
The Tale of Genji Mikazuki

Seven years ago, a remarkable young boy captured the nation’s attention as he altered the course of history. However, he vanished during a fierce battle against a formidable adversary. Thought to be dead by everyone, he is alive and living the life he always wanted. Unfortunately, this peaceful life took an unexpected turn when he encountered a mysterious woman.

MikaIzunia · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Chapter 11: Nightmare Manifestation Part II

The three of them were knocked away by a powerful shockwave. Shizuka recovered first and found herself being separated from everyone else, something that both Ammar and Nishiki experienced as well. 

"Kashimo! Brat! Where are you guys?" Shizuka shouted but all she heard was her voice echoing. 

Shizuka walked aimlessly until she saw Genji sitting on the rooftop of his clan's house with Ammar who was eating snacks. 

"Hey, Mika. What's your relationship with Shizuka?" asked Ammar to Mikhail, making him laugh, "You could say we are the greatest rivals in history or frenemies. Whatever you want to call it, she is someone who I really trust and won't hesitate to help me."

Shizuka smiled when she heard that sat next to Mikhail. She then continued listening to the conversation between Mikhail and Ammar. 

"Oh, don't tell her about this conversation."

"I will if you start to train me."

Meanwhile, Nishiki found himself in the assembly hall. He watched Mikhail cry with a lifeless Amaris in his arms. He then heard someone speak to Mikhail.

"Sorrow, anger, despair. That is how I felt when I was commanded to bow before that man. The same feelings that I felt when that stupid monkey brought me to my knees. I want you to feel those pain and ask yourself," Nishiki watched a blonde-haired man knelt next to Mikhail and whispered, "Was it worth it?"

Nishiki recognized the man as Lucifer and watched Mikhail lift the lifeless Amaris, slowly walking towards his friends and gently laying her down. He wiped away his tears and turned around, activating his Kamigan for the very first time.


Lucifer smirked and exposed his burning angelic wings. Mikhail screamed in anger and rushed towards Lucifer, attacking him.

"Genji…" Nishiki whispered before sensing Shizuka's faint presence. Without wasting any time, Kashimo went to the source.

Unlike Shizuka and Nishiki who witnessed Mikhail's past, Ammar saw something that he couldn't understand. The young man saw Mikhail facing himself albeit with a weird appearance.

His hair was blonde and spiky, crimson eyes with black veins spread around them, four arms that each of them had some sort of ancient artifact, and a pair of dark wings.

"You really want to do this, huh?" asked Mikhail to Ammar who was grinning.

"Remember what I promised to you before, brat?" 

Mikhail chuckled and cracked his knuckles before taking his fighting stance. Ammar meanwhile merged the four artifacts into a single item that became a golden sword with a red diamond on the hilt.

"Let's fight to the death, Mikhail." Ammar said to Mikhail.

Suddenly, Nishiki appeared with Shizuka and grabbed Ammar before disappearing in a burst of electricity. They reappeared in an unknown location and saw a large shadow grabbing Mikhail. Ammar reacted swiftly by punching the shadow, freeing the weakened Mikhail.

"Katagiri!" Nishiki shouted as he fired a burst of electricity at the shadow. "Now!!"

The young Katagiri clenched her fist tightly and struck the shadow with Soul Retribution, making it scream in agony before fading away. At the same time, they returned to reality and immediately, Mikhail woke up.

Mikhail looked around him in confusion and saw everyone staring at him. The young man then asked, "What happened here? And uh… Nishiki?"

Nishiki looked at Mikhail and chuckled while Ammar rubbed his eye and Shizuka shook her head, feeling a bit dizzy. 

"Okay, seriously, what happened?"

Shizuka sat on the bed and then said, "Alright… Listen…"

Time skip

After ten minutes of telling him what happened to him after Rae fatally injured him, Mikhail looked at everyone with a confused expression and scratched his left arm. He then said,

"So, that woman is Rae Elizabeth. A Demon who killed over 2000 civilians in Kuala Lumpur."

Shizuka nodded her head, making Mikhail release a sigh and look at the ceiling. He felt a bit frustrated and sad over his weakness. For a moment, Mikhail felt the same feelings he once felt when Amaris died in his arms.

"What's wrong?"

Shizuka's soft voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Mikhail closed his eyes and smiled as he said, "Nothing, it just… she is strong."

"Don't be so sad, Genji. We all here know that you are the strongest among us. Perhaps the strongest among the Royal Clans before us and after us," Nishiki said to cheer Mikhail that it worked. "You defeated Lucifer. You should be proud of yourself."

