at our prime at this time.

We only have one avatar but all of us will support you with everything we have.

The thirteen gods treat their avatars like their slaves but we demons live like brothers or enemies, there is no slave between us, now you are our brother and we swear to protect you until you betray us or turn dead." The guy with the white eyes spoke.

"Human is now our brother...Good, Good.*Hisssssss*"

"We will meet soon human." Guy with the Orange eyes spoke.

"Wait, you can come to the human realm yourself ?" Anon asked.

"Not with full powers, only a part of our souls."

"Can gods do the same ?" Anon asked.

"No, it's kind of illegal to enter the human realm. If our creator found it out, the culprit will get wiped out of existence."

"So, why are you taking such high risks ?" Anon asked with a very confused expression.

"This is the last try for us to take the upper hand." The guy with the white eyes spoke.

"What do you exactly mean by upper hand here ?"

"It's been 140 years since we had the upper hand, right ?" Another guy said.

"Don't repeat it again and again, i know where we are standing right now."

"S-Sorry brother."

"Upper hand is a term we use to differentiate between the more powerful party at the present time between demons and gods.

If gods have more worshippers at the present time that they have obviously then it will mean that they have the upper hand and if the demons have more worshippers it would mean we have the upper hand.

It's a competitive term we use to determine our domination over the holy land."

"What happens if you hold the upper hand ?"

"Demons will get more authority and they can live freely just like humans and other races."

"Aren't they evil or something ? They kill humans right ?"

"Are you kidding me ? Our childs are getting murdered up there like livestocks, those damned Dwarfs kills our children to get their horns and teeths to make those magical special grade weapons.

They rape the demon girls, then kill them. Just because they are not made like them, just because they don't have the same body build like any of them, doest that give them the right to kill them like chickens.

Human the world you came from must've taught you that demons are evil creatures but in this world demons are getting exploited in every way possible and we choose you as their saviour."

"Little Brother, you are our last hope to get the upper hand or the deoms will get wiped out of existence from the holy land and with them gone we will be the next." The girl with the pink eyes spoke.

"So, Anon the human, do you want to become our sworn brother and defend the demons in this world or do you want to be a normal guy who uses his powers to fuck random girls ?"

"Are demon girls any good ?" Anon asked as he smiled.

Suddenly silence once again covered the whole room. All of them looked anon in surprise.

"Hahaha.... This guy is the hilarious."

"You stupid." The girl spoke.

"Hahaha....human funny *hisssss* "

"Hahaha....since you are our brother now, let's get you a demon soul seal. So that you can be one of us."

"What's that ?" Anon asked.

"Due to many years of being hunted our demon children have started to live inside the forests and whenever they see a human, they simply kill him."

"So you are giving me a demonic pass, so that the demons don't kill me, right ?"

"Wroooong, you are already too strong we are giving you a seal that will justify you as a higher demon in the demon society and it will keep the demons from fighting you and getting killed by your hands."

"Oh, so it's a seal for their safety, right ?"

"Yes, whenever you see a demon he will sense the might of a higher demon coming from you and treat you with respect from the start. Not like he insulted you at first and to set the example you wiped out half of the demon population."

"You know me very well huh...?" Anon said as he smiled.

"I choose your soul...i know your mind. Now Raise your right hand."

Anon did as he was commanded to and raised his right hand.

Suddenly a black tattoo, similar to a shield and two swords with dragons on each side, started forming on his hand's back.

"Woah, that's one badass tattoo."

"Now, anon it's time for you to leave butas i said we will meet you in your world, but one by one only."

"See you soon, human." All seven of them said as anon's soul returned back to his body.

"Shhhhh.....haaah." anon woke up from the state of unconsciousness and found himself on his bed.

"Hmmm...? A dream ?" Anon said with an confusing expression.

"What a wierd dream ?" Anon said as he tried to pick up the glass of water from the table besides him.

But as soon as he picked up the glass of water, he noticed something on the back of his hand.

"This..." Anon said as he looked at the same tattoo, he thought that he saw in his dream.

"So, it was all true ?" Anon murmured as he placed his hand over the tattoo and felt a dark aura coming out of it.

[Master, what is that demonic authority coming from that seal ?] Link asked.

"This is a demonic seal."

[What ? A demonic seal ? You mean the seal that's given to the higher members of the demon society?]

"Yep, that's the one."

[But, how did you get one ?]

"The seven demon gods gave it to me."

