
Chapter 114

He wanted to say he wasn't scared, he wanted to pretend that everything would be fine, going according to plan but the truth was he was petrified. All he could think of was surviving and the urge of being a hero slowly disappeared from his scared mind. Mikain was blocking his only exit, shutting off his only light of hope and he was doing it on purpose. It was a very clear message that he wasn't going to make it out of there alive. The Alpha stared at him. He was two good heads taller than him and Philip for the first time realized how muscular and strong he looked. Mikain was the kind of guy that scared little kids on the street just by walking by them. 

"So…" he began, tilting his head to the side. "You wanted to poison me? Do you think you could become the Alpha?" he asked him while he held him by the back of his neck. 

Him? The Alpha? He just wanted a boyfriend. But of course he couldn't say that, he had his honor to keep.