
Magic Practice

//*A/N: Edited 30/8/21

~Great Britain, London, Lestrange Manor: Late Evening~ {POV Aruhik}

Both me and Sia are enjoying some snacks in the dining room while waiting for our guests to show up.

And fortunately, we didn't have to wait too long, as not even fifteen minutes have passed when Gippy appeared near us with a pop sound and informed us about the arrival of 'guests'.

"Young Master, Young Mistress, four people at the gate are asking to enter the manor, they are identifying themselves as Aurors"


"Your orders, Young Master."

"Raise the protective enchantment of important and secret places in the manor like potions section and library."

Even though these Aurors should not get any chance but precautions are always better than cure.

"Sia let us go to the main door. Gippy, you also come with us."

In less than a minute, we reached close enough to the door for my enhanced hearing to pick up the conversation going on between the Aurors.

".... children, what can two three-year-old kids do?"

"Children? They are Death Eaters' spawns."

"Wylda, I know you hate Death Eaters and it is understandable why you do so, but you should also understand that these children must be innocent. And Smith, you are aware of how big this case is, and legally, these kids are the actual owner of that island."

"I have heard from Edwin that they are even planning to interrogate Lestrange family members in the Azkaban so we can't leave out any source of clues about this case."

"Then why are we waiting here to open the door but not directly going inside like always?"

"Are you really an idiot? This is THE Lestrange manor, its defense is not something four of us can cope with, and more importantly, we are not here to fight but to collect information and if possible, seek their help in a civilized manner... Smith, ask them again to open the door, otherwise, we will have to reach them through the Malfoys."


Well, I can't let them all go back without playing their part, so ignoring the speech from outside I backed away from the gate and started giving instructions to the house-elves.

"Gippy, go to Malfoy manor and inform Auntie Narcissa or Uncle Lucius that some bad persons are trying to enter the manor."


"Yes, Young Master."

"Open the door."

After giving the orders, I stood in front of Sia, hiding her behind me while making it look like I am protecting her behind me.

Actually, we should appear as a pair of scared brother and sister, but I can't really imagine Sia being able to make anything close to a scared expression so I made it appear like a brother protecting his sister.

As soon as the door opened, a middle-aged man wearing a dark brown trench coat immediately came inside and after him, two men and one woman also entered while wearing a dress similar to the first one, maybe this is their dress code?

Then the man who entered first stopped in front of us and slightly bent down before starting to speak in a rather friendly tone.

"Mister and Miss Lestrange we are Aurors from Mi...."

But he didn't manage to finish his sentence as a sudden green light from the fireplace interrupted him, due to which, all four of the Aurors immediately pointed their wands towards it.

I also turned my head and saw a man with a pale pointed face and pale blonde hair coming out of the fireplace now burning with emerald green flames and he was soon followed by a similarly pale and blonde; slim, tall, and nice-looking woman.

Apparently, these two are our 'Uncle' Lucius Malfoy and 'Aunt' Narcissa Malfoy, so after seeing them appear, I immediately called them while making my voice sound somewhat panicked.

"Uncle, Auntie"

After hearing my voice, other Aurors looked towards the one in front of us and upon getting a nod from him, they all lowered their wands.

However, by this time, 'Aunt' Narcissa has already come forward to block Aurours line of sight and ordered us.

"Sitasia, Aruhik, go to your bedroom."

I took Sia's hand started running towards our bedroom; obviously not at my full speed but at a kid's speed.

Upon watching these, one of the Aurors raised his voice.

"Wait, we..."

But he got interrupted by 'Uncle' Lucius, as I heard him mocking them as we were climbing the stairs.

"Law Enforcement Department is really wasting their money, now Aurors have even begun resorting to threatening the children...."

This new Uncle of ours is indeed someone who has been working in politics for years and is quite familiar with it.

After all, what he just said is a naked mockery to the Aurors, as every knowledgeable magician knows that since the war ended a couple of years ago, Minister Of Magic has been slowly but constantly decreasing the rights and funds previously allotted to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement because it isn't really a good idea to give too much power to one of the departments without an actual necessity.

And as long as this suppression is done within bounds, even I agree with this thought but the current Minister of Magic isn't holding back in doing so.

Therefore, upon hearing this, all of the Aurors immediately started arguing with our 'Uncle' and put their original task concerning us for later but this gave us the chance to leave from there.

After understanding that my Uncle has already controlled the direction of their talk, I didn't listen any further as I am sure he can easily deal with this; furthermore, currently, I have an important task of climbing the big stairs while making it look like it is done by a normal three-year-old kid.

Really, which idiot gave bedroom to the two three-year-old kids on the first floor?

Anyway, the first part has played out perfectly and I think that the next part should also work out this smoothly as it is comparatively easier to deal with.


~20 minutes later~

I am sitting at the bedside while holding Sia's hand and trying to look concerned.

Well, part of the concern is indeed real as I have to talk to the supposedly closest person to the identity of both of us in this world, and according to the scroll, she has taken care of us for more than just a couple of years, so I can't make any mistakes otherwise both of us will lose our current identity.

Although I don't think our identity getting exposed would prove to be too dangerous, it will indeed make things difficult for us in the future.

I then turned toward Sia to check whether her hood is properly hiding her ears and asked her to check mine; by the time we adjusted our hood, Aunt Narcissa has reached our bedroom door and soon came inside.

"Lucius has taken care of them and we will make sure to not let them dare think of doing something like this again so both of you don't need to worry about it anymore."

In reply to this, I expressed my gratitude and I am indeed grateful for all the care they are showing towards us and part of me also feeling a little guilty for deceiving them as well as the test I will be doing shortly, but due to the lessons I have learned in the last decade, I still decided to proceed with it.

"Thank you."

However, what I got in reply for my gratitude is angry scolding, well, not really a surprise that our conversation took this turn, from consoling to gratitude to scolding.

"Don't worry about it, first, you answer me, why both of you opened the door when I have clearly said, again and again, to contact us if anyone disturbs you in the manor."

I do remember reading something like this from the scroll but I was already expecting and waiting for this question so I replied in a slightly anxious voice and due to magicians' children maturing much faster, I won't even have to bother with purposefully lowering the quality of my speech.