[The seven Demon gods ? So, you are the choosen one ?]

"What is a choosen one ?" Anon asked.

[You don't know ? Demon race's numbers are getting declined at an incredible speed... that's why demon gods select a choosen one every 100 years to save them but for the last 140 or so years they are facing defeat...but why would they select you ? Did you do something evil and felt guilty about it ?]

"Oh, boy. I've done so many wrong things that if you combined the whole paper in this world it will still be short to make a list for my evil deeds."

[Wow, it means you will receive their blessings as well.]

"What blessings ?"

[Demon gods didn't gave you their blessings, yet ]

[Whenever the demon gods choose someone to fight for them, they bless him/her with their blessings or teach them some spells that can be used in dire situations.]

"Hmmm.... well they must've planned it out, it can be possible that they give it to me when they come here."

[Hmm...it can be possible. Well it's time for me to sleep.]


After having this conversation anon's mind started thinking about all the conversation he had with the 7 demon lords.

"Eh....who cares..? It is, what it is." Anon said as he again went to sleep but his sleep was immediately interrupted with a message tone.

[Evolution will Begin in 1 hour, Please select your class to avoid random class picking.]

"Ohh....shit. i almost forgot about this." Anon shouted as he again got up from the bed and looked at the screen in front of him in surprise.

"Show me the classes."

[Lich] [Legendary Class]

[Prepare to witness the embodiment of unfathomable dread and raw power - the Lich, an infernal enigma that defies mortality itself. Once a venerable sorcerer or sorceress who dared to traverse the forbidden depths of necromantic arts, the Lich now stands as an immortal abomination, draped in the tattered remnants of its former grandeur.

Its skeletal form, a testament to the ravages of time, radiates an aura of unyielding malevolence. Adorned in ragged, blackened robes that billow with a life of their own, the Lich commands an imposing presence, exuding an air of dark majesty that sends shivers down the spines of the bravest souls.

Time holds no sway over the Lich, for it is forever trapped in a state of undying damnation. Ancient knowledge, amassed through centuries of unquenchable thirst for supremacy, fuels its insatiable hunger for dominance. It gazes upon the world with an unblinking, calculated gaze, its intellect honed to perfection by the relentless pursuit of forbidden secrets and forbidden power.

To face the Lich is to confront a being whose name reverberates through the annals of terror. It is the apex of necromantic prowess, an avatar of relentless darkness and overwhelming malice. To stand against the Lich is to dare defy the very fabric of life, for its bony grasp reaches into the depths of your soul, ready to shatter your spirit and cast you into eternal oblivion.

[*This Class will unlock the door to immortality for you and will not affect your looks from the outside.]

[*Negative Mana Using Spells will do +50% damage.]

[*Dark Attribute spells will be unlocked for use.]

+2 Class Exclusive spells will be given ]


*This class holds the intelligence for itself, if not used properly it can easily take over the user's consciousness and lock the user inside his own unconscious mind.

*You will be immortal but only over time, you can still be killed with holy magic.]

"Woah, that really sounds badass...just like i read in the comics back on earth and if i take this class i will also become immortal with time, but the holy magic part disturbs my mind. I will become weak against holy magic.

But, i will be able to get a necromatic skill with this skill, i am damn sure. I don't know about the other skill.

Let's check out the next skill and then i will decide."

[Cerebraxis] [Mythical Class]

[In the realm where sorcery weaves its potent tapestry, behold the Cerebraxis: an ethereal terror wielding absolute dominion over thoughts and souls. It materializes amidst a tempestuous storm of psychic energy, defying mortal comprehension. Radiant veins of azure and violet course through its incorporeal form, pulsating with an otherworldly light. The Cerebraxis commands attention, striking fear into hearts and minds.

Its piercing crimson eyes blaze with insatiable hunger, peering deep into the fabric of existence. With a gaze alone, it unravels guarded secrets and shatters minds. Tendrils of psionic power writhe and strike, seeking to ensnare unwary adversaries within their intangible grasp. The Cerebraxis is a master of mental manipulation, warping thoughts and emotions to suit its malevolent desires. It rends the minds of even the strongest, reducing their wills to brittle twigs beneath its influence.

From its psychic core, devastating waves of annihilation surge forth. Telekinetic force obliterates foes, shattering both body and mind. Illusions of exquisite horror dance in its wake, ensnaring victims within nightmarish realms. Legends abound of the Cerebraxis' insatiable hunger for dominance, its machinations toppling empires and leaving heroes mere shells of their former selves.