Mikhail said nothing as Dr. Fujimoto entered the room and was surprised to see Mikhail. The young man then got off the bed but almost fell to the ground. Luckily, Shizuka caught him.

"Idiot! You haven't fully recovered yet!" Shizuka scolded Mikhail who laughed as she placed his left arm around her neck while wrapping her arm around his waist.

"Hey, doctor. Thanks for saving me, but I can't stay here. I hate hospitals. So… Goodbye." Mikhail spoke to Dr. Fujimoto, confusing him. The young man chuckled at his expression and snapped his fingers, making everyone in the room except Fujimoto himself disappear.

"What the…"

The doctor saw something on the ground and picked it up, which is an envelope with a note attached to it. Reading it, the doctor chuckled and remarked that these people are weird.

The next day

"That's it for today."

Ammar rubbed his sore arm and grumpily stood up while Mikhail laughed. They've been training since sunrise and over the next four hours, Ammar failed to land a single hit on the completely recovered Mikhail.

"Don't be so grumpy. You have made great progress since I taught you and I have nothing left to teach you. From now on, Shizuka will take over," said Mikhail to Ammar. "Her teaching methods are brutal, but trust me, after all those tortures, you will be a very powerful person."

"Why can't you just continue to train me?" asked Ammar as he wiped away the sweat in his eyebrow. 

"I need to train because the last fight with Elizabeth made me realize that I need to become stronger. Otherwise, there will be more Demons like her that will easily defeat me and if that happens, there will be no one that capable of stopping Irene from accomplishing her goal." Mikhail explained to Ammar.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Then, a female maid entered the room and bowed before Mikhail. She informed Mikhail that Mizuki wanted him to be at the gate immediately. The young Genji released a sigh and nodded, dismissing the maid.

"It must be your mother, right?"

Mikhail nodded his head. He really didn't want to meet her since he was still unable to forgive what she did to him when he was barely five and moved on from that. The wound that Mikhail's mother inflicted on him was healed, however the scar remains.

Mikhail scoffed, discarding the thoughts, and excused himself. He went to the gate and saw the clansmen in their traditional attire and limousine parked near the gate. The door was opened by a man in a suit and then a woman came out from it.

That woman is the mother of Mizuki and Mikazuki. She is a beautiful woman in mid-40's with black hair that reached below her shoulders and dark eyes. Upon seeing Mizuki, the woman quickly ran to her and hugged her tightly.

Genji Mikayla, the wife to the late Genji Mirza, mother of Mizuki and Mikazuki. 

"Look at you… You've grown into a very beautiful lady. I miss you so much."

Mizuki chuckled and then replied, "It's been four years, right? How have you been? How's life in Greece?"

Mikayla giggled and ruffled her daughter's hair. She then saw someone that caused her to drop her handbag and cover her mouth. Standing not too far from him was her son who was presumed to be dead during the battle against Lucifer.


Mikayla ran at her son and hugged him tightly, crying, while repeatedly mumbling how she missed him and blaming herself for everything that happened. Mikhail released a sigh and started to get frustrated. Immediately, he broke free from her hug and crossed his arms while looking away.

"O-Oh, I'm so sorry… How are you?"

"Good up until my life was fucked up a week ago. What about you? Wait, why should I ask you since you had a great life all those years while Shizuka spent those four years searching for me," Mikhail scoffed and then turned around, refusing to see her face. "Whatever, at least you get back here safely."

Mikayla smiled and then greeted her people. Mizuki then gestured to follow her to their house while Mikhail began to walk away. While walking, Mizuki smiled and remarked how things have changed since her daughter became the head clan.

"So, Mika, where do you study? What course did you take? How was it?"

Mikhail gritted his teeth and angrily asked, "Since when do you care about me?"

"Mika!" Mizuki scolded Mikhail causing him to stop and turn around, facing her.

"Shut up, woman. Be glad that I am here to see your mother otherwise I'll be staying at Shizuka's house or training Ammar."

"Please, no more arguing. Seeing you two like this reminds me of when you were both just kids and arguing about who's watching television," said Mikayla to her children with a small smile. "I'm sorry Mika if you found me annoying and to answer your question, I do care about you. I know what I did was unforgivable but if it takes me the rest of my life to earn your forgiveness and chance, I will do it even if that's the last thing."

"Whatever, I'm out. You are just a nightmare to me. "

Mikhail then teleported away, leaving a stunned Mizuki and a sad Mikayla. The head clan of Genji immediately hugged her mother tightly, comforting her.

Wounds can be healed but scars can never be erased.

Those scars remind us who we are.

MikaIzuniacreators' thoughts