"But they said that they are going to torture Mom and Dad in a place named Azkaban to ask about some island, so I hoped that by helping them they won't hurt Mom and Dad."

According to the scroll, we were never told about Azkaban as well as the fact that our 'parents' are being held there, we were always told that they are doing some important work so they can't come back right now; similarly, we should not have any information about island event so it will be more convincing when I inform them that source of this information is those Aurors.

But 'Aunt' Narcissa is also confused by my words.


Well, it looks like those Aurors are still professional enough to not tell 'Uncle' and 'Aunt' anything about their purpose of visit and the island event, so this is the reason I didn't see 'Uncle' Lucius here in the bedroom; most likely, he should be contacting his 'friends' in the Ministry to get more information regarding why something like this happened.

"They said, I and Elder Sister Sia are owners of that island but they didn't say anything else about it. And what is Azkaban? And why Mom and Dad are about to get tortured in it?"

Now, this is the test I designed to find out how cherished we are to Narcissa Malfoy, because if she tells a lie then I can't really conclude anything. But, if she tells the truth even while knowing that it will be problematic then it means she really cares about us.

Because only for the dearly loved ones, someone will willingly take the trouble of explaining something so troublesome to someone as small as three years old kids.

After a few seconds, 'Aunt' Narcissa released a sigh and said.

"Azkaban is a place where the Ministry keeps the wizard they have captured..."

I was slightly shocked, as I really didn't expect her to say the truth and a part of me was also hoping for her to tell lie because even though it won't have proved anything, it would have reduced my guilt.

But I can't stop here and won't stop just because of something at this level, so coming out of my socked state, I asked in a more eager voice.

"Can we save Mom and Dad?"

This question is nothing more than a customary one to make it look like a child longing and caring for his parents because there is only one answer to this; still, I was eagerly looking at her face and after more than ten seconds she shook her head with a pained expression.

So I lowered my head and continued in an anxious tone.

"Those people were also from Ministry, right? Were they here to capture me and elder sister Sia?"

Her response to this statement was also something that I didn't expect. I really need to get comfortable with the fact that people other than Sia and my brothers can genuinely care for me because currently, she is hugging me while patting my head and saying.

"No, they weren't intending to do something like that. So, don't worry.....it is alright, I am here with you two and I won't let anything harm both of you...Okay, both of you stay with us tonight, Draco will also like your company."

After a moment of thought, I agreed to it and ended our conversation because even if magicians' children mature faster, children shouldn't be able to think about too complicated things in a short time and it is already about nighttime, so continuing our conversation tomorrow will be better.

And I also want to meet Draco as from my memory he isn't an arrogant idiot at the moment rather he is someone who considers both of us as his siblings.

"Let us go downstairs to the fireplace."

After saying this, she took us to the fireplace, and already knowing how to use floo powder from the scroll, I suppressed my mana to use the floo together with Sia for the first time while mentally telling Sia to do the same.


~Malfoy Manor: Late evening~ {POV Aruhik}

This time I didn't even feel dizzy, green light covered my vision and I just felt my surroundings moving very fast, then suddenly I am at a place that is unfamiliar but also a little familiar due to the scroll mentioning it a few times.

But, most of my attention is on the rather strange discovery I made during the usage of the floo network, as even though Sia has better senses than me, she wasn't able to feel the movement of surrounding as much as me; or to be more precise, compared to what my senses picked, Sia was barely able to feel the change in space.

Well, this is something I will be leaving to check out later on because for now, I have more important matters to deal with.

Then we went to the main hall where Draco is sitting on a sofa holding a book above which paper figures are moving and voices are coming out of them; presumably, a children's storybook.

Then Aunt Narcissa spoke to get his attention.

"Draco...Aruhik and Sitasia will be staying with us tonight. Lucius should also be coming back, let us wait here for now."

I also greeted Draco while trying to make it a longer conversation, and I am indeed interested in this book after all I have never read such an artistic and colorful magic book in my life.

"Hello, Draco. Which story is it?"

Furthermore, I know from the scroll that they have long since understood that Sia doesn't usually talk to anyone other than me, so they are already used to it; therefore, to not keep things awkward, I proceeded with the talk without even waiting for his greeting.

Draco eagerly started telling me about the story; a typical story of a pair of boy and girl in a world where no muggle lives, two magicians who are childhood friends attending school together, fall in love with each other; then evil black dragon kidnaps the girl and the boy, her childhood friend kills the dragon and saves her.

Although most of Sia and my attention was on moving paper figures performing the play rather than paying attention to the story itself, when Draco reached the part where the boy's wand gets knocked out of his hand and he created flames with his bare hands, I can't help but marvel at my luck and again thanked my past self for choosing luck as an ability.

So knowing that Aunt Narcissa, who is sitting nearby, might be listening to our conversation, I spoke.

"Wow, it is really awesome, every time I try to do it I burn my hands."

Even without looking myself, through Sia's eyes, I know that Aunt Narcissa is now looking towards me but before she can say anything Draco asked.

"Really? You can control fire using only hands, without using any wand? Can you show it to me?"

Well, you are wrong, I can only create fire but I am as terrible as I can be in the control part; however, as a kid, I don't need to pay attention to exact words, so I instantly replied.


Then after raising my right hand and spreading my palm, I used fire elemancy and within moments an orange-red flame in the form of an apple size wisp began burning on the top of my palm. However, I kept it at distance from my hand because if I get burned, my self-healing ability will create more problems.

While putting almost all my concentration into maintaining the flame, I continued speaking.

"If I try to increase the size, usually my hand gets burned."

Then, I slowly decreased the flame before finally stopping the elemancy.

And as I was already expecting, soon after I stopped the flame, Aunt Narcissa asked me.

"Aruhik, how did you do it?"

My response to this question is stating the real facts, at least part of it is true. So a confused expression appeared on my face as I spoke.

"I don't really know...I just need to think that I want to create fire at someplace near me and it appears but if I use it for a long time I start to feel dizziness."

Showing them some of my powers now would prove to be helpful in adapting them to more of the powers I will be revealing in the future or if they discover one of my power by themselves.

