
The lost warrior

Kama's life has always been an adventure , Kama lives in the deep depths of the woods two young adventurers are looking for a legendary warrior unsure of where they are heading they find themselves lost in the deep dark woods and night falls apon them , they set up a small camp and try to rest up and eat but in the dark sounds emitted in the trees , they place enough light to make the undead creatures not attack, the sounds stop for a brief moment as they thought they'd done right. Little did they know a danger was lurking in the sky , with a swift puff of wind the camp fire was out , it went pitch black,the sounds got closer and closer , as they drew their swords in an attempt to fend off the undead , Mike was bitten and eaten alive as he let out a tenacious screech! Which drew in more of the undead , In the trees a shadowy figure emerges from the depths in response to the screams and excessive undead creatures all heading in one direction, as to him seems to suspicious, warrior instinct filled his veins and rushed over to the area of interest. As it seemed the end for the young adventurers only one was left , as Eric closed his eyes and waited for the end , A slash of a blade filled his ear drums when he opened his eyes, a tall , white haired male warrior stood in front of him holding a lifeless body , the warrior spoke the words to him

"Hold this , I won't be long " ( with a large grin on his face )

Just as he said it, slash after slash the undead overcrowded the warrior and it seemed blik for a while but with a mighty summon his trusty trident his strongest weapon, used it to eliminate the overwhelming undead with a powerful blast of lightning from the sky , Eric looked away due to the light when he reopened his eyes.

"Young man why are you here?" Kama asked

"We were on our way to look for a mighty legend called the Warrior of the snow , We got lost and we were ambushed, and my my friend was eaten in front of my eyes(in tears as he spoke)" said Eric .

"No need for crying come with me and get some rest, leave that body behind it's dead weight you'll make yourself a target for these beasts "Kama said with (a menacing look ).

" Me a target ?! Why not you and I? "Eric asked

" I am the strongest to have ever walked this earth except for one person who rivals me in power "said Kama

" Who? "

" Someone powerful " said Kama

" If you fought with this person who would win ?" asked Eric .

" I'd probably lose he is far to strong at the moment for me " said it as he smiled

After a long and tiring night they had finally arrived in the secret hideout of Kama , as they wanted to enter foot steps were heard in the house and undead sounds emitted around the area , as Eric heard a swift sound behind him he was snatched away in the blink of an eyes to a location unknown...