
Not so different after all

Me and Cory had managed to get about 20 minutes of the way to his house and mine was around the corner when he said"why don't you come to mine" he said sounding lonely. I Of course agreed. As so as I agreed though deep couching voices came from behind us when Cory shouted "RUN!" I started sprinted along side him with my bag clonking on my heels, loud pairs of around 7 footsteps followed closely behind us. Cory took my hand leading me up an alley and pulled me over a fence where we stood watching these 12th graders struggle to climb, until one pulls out a stanely knife and starts cutting at the fence I see Corys grin turn into fear, and took me again and took a back exit to his house.

We got into his house panting and huffing like old dogs all sweaty and shit but nevertheless alive. He looked at me and said "I'm getting my P's next week so we should be good after that." I nodded my head. He apologized and said he had to have a word with his mum and guided me to his room whilst he went. His room was outlined in LED lights a trans and pan flag hung proudly and I suddenly became lost in all the marvellous wall paintings. Wow! there strung up behind his bed was a giant blue and purple tapestry, and the ceiling being littered with fake plants.


"Hey How's your mum." I said. "She's alright currently, which is good." he said sounding appreciative that I asked. I looked at his eyes which I could now see because his hair was soaking. And said "Does your mum know your trans?" He looked down at me sitting on his bed and plopped down beside me. Still being able to look down on me, he starts to dry off his hair while starting to answer " Yeah she does see actually helped my fund for a binder and testosterone." Wow! What A supportive mum you got. "Well how about yourself is hour mum supportive of you?" He said with his head down while vigorously shaking it with a t-shirt. I went red, I didn't answer I was in disbelief, how did he know? He looked back and said. "I was only assuming, if your not gay that's all good I don't care." he said in a strong voice. I just looked at him and said "I am gay it's just no one has properly asked me before that's all." he gave me a smile of satisfying warmth that made me feel safe.

After no time at all we were talking for hours nearly forgetting dinner, wee had frozen meals he made one for me his mum and himself. We ate in his room seeing as his mum was not well enough to dine at the table. We laughed and chatted all the way till 11 until I had to go home seeing as I hadn't been invited to sleepover. I said I should jet off and he offered for me to stay so I took my opportunity and loved it. We stayed up all night watching TV, playing games and goofing around. When the light started to hit his room we sealed off the windows so it could be dark and seeing as it was a Saturday we slept all day long. We ended up repeating this cycle of me going to his house every Friday night. It was the best feeling and friend ever.

After about 3 weeks of this We were in the school holidays, no worries and all the time in the world to hang out. I was going to make my move on him. I mean I really liked him and genuinely cared alot about him.