But for now, I have to answer my 'Aunt' Narcissa's questions to make it look like I don't know the importance of a wand.

"Since when were you able to do it?"

"Around ... three days ago."

"Then why didn't you inform us?"

To this question, I answered while showing some regret.

"I wanted to control the fire properly before showing this to you and Uncle Lucius, as even now if I try to move the flame it gets out of control and usually burns me."

At least, the last part of my statement is true.

"So.....how many times have you exactly burned yourself?"

When 'Aunt' Narcissa asked this question, unconsciously, a strange expression appeared on my face as I remembered those 10 days in the forest when I was hunting and practicing; and if I must count the wounds received only in the form of burns then they would surely be in three digits.

Maybe, noticing the strange expression on my face, 'Aunt' Narcissa released a small and said a strict tone.

"Next time, inform us so that we can help you better. Anyway, show me your wounds."

In response to this, I apologized and showed her both of my hands.

"Sorry, I won't do something like this next time and my wounds have already healed as house-elves found me a potion to heal my hand. Also, I can use ice powers similar to fire."

Then, without waiting for her response, I again lifted my hand started forming an ice cube and after around 5 seconds a palm-size ice cube formed on top of my hand which I gave to her.

While she was observing the ice cube, both I and Sia sensed mana fluctuations and then sounds of footsteps coming here, and although barely, I also sensed fluctuations in space which further confirmed that Uncle Lucius has arrived.

So when he entered the hall I was first to greet him.

"Good evening Uncle, and thanks for protecting us from those people."

Although I am seen and read more than once, lines like 'there is no need of thanks and sorry between family', I also know for a fact that formalities like expressing gratitude and apologizing are very much necessary for a smooth and long-lasting friendship or familial relationship.

Being already well aware of trivial things like this, 'Uncle' Lucius also returned the greeting and after reassuring us, turned toward his wife.

"Good evening, and don't worry about it those Aurors won't trouble you again."

And getting the signal from him, 'Aunt' Narcissa continued.

"Three of you go to Draco's room, we will call you back for dinner."

It looks like 'Uncle' Lucius wants to tell 'Aunt' Narcissa the information got from the Ministry and although I also want to know what clues Ministry managed to discover, it is not the best time and place, so following her instructions, we went to Draco's bedroom.

And maybe, I can overhear their conversation with my enhanced hearing capabilities?


~Malfoy's Manor, Draco's Bedroom: Late Evening~ {POV Aruhik}

Draco was continuously asking about the Elemancy that I just showed and I was answering his questions; sill, even though he is just a child, I didn't give any sensitive information.

And on the other side, for Sia, it has been a very, very long time since she interacted with creatures so weaker than her, and even at that time, it was nothing more than one-sided interactions where Sia didn't really respond much to them; furthermore, after that, most of her interactions used to either start or end with a fight.

That's why, after initially hearing my conversation with Draco for a short while, Sia began checking out the different items and storybooks arranged in the room.

And while doing this, Sia also spread her senses to the main hall because while conversing with Draco, I am also paying attention to the conversation going on in the main hall through Sia's ears, as her hearing capabilities are even higher than mine.

I also learned from their discussion that as expected, Ministry didn't manage to find anything significant from the island.

But the part of their conversation that surprised me a little is the fact that both of them have decided at once, without even mentioning it to each other, that they are going to deal with this situation while making sure to not let it affect the life of Sia and mine so that we can spend our childhood in happiness rather being disturbed by these messy things.

Therefore, after finding out that Draco's parents are genuinely caring for me and Sia as well as knowing the fact that due to my personality, I would definitely be manipulating and using them more than once for our advantage, I decided to at least not bring harm to them while using and manipulating them, as long as they don't change their attitude.

And although it sounds arrogant, I can indeed give them some advantage depending on the situation; after all, as far as I know, if nothing else, just our sheer destructive capabilities are much, much higher than any magician of this world.

Furthermore, knowing the trajectory of events in this world, I can also prevent them from going through some of the tragedies.

Just like now, I am about to manipulate Draco. As he is still a kid now, an age at which one's personality can easily be reshaped, so I can stop him from becoming the arrogant idiot he became in the original timeline.

As even though he changed later on but he doesn't need to become an arrogant idiot just to get a better personality later on.

Furthermore, while conversing with Draco, I have already confirmed that as a magicians' child, who matures faster, even while being three years old, Draco has the intelligence and perception of a normal human child around the age of six to seven.

So he can indeed understand some of the rather complex things and it is not like I will doing this in one day because my past experience with my brothers tells me that it will take years.

Therefore, I shifted the topic of conversation from us to him.

"By the way what magic can you use?"

First I need to let him accept his current status.

"I...um...don't know any spell yet."

Well, this was easy, kids are really much easier to deal with. Now I need to let him know his current advantage, so I said with a sigh.

"You know Draco, you are a really lucky person."

Draco was quite surprised by this sudden assertion.


"You know the number of burns I got just to learn creating a small fireball that I just showed? I stopped counting after reaching one hundred and this is the reason why I wasn't able to tell anything when Auntie asked me about it..."

"Anyway, what I want to say is that Elder Sister Sia and I have to learn most of the things ourselves, but you have Uncle and Auntie with you and both of them are powerful Wizard and Witch from ancient pureblood families. You just have to ask them and they will be more than happy to teach you everything they know"

Even though a little more mature than others, still being a kid with very little experience, Draco obviously didn't want to be called responsible for his own incapability; therefore, he tried shifting the blame put on him.

"But Mom doesn't let Dad teach me magic, she says I should learn in school."

This is something new but I can use it to increase his determination to learn; after all, more often than not, one can find a way of expressing things in two opposite ways with just a little bit of thinking.

"This is the reason I said you are lucky, as they won't force you to do anything you won't like or don't want to. Moreover, if you want to learn something then you just have to express your desire to them. And, although Auntie is right that you will have enough time to learn in the school, do you think bloodline is the only difference between a noble pureblood wizard and a muggle-born wizard?"

And obviously, Draco is quite confused by the unexpected revelation.

"It isn't?"

"Just take me and Elder Sister Sia for example; even though we don't have anyone to teach us, we still have a large library in the Lestrange manor containing books that others can't find even in the school library, and being born Malfoy family, the same goes for you too."

