
The tales of warriors: The Gems

"But.. how could you do this to me?!" "Ohh! Darling I can do anything!" "See! Dumb ass!She ain't your-" This is a story of a teenaged vampire who is paired with a new lycan to fight Arena. in this universe gems are the things which helps ti boost powers but Arena wants those for himself. how can a vampire and a lycan work together? how will they stop Arena the Vampire? find out!!!

Ayesha_Siraj · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 4: the kidnapping

So you were here all the time?!" Luna asked. Lucifer replied with a nod.

"Then why didn't you cameto help us? And in addition you never told Luna about me, can I ask you why?" Steve asked

"Well,um.. Steve, You know that how busy I am, so I just forgot to tell her. And this was your test, in which you both have been passed!" Lucifer said.

"What about those humans,who are unconscious?" Luna asked.

"They will wake up soon, so all we have to do is, rush there and act like we were fainted too!" Lucifer walked towards the tents.

Everyone woke up and was wondering how'd they fell asleep. But no one could find the answer. They spent 3 days but Arena had not sent any creature. They came back to their houses. Luna, Steve and Lucifer joined their trainings, Arena was sending his weakest creatures.

"Don't you think Arena could change?" Luna was sitting on a roof top of a house.

"And why do you think, he will change?" Lucifer sat beside her.

"He ain't sending his amazing creatures and also not trying to steal any gem! So.."

"But what if..... he is planning for something big and worse?" Lucifer was trying to not loose his cool.

"What if he is going to give up?"

"Luna, mark my words, he will never-ever give up! But we will fight him till the day he gives up!" He stood and went to his room

For a few months it went like this, every third day Arena would make a weak creature and Luna fought with it, in order to practice her fighting skills. They thought that they are just mission partners and after this mission their normal lives would start again, but 'Destiny' decided something else, which they haven't even imagined. Lucifer was right when he said 'he is planning something bigger and worse' Because Arena was planning and was preparing his toughest and strongest creature to kidnap her.

"I have been defeated by those two teenagers. But not today, today I will kidnap Luna and take Lucifer's powers, without Lucifer, Luna is nothing, without his powers Lucifer is nothing. Thus I will finish them both" Arena laughed very loudly and evilly, his laugh could give you goose bumps.

Since 3 months Luna had nt visited her mother so she was going to visit her today. "Sweetie,how much time it will take for you to pack your bags?" Her mother asked. "Mom! Give me 30 minutes and I will be there!" Luna said and declined her mother's call. Soon after this Arena kidnapped her and left a note saying "If you want Luna back come to red hill alone!"

After 40 minutes mom called Luna but, no one picked up the phone. She was scared so she called Lucifer, asked him to check where is Luna. He went to Luna's bedroom, he found a note he took that note and rushed to Mr. Cheng. Mr. Cheng sent Lucifer to rescue Luna, and said Lucifer to stay alert.

Lucifer went to red hill, where he saw arrow marks, he follwed them to Arena.

"Hello Lucifer!" Arena was wearing a mask.

"I don't want to talk, just give me Luna!" Lucifer shouted.

"Cool down kid,I will give you Luna but in return I want yout powers!" He pointed at caged Luna. She was not able to break the cage. Lucifer transformed he went towards the cage and destroyed it, Arena made 4 wolves and his demon.

Demon started to attack on Lucifer, Luna was busy with those 4 wolves.