
The Teenage Spy attends High School

This novel is set in the Horimiya universe, in this version of events, Miyamura is replaced by Katsura Takada, a governement special weapon, a teenager, a superspy, due to certain events he gets severley injured, and gets to leave his job, and start leading a normal life, where he encounters Hori san and the gang, after which his life starts to take a turn for the better

Harrytyphoon · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Chapter 5 part 2 :Don’t you dare try to run

POV Katsura

I don't feel how the rest of the day passes, I pick up Souta from daycare and we both come back home. Both of us don't talk much today. Strange, did he pick up my mood.

On our way back we stop by a local bakery and buy some pastries, 3 for the three of us. I open up the box and offer Souta his pick. He goes with vanilla today.

We both sit at the living room table, eating. "How was school today, Souta?" I ask, I wanted to talk.

Souta breaks into a long explanation of his entire day. I listen to parts of it, my wandered off in places. I don't know why I felt to weird today. After a while I sense Souta stop. He waited for an answer. "Sorry Souta, I didn't hear that, could you please repeat that?" I ask.

"Are you sad nii-san?" Souta asks me. I look at the boy. So sharp, how did he catch on to that. I smile at him. "How can I be sad when I am with you? I am just a bit tired that's it" I say patting his head.

Souta starts drawing pictures and I bring out a textbook to study. Suffice to say my mind wasn't in it. If Hori san started hanging with Ishikawa san, I would have to stop coming. It wont be appropriate. In these few days, I had subconsciously started to treasure these meetings. I didn't want them to stop.

I hear the door close. Hori san was back. She enters the room. Her face was hidden by her hair. "Zura, can we talk" I hear her. Her voice sounded deadly serious. Well, deal the blow fast. I was just encouraging a fantasy that was never to last. After all, all beautiful dreams had an end and mine was here.


I follow her to her bedroom. She shuts the door behind me hard. "How could you say something like that ?" she says out loud, her voice strained and almost broken. Say what ? what was she talking about. "Oh don't act so confused now, you told Toru I pitied you didn't you ?" she says angrily. I hung my head down. I didn't have a reply for that. "Well, did it ever cross your mind, that we actually enjoyed your company, I mean how dense can a person be ?" she exclaims.

I look up at her surprised. Wait did this mean what I thought it meant ?

Suddenly, she headbutts me hard. I fall back from the shock of it. Harry Freeman didn't stop it huh.

"Ouch what was that for.." I say rubbing my head.

"You are dumb if you think, I am letting you off this easy, who is gonna have your share of dinner if you stop coming ? who is gonna play with Souta, watch horror movies with me and wake me up when I fall asleep" she cries. I look at her, I see drops of tears at the corner of her eyes. For the first time in my life, I feel I had a real purpose, I feel touched.

"So, did you refuse, Ishikawa kun?" I ask "Yeah. Toru is a good friend, but I don't love him like that" she says.

I don't know why, but I feel Harry heave a subconscious sigh of relief. Hey what was that for?!

"You know, he is a good guy right" I say. "If you like him so much, then why don't you date him" she asks me

"Well I don't think, we make a cute couple" I say

"Really that's your first response !" Hori san says, shocked.


After that we comeback downstairs. Souta was still drawing, everything was the same. We sit down together to do the homework.

I wasn't going anywhere for now…..