Also, there is one more fact I have learned from the scroll, which might boost Draco's confidence as well as determination.

"Also, unlike muggle-born magicians, our bloodline helps us awaken our magic much earlier so we must not let it go to waste. Otherwise, how would we be any different from other magicians who haven't even heard of something like magic till they were eleven years old? So, all three of us should efficiently use the 8 years left till we start our school as even I have started learning only ten days ago."

My experience with my brothers tells me that Draco will be needing me for reminding him about this again and again in the future, but for now, this should give him enough determination and resolve to at least start it.

Furthermore, even in the short conversation I just had with Draco, I easily discovered that he really respects his parents and has a strong desire to look good in front of them as well as get their praise and recognization; somewhat like past me, but to a much lesser extent.

Therefore, rather than telling anything about this to his parents, Draco would prefer using this idea for rising up in front of his parents' eyes; furthermore, even if he did tell his parents about this conversation, it won't really affect our relationship, after all, I didn't say anything wrong.

Also, there is a fact that being a kid, Draco won't be able to remember everything I said but determination will remain in his mind, at least for some time.

After this talk, I once again changed the subject but this time I am constantly trying to involve Sia in our conversation so that she can at least get used to interacting with others; after all, compared to adults with complex thoughts, kids with pure and simpler thought process are much easier to talk.

So, our conversation and Sia's practice conversation continued till a house-elf called us for dinner.


~Malfoy Manor, Dining Room: Early Night~ {POV Aruhik}

We all are sitting at a large dining table containing many dishes, with 'Uncle' Lucius sitting at the head position while on his one side is Aunt Narcissa and on the other side is Draco, me, and Sia in order.

We ate in silence, without talking to each other even once, but from an outsider's view, this dinner scene should appear a little strange because even though there are two adults eating along with us, the one feeding Sia is me.

However, looking around, I can conclude that those present here are already used to it; maybe, they are thinking that Sia likes it when I feed her and won't allow even them to replace me...well, not like it is wrong anyway.

Because, from her thoughts, I know that she has almost completely picked up the way humans use cutlery while being fed by me just once during breakfast.

But she is just too delighted being fed by my hands and I am also happy to feed her; after all, both of us don't need food to survive so unless it is a special dish or a special occasion, we won't be eating much food in the future.

Therefore, for these occasional meals, I don't mind indulging Sia...as well as myself in what we are both enjoying.

After eating dinner, we went to the main hall and as expected by me, 'Uncle' Lucius asked me to show my powers, which I showed to him but he didn't ask any questions about it.

Then, once done with showing my elemancy, house-elves were called to direct us towards the bedroom but 'Uncle' Lucius and 'Aunt' Narcissa stayed back to discuss something among themselves.

Well, Draco also stayed behind but for a completely different reason, something he doesn't want to mention in front of me and Sia.

As, while waiting towards the room allotted to us, due to my enhanced senses, I heard Draco's voice from the back, asking his father to teach him magic.

And as expected, 'Uncle' and 'Aunt' asked him about the reason for a sudden interest in learning magic, but, in reply, Draco just said that he wants to become stronger and didn't mention anything about our discussion.

Well, even though relatively mature than other kids of his age, Draco is still a child vying for parents' recognition due to which he isn't willing to tell his parents that he decided to learn magic because I told him to do so.

And I think, even his parents can sense that he is not telling them the complete reason behind his sudden enthusiasm, but, except for his mother trying to deny him a couple of times, they didn't ask anything more and agreed to his request.

After reaching the room, I reviewed the discussion I will be having tomorrow morning with 'Uncle' and 'Aunt', then Sia and I fell asleep while hugging together.


~Malfoy Manor, Main Hall: Morning~ {POV Aruhik}

Upon waking up by hearing a house-elf calling us, that was actually sent by 'Aunt' Narcissa because it was getting late, I was nearly unable to believe that an early morning person like me has woken up so late.

And that too only because somebody woke us up and it has even happened two days in a row; also it is not like I was tired in any way, added to the fact that it is theoretically impossible for me to get tired.

But I can't let my confusion affect what I have planned for today, so after an uneventful breakfast, I conveyed to my 'Uncle' and 'Aunt' that I and Sia want to request something from them.

Therefore, after sending Draco to his room, once we sat on the sofa facing each other, I started the conversation to take the initiative of leading this discussion.

"Can you help me and Elder Sister with moving to France?"

After looking at each other for a few moments, they turned towards me and Uncle inquired.

"I am not aware of the exact details but both of you should have more than one manor in France, but, why a sudden wish of moving to a different country?"

The reason I choose France is that the House of Lestrange is actually a magician family that originated in France; therefore, we own quite a few properties and businesses in France, and yesterday morning, I have already checked and found it to be true.

But, obviously, I can't give this as a reason for choosing France, and neither can I say that I am leaving this country to avoid monitoring from the Ministry of Magic as well as them.

"Yesterday those peoples said that if we remained in France then Ministry won't be bothering us again."

Yes, I came up with the idea of putting all the blame on those Aurors because it is nearly impossible to find out whether it is those Aurors or us who is speaking the truth

And looking at their expression, these two should have believed in my words; therefore, in response, 'Aunt' released a sigh and tried to reassure us.

"I already told you, we will definitely protect both of you."

But I am prepared for something like this, so I responded while making my voice filled with a little sadness and some guilt.

"I don't want both of you to be captured like Mom and Dad for protecting us from the Ministry, and... they are already torturing Mom and Dad in Azkaban. Also, Draco really, really loves both of you and needs you two to be with him, so I don't want him to live like me and Elder Sister or even hate us for doing that to him."

Then...we continued this discussion for around the next 10 minutes while trying to persuade each other.

However, I just had to stick to the reason 'I don't want them to get hurt or Draco hate us for it so we will move to France' and since I am currently a child, it worked out pretty well for me.

During the whole discussion, I also kept in mind to not mention anything related to money and show that I don't really know the importance of money because if I would have done something like that, my advantage of being a child would have gone.

In desperation, they also asked Sia about her views, which was a pretty bad move from their side as her response was quite straightforward.

