
The Tale Of Udyr

The Falklar clan is a small but mighty clan that through generations have been known as the best hunters of the whole world, this is thanks to their god who to them is The Allfather. Although The Allfather is what he is known as his name is Hondurr, and one day Hondurr appears in front of Udyr, a 16-year-old man in which The Allfather sees great potential. He knows Udyr will do great things with the powers that he will give him. This is where Udyr starts his journey.

Tomstok · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1: The beginning of something great

The story starts in the small village of Naraff. Though being a small village it still had its fair share of unexplainable things that happen to the citizens of the village. Even with these things happening the citizens still found a way to live, and that way was by hunting. Those who went hunting often came back with large amounts of monsters that they had slain during their hunt, and after their hunt, they come back and sacrifice a portion of their catch to The Allfather. Hondurr which is the proper name of The Allfather. Hondurr is a god that used to wander the lands many millennia ago. He was the best hunter the world had ever seen, and now he was looking for someone to pass down his knowledge to.

This is where Udyr's story starts.

Udyr was born into the Falklar clan, a small but mighty clan. They were known as some of the best hunters all around. Udyr had just turned 16 years old and was now a man. Udyr was looked at as the strongest of the Falklar clan and was standing at 6'6 and 275 lbs. Although being a big guy he was also the fastest in the clan. With all these perks he was the example of a perfect hunter to everyone in the village. This potential did not go unnoticed by The Allfather and one night he decides to appear before Udyr.

Hondurr appears before Udyr. Udyr notices the large inhuman-looking guy with long dark hair and pasty white skin and asks "Who are you?" Concerned and confused he gets up from his bed fast trying to get back from who he thinks is an enemy. "How did you get in here?" Hondurr laughs and presents himself. "I am Hondurr, the god who blesses these lands. But your people call me The Allfather" says Hondurr with his chest puffed up.

"My apologies Allfather, I did not mean to disrespect you. But what are you doing here in front of me?" Asks Udyr confused by Hondurr's sudden appearance. "No need to be so formal my son. Well, let's cut to the chase. I'm here because I've seen great potential in you and have decided to pass down my hunting and fighting powers down to you." says Hondurr. Still confused Udyr looks Hondurr up and down ending with staring straight in the eyes. "You really want me to be your successor? I haven't even gone on my first hunt yet, that is planned for tomorrow!"

Hondurr puts his hand on Udyr's shoulder and says "I know, that is why I have decided to do this before your first hunt. I want the people of the Falklar clan to acknowledge the power and strength that you possess. This will also only help with the things to come in the future." Hondurr then blesses his powers on Udyr and says "With these powers you will get great reflexes, inhuman strength, and my knowledge of every weapon that has ever been made"

Udyr's eyes light up "Allfather. With these powers I will be able to help the clan and rebuild what we once had. I will make you proud" Udyr bows down to thank Hondurr for what he had just blessed upon him, and shortly after that Hondurr vanishes, and Udyr feels the power of The Allfather flow through him, with this he knows that tomorrows hunt will be a good one.

The next day comes along and Udyr is ready to go on his first hunt, excited he goes up to his fellow new hunters Andurex and Fluxirr and says "Are you two ready for your first hunt? I know I am at least" Udyr smiles and waits for their response. Though after a while of just standing there, Udyr notices that they both seem scared of going on their first hunt. Udyr looks confused at them and says "Uhh, are you two okay? Are you scared of your first hunt" to which they both respond "Yes! Of course we're scared of our first hunt! What if we do so badly that we will have nothing to offer to The Allfather?!" Now smirking Udyr proceeds to calm them down as best as he can. He promises them that this hunt will go down in the history books for being the greatest hunt that has ever happened.

The hunt is now underway and Udyr along with Andurex and Fluxirr sees their first target. It's a huge bear that is approximately 8' tall and that seems to have been killing a lot of smaller prey along with some hunters that never made it back from their hunt. They all decide its best to come up with a plan on how they are going to take on this beast. "I think it would be a good idea to lure it out and set a trap" says Fluxirr, to this Andurex claims that the best way would be to go straight to fighting the beast head-on. The two of them cannot decide what they think is the best idea so Udyr gets annoyed and decides to do what he thinks The Allfather would do, with this the fight is on. The two notice that Udyr is gone and sees him fighting the foul beast. The bear tries to claw Udyr, but thanks to the reflexes that Hondurr blessed upon him he was able to dodge the attack. To this Udyr sees that the bear put so much force into the attack that it has left an opening at its back and Udyr jumps on the beast's back and grabs his dagger and forces it into the bear's back. The bear does not take lightly to that and grabs Udyr and throws him at a tree. Udyr gasps for air trying to not pass out after that throw. Suddenly he hears a voice in his head that sounds like Hondurr "The only weak spot on this beast is under its head, if you get a clean slash on it you will make it bleed out and weaken it so you can kill it faster" To this Udyr stands up and feels power running through him and now he knows that he can do it, The Allfather is giving him his strength. Udyr leaps toward the foul beast and dodges its attack again, this time to get his dagger from its back. The bear continues to swipe at Udyr but to no success. With the power of The Allfather Udyr feels like he is unstoppable. He dodges another swipe and notices that its throat is unprotected and goes for the kill. He leaps up and slashes the beast's throat and watches it fall to the ground bleeding fast. After about 5 minutes of getting his breath, Udyr sees the beast try its best to get up but fails and falls to the ground dying then and there. Udyr who now has slain it now shouts to the others "Hey while you all were arguing I killed this thing, can you get me some help with bringing it back to the village?" Since they had done nothing they both run back and get some help with carrying the beast back to the village.

They get back to the village with this 8' tall beast of a bear, everyone looks bewildered that Udyr managed to kill this by himself and one of the older hunters comes up and says "How in the Allfather did you kill that thing? We've been trying to kill that in over 10 years, and now on your first hunt you kill it with zero hunting knowledge?! You really are the perfect hunter huh?" Udyr stands tall and proud and the rest of the village looks at him in awe, but the other two were another not so lucky, just getting by with one small animal each. They both look down thinking everyone would be disappointed, but to their surprise, nobody was disappointed, they did not expect anyone to actually defeat any animal or beast on their first hunt. That made Andurex and Fluxirr look back up and noticed that everyone was looking at them with a huge smile on their face. It was safe to say that this first hunt really was a success.

To be continued.