To face the Cerebraxis is to enter a battleground where mighty warriors tremble. Only those with indomitable wills and fortified minds stand a chance. Its name echoes through the ages, a chilling reminder of its reach. The Cerebraxis, an embodiment of psychic malevolence, awaits, eager to claim dominion over your very being.

Within the realm of the Cerebraxis, battles become trials of spirit and endurance. Warriors tread carefully, for none can escape its grasp. Defiance is met with devastation, and even the mightiest tremble. Engaging the Cerebraxis is to challenge the fabric of reality, leaving an indelible mark on the chronicles of legendary struggles.

This class existed in the beginning of holy land, with time it became only a myth and after some more time everyone forgot about it.

[*This Class Will unlock the peak capacity of a mind controlling creatures.]

[*All psychic and mind controlling abilities will work with +150% affinity.]

[*Dark Attribute spells will be unlocked for use.]

+2 Class Exclusive spells will be given. ]


*This class holds the will of it's previous master. To get this class you have to pass the trial and get it as a reward. Failing will result in an automatic class selection.

*This Class holds the secret to the dark secret of brains and can backfire at you anytime, if not handled properly.]

"Well...now it's a harder choice. I was thinking of just reading this skill and choosing the lich one but this one also looks delicious. Oh my fucking god...what should i choose, it's so confusing...?"

Anon immediately went into a state of confusion as he saw the two classes one looking more powerful than the other one.

As anon was thinking qbout choosing one of the classes another notification popped up in front of him.

[Another Class Will be given due to the interference of Demonic Energy]

[Lord Of the Souls, Ruler Of the Dark "Fremus" blesses you with an extra class.]

[Soul Snatcher] [Mythical Demon Class]

[In the darkest corners of the infernal abyss, a vile abomination known as the Soul Snatcher lurks, a demonic monstrosity that feasts upon the essence of mortal souls. This grotesque creature embodies the very essence of evil, an amalgamation of writhing shadows and seething malevolence.

The Soul Snatcher's form defies description, constantly shifting and contorting in a grotesque dance of torment. Its monstrous visage is adorned with rows of serrated fangs and gleaming, maleficent eyes that pierce through the fabric of reality. It is encased in a chitinous armor, adorned with jagged spikes that gleam with a sickly aura, exuding an air of dread and despair.

From the depths of its wicked maw emanates a sickening miasma, an acrid stench that heralds the arrival of doom. Its sinewy limbs end in razor-sharp talons that rend the very fabric of existence, ready to tear asunder any who dare cross its path. The Soul Snatcher's monstrous form is a testament to the horrors of the netherworld, a manifestation of pure, unadulterated darkness.

It possesses an insatiable appetite for souls, mercilessly devouring them with ravenous hunger. The mere touch of its maleficent claws drains the life force from its victims, leaving behind empty husks of their former selves. With each soul consumed, the Soul Snatcher grows stronger, its demonic power reaching unfathomable heights.

Legends whisper of the unholy rituals the Soul Snatcher employs to trap and ensnare souls, using dark sorcery and infernal bindings to manipulate and control the essence of life itself. It delights in the torment of its prey, relishing in the anguished cries of those unfortunate enough to fall under its influence.

To encounter the Soul Snatcher is to face the embodiment of damnation. Its name echoes through the realms of terror, striking fear into the hearts of even the most hardened warriors. It is a relentless predator, an unstoppable force of destruction that seeks to claim every soul within its reach, leaving behind a trail of desolation and eternal suffering.

Beware the Soul Snatcher, for it is a manifestation of all that is wicked and loathsome. Its malevolent presence taints the very air, its hunger for souls unquenchable. The battle against this demonic beast is a struggle for survival, a test of courage and resilience in the face of unimaginable horror.

[*Gives you the power of the formidable creature that dwells in hell and lives on the souls. Life will be extended with each soul you eat.]

[*Dark Attribute spells will be unlocked for use.]

[*Negative Mana will do -50% corruption to the user's brain.]

[*Will gain soul power whenever you devour a pure soul.]

[*Demonic authority will increase by 100% when fighting a demon.]

+4 Class Exclusive spells will be given. ]


*Choosing this class will result in an appearance change according to the given description above.

*Once choosen, you can't transform back into human form.

*This skill will consume life force with each spell used.]

[Fremus looks at you with a smile and says "Don't say thank you, it's a small gift for my brother."]