"I want to live with Aruhik."

And due to being mentally connected with me and getting my help, Sia didn't face any problem in putting her true thoughts in words; after all, this is exactly what Sia is thinking because it doesn't really matter to her where we are living as long as she is with me and not living too close large water bodies.

Finally, the discussion ended with them agreeing to help us moving to France along with terms such as meeting once a week, instantly informing them when someone disturbs us, and the list goes on...with quite a few additional clauses.

So, after ending our discussion and 'Uncle' Lucius leaving to prepare for us moving to France, we got a goodbye hug from 'Aunt' Narcissa, then Sia and I came back to the Lestrange manor.

On a side note, why did I go through such a long process just to change our country? Well, to be precise, for two reasons.

The first reason is that according to the scroll, the Malfoy family has taken care of us for more than just a couple of years, so there is a high chance that they might discover we are different from how they remember us to be.

After all, no matter how good I am in deceiving and manipulating others, at the end of the day, let alone me, even Sia is not an innocent child unknown to world affairs that can be perceived rather easily and subsequently expose us.

Furthermore, Narcissa and Lucius are indeed someone who cares about us, even if it is an indirect result of the wish I made before entering the world, so I want to maintain the relationship we have for as long as possible and not lose our current identity due to carelessness.

As their relatively unconditional support added to our current identity is very useful for my future plans.

And the second reason is that we will gain much greater freedom, as the British Ministry of Magic can't do much to us in another country and our 'Uncle' and 'Aunt' won't be able to control most of our actions as frequent inter-country travel is not an easy thing even for an adult wizard, both politically and magically.

Furthermore, all this is completely legal, as we won't be living in another country without any permission from their government.

Well, it isn't like I am an avid follower of law and order, it is just that working within the laws for as long as possible, at least on the surface, proves to be more beneficial in long run.


~Lestrange Manor: Morning~ {POV Aruhik}

Instantly after coming back, I called the house-elves.

"Dimpy, Gippy, Raldy"

"Yes, Young Master, Young Mistress."

Then, I explained to them what to do if 'Uncle' and 'Aunt' come to meet us and we are busy with something else.

Still, I decided that for the time being, we shouldn't go outside unless it is something necessary; anyway, in less than a week, we will be living in France with much greater leeway in doing anything we want.

So, for now, Sia and I went back to our explosion training...I mean spell training, but finally, both of us only created a varied range of different explosions.


~Lestrange Manor: Late Night~ {POV Aruhik}

It is already late night and we haven't been successful even once, rather we have scrapped six more wands, two by me and four by Sia; and eventually, exhausting all the ideas Sia and I can think of for executing the spell, we stopped.

We have been doing this since morning, and as we don't need food, I had already ordered house-elves that they don't need to prepare food for us, so we were continuously practicing without taking a single break in a duration of more than twelve hours.

Well, it also isn't like we didn't learn anything new because we learned how to not blow up the wand; if this can even be called progress.

Anyway, we stopped because except for not finding a new better direction to proceed with our practice, I know that both of us are quite irritated due to not being able to execute a single spell correctly even one after working continuously for more than half a day.

Therefore, I summoned house-elf to take a small rest and cool down our ourselves, then start working again with a fresh mind.


"Young Master, Young Mistress, please give orders."

"Bring ice cream for me and Sia, the one with roasted almonds."

Yeah, soon after returning to the Lestrange Manor, I had instructed house-elves to buy a few family-pack ice cream boxes of different interesting flavors we loved during our yesterday visit.

Once Raldy brought two glass bowls filled with dark cream-colored ice cream beautifully decorated with pieces of roasted almonds, I started feeding Sia while also eating ice cream myself.

Cold, sweet, and full of almond flavor from the magically processed almond extract and chopped toasted almonds; the mouthfeel of the ice cream is smooth, not grainy or icy, and studded with chopped nuts. I personally find this superb and Sia agrees with me, though she feels that a little sweeter should have tasted much better while I think more finely chopped almonds would have brought out a better taste.

Still, this did help in cooling down both of us and while eating ice cream, I started analyzing the practice we went through in the last twelve hours and at the same time thinking of possible solutions for learning magic; because I really want to try everything before coming to the conclusion that both of us can't use the magic of this world.

And to be honest, the most efficient method is to get a teacher but that teacher will surely come to know about our vast mana reserve and other peculiarities in us which I don't want to expose, at least not so soon.

Anyway, due to not being able to think of a new idea for practicing spells even after finishing one ice cream bowl, while ordering another bowl of ice cream for us I decided to stop studying spells for now and will do something about magic after we start living in France.

Then I started thinking about the next important task that is to give the power of Warping to Sia.

I only know that the King of Lucius from Final Fantasy XV is capable of lending his powers to other peoples with special physiques, although they are very few in numbers.

But being a King of Lucius means that they have the help of Crystal as well as the Ring of Lucii, but the current me can at most be considered as a prince with a ridiculously large amount of mana and without owning either of crystal or ring; furthermore, I don't even know how exactly does Crystal or Ring of Lucii help the King with this.

Therefore, I need to check all possibilities in my power as I didn't know that I can actually warp without weapons until I was forced to do so in my first fight.

While mentioning this I remembered the first time I saw Sia bleeding and her wound healed really fast, just like mine does due to vampiric healing; also, on this note, didn't Sia mention before that she took her human form while taking me as a base?

So, I turned towards Sia and saw her already looking towards me with a thoughtful gaze, as she has already sensed my thoughts and knows what we are about to test.

Now, what is the best way to check whether someone is a vampire or not? Well, if that person is willing to cooperate, then I believe that the best way is to check the characteristic all vampires are associated with; the desire and ability to consume another creature's blood.

But, I remember that it wasn't easy for me to let my fangs elongate for the first time; however, fortunately, since we can sense each other's thoughts and emotions, it won't be that difficult for Sia to do the same.

"Sia, feel the emotions that I will be creating in my mind and try replicating it following my thoughts."

Then, due to the previous experience, I immediately recreated the thirst and desire for blood I felt upon being near that elf girl in the main world, before consuming her blood.

As we were sitting while facing each other, I immediately noticed Sia's iris starting to glow with blood-red color and slowly covering her originally azure blue eyes.

And within seconds, Sia's iris have turned completely blood-red in color while glowing dimly.

And along with changes in her eyes, I also noticed her elongated canines through her slightly open mouth, and through her eyes, I know that I am also in a similar condition which confirmed my hunch.

Sia is also a vampire, like me; therefore, it won't be completely unfounded to assume that at least her human form, Sia and I have the same set of bloodlines.

As I was about to get lost in my thoughts, the steadily increasing desire for blood Sia is feeling towards me brought my attention back to her; well, although I used that elf as the target for my thirst for blood, Sia used me as the target for same because I am the only creature with blood in the body that she has personally interacted with.

However, Sia is also desperately trying to control her increasing thirst for my blood at the thought of hurting me due to the same, but being relatively inexperienced, the best Sia managed to accomplish is to not let her desire for blood suppress her rationality and is still far from reducing it.

It might be because Sia has me, a living source of blood, in front of her while there wasn't anyone near me when I elongated my fangs for the first time?

Anyway, as I am fully responsible for Sia's current state, I gave her a nod while lowering my hood and collar; however, although she understood my meaning, still being apprehensive of the consequences she refused to give in to her increasing thirst for my blood.

I also sensed from her thoughts that Sia doesn't want to bring harm to me in any situation, let alone because of something as stupid as not being able to control her instinctual desire.

However, Sia doesn't actually need to worry about harming me by feeding my blood, so I reassured her.

"If enough time is given, my Vampire Bloodline can produce a theoretically unlimited amount of blood, so you don't really need to worry about harming me through this; also, due to my strong regenerative capabilities, your 'cute and tiny' fangs won't even be able to leave a mark on me for more than a few seconds."

Although Sia didn't like me using the word 'tiny' for describing her 'supposedly dangerous' vampiric fangs which I purposefully did to provoke and excite her, she is still rational enough to look into my thoughts for purpose of finding out the truth behind my words.

Well, I am indeed responsible for this one, after all, being myself, in just a few days I have unconsciously or consciously tried to trick Sia using words quite a number of times. Obviously, none of my word games and tricks were anything serious as most of them were either jokes or something similar to me trying to 'convince' Sia into taking bath.

Still, no matter the completely harmless intent behind those, it is true that Sia almost fell into my word traps quite a few times even with our connected thoughts.

However, this time, although I tried to provoke her, I didn't actually lie; therefore, as soon as Sia confirmed my words to be true, she moved at a speed I barely followed; however, instead of avoiding it, I just tilted my head towards the right and exposed the left side of my neck for her.

And the very next moment, I got enveloped in a tight hug from Sia, that I returned with the same, which got soon followed by four pricking sensation on my neck but within a few seconds, it disappeared then a feeling of pleasure and relaxation came over me, which is surprisingly strong.

However, since it is Sia drinking my blood, I didn't try to resist this borderline addictive pleasure; rather, I just closed my eyes and rested my chin on her shoulder to enjoy this euphoria for once while thinking that I should at least be aware of what others are going to feel when I will feed on their blood.

After a few minutes, Sia's thirst for blood disappeared and she stopped drinking; and by the time we stopped hugging each other and Sia sat beside me, the bite mark on my neck has also disappeared.

Since I have already confirmed that Sia has my vampire bloodline, it is the turn of Lucian Bloodline now.

So I summoned my dagger and after unequipping, gave it to Sia.

Then I gave her the same instructions as the last time and replayed the process of equipping a weapon in mind.

Purple-black crystals started to appear in our surroundings and the metal dagger is also began turning into a purple-black crystal dagger and as soon as it transformed completely, the dagger broke down into floating small purple-black crystals and disappeared.

With this, I can confirm Sia has the same set of bloodlines as me or as I like to call it, the Lucian Vampire Bloodline; although the name shows zero creativity, I don't think the name Lucian Vampire Bloodline sounds bad; furthermore, I believe that both of my bloodlines have already combined to form a new and unique bloodline exclusive to me and Sia.

Then we began checking out all the individual abilities and if any of Sia's abilities are different from mine.

And after nearly an hour-long test we concluded that Sia's bloodline abilities are quite similar to that of mine, except for a couple of dissimilarities; first, the number of slots for her temporary weapon is 2 while the permanent weapon is 1, just half of mine; and second, in elemancy, Sia can only use lightning which is quite obviously far stronger than my lightning elemancy.

Also, during the test, Sia has decided the weapons she wants to equip in her two temporary slots so I gave her a dagger and gauntlet from the ring.

And by the end of testing Sia's abilities, I also decided to add one more thing to the list of what we will be doing after going to France; learn to use different types of weapons as we will always have more than a single type of weapon equipped in our slots.

And quite obviously, now I don't need to think of a way of teaching warping to Sia after all we discovered that due to the same bloodline, she is as proficient in warping as me.

Furthermore, we also can't practice spells as we don't have any idea about how to make any progress in it, at least for now.

So, we decided to have a spar in the magic testing room of the manor; obviously without using any mana or even warping, rather only by using weapons and physical skills.

Because since I have awakened Sia, my mana output rate has drastically increased so according to the test we conducted on the Lanmond island, even I am more than capable enough to easily flatten the whole Lestrange manor in just a few seconds; let alone Sia, who I believe can easily flatten the whole city in just a few blows while in her lightning wolf form.

However, although my decision for a practice spar might have been well thought out, it didn't end well for me, physically,...and mentally for Sia; because I underestimated the gap between physical attributes of me and Sia... also, because Sia doesn't know how to hold back.

Because in just a couple of strikes I ended up with one broken shoulder blade, a few broken ribs, and many bones fractured in my right hand that I don't know the name of; obviously, as a side bonus, I also got quite a few torn muscles, a few internal bleeding, and a lot of external bleeding.

Fortunately, my vampiric healing patched me back up to my top condition in just a few minutes.

Obviously, in those few minutes taken by my body to heal, I had to bear with the pain that was even worse than what I had once felt in my original world when many of my organs had either failed or are in very poor condition and the nurse allotted to me forgot to give the dose of pain killer.

But still, I didn't shout or cry, rather as soon as my lungs recovered and speaking capability returned, I tried to engage Sia in conversation.

Why? Because Sia is going down the path of self-blame for hurting me and is becoming increasingly dispirited due to nearly losing her first and only companion, which just isn't good for both her future and the future of our relationship.

So, I made every effort to make Sia believe that it isn't her fault and everything is 'alright'.

Quite obviously, Sia also sensed this thought of mine and me lying on a small puddle of my own blood wasn't helping with it, but still, if I managed to not cry out because of pain then doesn't this shows this much is nothing for me...well, at least show that it is not too serious...

And I indeed managed to accomplish it, due to which Sia at least stopped feeling dispirited; though, thorough our connection, I can still sense guilt in her thoughts for hurting me.

Also, there is one more consequence of this blunder that Sia just refused to have another spar against me, even after I was fully healed and back to my top condition.

And due to this, I can't help but think that I need to arrange another 'event' or 'accident' like this one, through which I can trigger Sia to have a practice spar against me and leave behind her fear of accidentally hurting me...

Well, Sia definitely 'heard' this thought of mine...but not like I can help it because, at the end of the day, this is me; furthermore, Sia is also aware of it due to which she didn't do or say anything even after sensing my thoughts.

As a matter of fact, both of us are aware that some of our habits don't match with each other; after all, it didn't take long for me and Sia to find out that Sia is a straightforward one with her thoughts clearly written on her face and likes to fight head-on, while on the other side, I am a rather scheming one whose thoughts can't easily read by anyone other than Sia and most of the times won't even prefer fighting fair.

Therefore, if we look at it in a bad way, our personalities are somewhat opposite of each other which would eventually lead to disagreement and then fight among us, but neither of us wants something like this to happen; therefore, the way we see it, our personalities are the complement of each other that make up for each other's deficiencies.

However, even with all this, we know that we need to gradually adapt and sometimes even use each other's ways; after all, it is indisputable fact that neither of my or Sia's way of doing things can solve each and every problem.

Furthermore, there is also a fact that I like straightforward people like Sia; and on the other side, even though Sia prefers head-on confrontations compared to strategic solutions, it also doesn't mean she is an idiot; rather she is well aware of the importance of planning before acting on something, it is just that this isn't her preferred style.

Therefore, she still recognizes my way of solving problems just like I acknowledge her's.

And this is the reason due to which Sia didn't react negatively to my earlier thoughts.

Well, the good thing is that this exchange of thoughts between us completely removed depression and reduced guilt from Sia's mind; as for removing the still remaining guilt, it will take time but I know for sure how to work on it.


After telling house-elves to clean the blood on the floor, we entered the bathroom, and surprisingly enough, this time Sia isn't opposed to the idea of taking a bath and cleaning the blood off our bodies.

Indeed, both of us are covered in blood, me because of the wounds I received earlier while Sia because she hugged my wounded and bloodied body as well as after I got healed but still covered in blood.

Still, we entered the bathroom together and I had to clean both of us because even though Sia also believes that we need to remove the blood sticking to our skin and agreed to take a 'hateful' bath, she isn't willing to do it herself so I washed both of us; well, I think this can at least be considered progress towards Sia accepting bathing?

No, on second thought...and Looking at how Sia is reacting upon sensing my doubt, I don't think it is possible anytime soon.

Anyway, jokes aside, while washing both of us in turn, I can't help but think back to the 'practice' spar I just had with Sia and the reason behind my loss.

Obviously, Sia's overwhelming physical parameters are the main reason behind my defeat but still, it was just too pathetic to end up in a state like that in just a couple of blows, especially when I can sense her thoughts and consequently, even predict her attacks to a great extent.

However, even after knowing her attacks, my response time and speed are just too far apart from Sia so the best I managed to do is just defend against her attacks but the raw strength in Sia's blows was so strong that my defenses were practically non-existent.

Therefore, as I initially thought, eventually the main and only thing responsible for my crushing defeat comes down to the vast gap between our physical parameters.

Well, at least I understood that nothing can be learned by fighting like this as it isn't training, it is just plain masochism; a word with German or Austrian origin but I learned about this word from Japanese literature in the last year of my previous life... well, sometimes one can't even imagine what type of things can play out in life...

...Keeping aside the philosophical joke for time being, after bathing and dressing in sleepwear of predictable black and violet color, I ordered house-elves to destroy our previously worn blood-soaked clothes then we entered the bedroom and went to sleep while hugging each other.


~France, Paris, Old Lestrange Manor: 7 days later, ~ {POV Aruhik}

I have to admit, this 'Uncle' Lucius of ours is really efficient in his work as it had already been two days since we started living in France.

Also, since this is the place of origin for the Lestrange family, the manor we are currently living in is much bigger in size than the one in Britain and even the 'style' is quite different.

However, for someone like me and Sia, who never checked or studied about different architecture styles, I can't really say anything about its origins; well, as a layman, the only thing I can identify is that the decoratives and style used here are at the very least two or three centuries old.

Furthermore, instead of a manor, I would prefer calling this a Castle.

Anyway, enough about the place we are currently living in, during these two days, we have already visited a couple of French Wizarding towns and their shopping area.

After all, within the British Wizarding community, we could have been identified and tracked rather easily, that's why the only place we visited there is the Woodland Wizarding Park, which is mostly visited by kids and muggle-born wizards and witches.

However, we don't have to worry too much about something like this in France; therefore, we have been continuously visiting new places since we came here, for both letting Sia get used to the society of humans and me learning how exactly do the society of magicians and humans work in this world.

And quite obviously, 'Dimple' accompanied us in all of our outings; after all, even though magicians are well aware of the fact that kids with magical capabilities mature much faster than muggle kids, it is still nowhere near enough to stop other magicians from treating us like kids especially with our external appearance being of kids less than five years old; let alone, by the standard of muggle society, they won't even be too surprised if we were incapable of talking properly.

Well, on the topic of maturity, actually, today is the day we will start learning about manners, etiquette, as well as basic knowledge from Mrs. Claire Elton.

Mrs. Claire Elton is a British witch in her early 40s but she married a french magician so she is also living in France and it is her actual profession is to teach Noble Etiquette to small children in wizard families.

Furthermore, she also signs a magical contract of non-disclosure for the personal details and secrets of her client, which I think is good enough and is the main reason why I choose her to teach us.

As for how Sia agreed to learn something that is so unrelated to strength? Because I told her that only after learning to properly communicate with people as well as customs of different societies, we would be able to visit many other places, which is true for the most part.

There are also a few other reasons but that is only for me and even after learning about it from my mind, Sia isn't too interested in them.

However, Sia still accepted my arrangement as same as me, she has indeed come to love our adventure and trips to new and unique places she has never imagined or seen before.


The time I have chosen for our classes is in the evening before dinner; why? Because even after continuously waking up early in the morning for years in my last life, somehow, I haven't been able to do so even once after arriving in this world.

Therefore, I am pretty sure that if the classes are set before or in the afternoon, then more often than not, we will miss the classes, except for when we remain awake the whole night; well, actually it is quite easy for us to go on for days without any sleep but I don't think that just the classes for general knowledge and manners are worth that much of trouble.

Anyway, before the start of our first lesson, I informed Mrs. Elton, our teacher, that Sia and I share our feelings and thoughts with each other so that she can plan her lessons accordingly which I believe would significantly reduce our learning time; and to say that she was shocked by this would be an understatement.

Still, as shocked as she might be, since Mrs. Elton has already signed a non-disclosure contract, I don't need to worry too much about her disclosing this fact, and even if she does tell someone about this by breaking or bypassing the contract, this isn't that important of a secret.

As a matter of fact, I am also planning on telling our 'Uncle' and 'Aunt' about this, it is just that, I have told them about Elemancy just a week ago so I need to give them some time before telling another one of capabilities.

Why actually wait before telling the Malfoys about another one of our powers?

Well, this is a very basic physiological trick in which I just need to slightly surprise the Malfoys in intervals with our capabilities, while keeping in mind to never let the whole 'surprise value' cross the threshold where they will make a mess out of it; so that when I reach the end of it, they would have grown numb and won't be surprised even upon coming across any important secret of ours.

Anyway, enough about the future I planned for our 'Uncle' and 'Aunt', now I need to focus on the next task as it might solve our current problem.

So, after we finished our 3-hour long study session about writing and speaking, I immediately ordered house-elves to prepare some ice cream for the three of us.

And while we were eating ice cream, I mentally notified Sia about our previous plan and proceeded with directly asking Mrs. Elton, as I don't think it is too complex of a request that she might refuse.

"Mrs. Elton, can you show us a magic spell using the wand?"

Even though Mrs. Elton showed clear surprise due to the sudden request she has never received from any other student she ever taught, she wasn't planning on refusing; however, just to make sure, I continued speaking while making it look like I am afraid of her refusal.

"Actually...as Sia and I live alone, we have never seen anyone other than house-elves do magic and they don't use wands, so..."

Well, I added this line just to earn her pity because I don't mind whether she pity us or respect us as long as she shows us magic; after all, let alone me who is really desperate to learn spells, even Sia is quite frustrated by our consecutive failures.

We indeed tried to again practice spell more than once in the last seven days but it all ended in failures with zero progress; for once, I even thought about asking our 'Uncle' and 'Aunt' to teach us magic.

However, if we do that there is a high chance that they would come to know about the vast amount of mana possed by us which is vastly different from the magical energy inside them, and this is almost a dead giveaway towards the fact that we are not even of same species; especially when they haven't grown numb from 'surprises'.

So, I am hoping that by sensing how other magicians execute spells we might be able to replicate it and apply the same concept in learning other spells.

And as expected, since I had put so much thought and effort into such a simple request, Mrs. Elton happily agreed to show us spell.


Well, I can clearly sense from Mrs. Elton's voice and expression that she is pitying us; however, neither of me or Sia are bothered by it, as learning spells is more important and it would be better if she sympathizes more with us and spends more effort in teaching us which will consequently reduce the time we would be spending in studying from her.

Then Mrs. Elton took out her wand and raised it in the air before asking us.

"What type of spell do you want me to show?"

Since Mrs. Elton asked, I decided to start with the spell that has become our arch-nemesis.

"Can you show us the Lumos spell, I have heard from stories that it is used to create light?"

Even before I finished speaking, both Sia and I have raised our senses to the maximum extent possible while simultaneously and continuously sharing our findings with each other. Because both of us have accumulated a lot of grievances against this world's magic system so we don't want to miss anything.

Furthermore, if this fails then I would have to go through one of my two backup plans which are first, a civilized way of hiring a teacher that is 'willing' to keep his findings a secret and second, a desperate attempt of kidnapping someone to teach us.

As for which plan to follow, that is something to be considered later on; for now, we need to concentrate here as along with the confirmation from Mrs. Elton, I can sense magical energy inside her moving to the wand through the hand holding it.

"Sure, Lumos."

I immediately discovered the difference between the execution of spell by us and Mrs. Elton, even Sia also came to the same conclusion as me by herself.

But, it would be better if we confirm our discovery with another spell, so I made a request to Mrs. Elton for demonstrating another spell to us.

"Thanks, Mrs. Elton, but can you show us one more spell? How about Levitation Charm? Please, also show us Levitation Charm."

Why use Levitation Charm? Because Levitation Charm is one of few spells we tried to execute along with the Lumos spell in the last seven days; therefore, even though we never managed to successfully execute the spell, it is one of few spells we are familiar with.

And once again, Mrs. Elton agreed by nodding at us and pointed the wand at her ice-cream bowl.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

As soon as Mrs. Elton finished speaking, the bowl began rising up then started to hover over the table.

And as I and Sia were already using our senses to the fullest extent, we again sensed the similar characteristic through the flow of magical energy and confirmed our conjecture.

"Thank you, Mrs. Elton."

This time, there isn't any deception in this line because Sia and I indeed expressed our heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Claire Elton, after all, even though she herself isn't aware of it herself, her demonstrations are really helpful for us.

Then, after finishing the ice cream she left the manor and both of us went to the spell training place.

Hi everyone,

Word Count: 11316

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GlaiveIriscreators' thoughts