
The tale of a lone cultivator

Chris Parker reincarnates, after experiencing mysterious circumstances. In his new life, which is also full of mysteries, he looses many things, due to an attack of the ones he should be protected by. After that, he allows no one to get close to him and finds the path that is stated as evil by others, to get revenge on those who betrayed him. (P.s.: the real storyline begins with chapter 6, so if you don't want the background information just start reading from there on out) (P.p.s.:The chapters before chapter 6 are relatively short and not as good as the ones thereafter. I hope that if you don't like the beginning that you'll try reading the longer chapters. Thank you.) (The chapter release rate will depend on how much support I get, so if you want more chapters per week, give feedback, so I can improve my writing skills, and power stones to encourage me in publishing more frequently.)

1txd0r1 · ファンタジー
38 Chs

The rest of their journey

Patrick's POV:

Unfortunately, opposite to my master's wish, we had to ride a carriage together with other children. Of course I didn't have a problem, bit my master is sensitive to these things. While inside the carriage, I always had this strange feeling. I feared my master would do something inappropriate, but I had to realize how well-behaved he was, even though his discomfort was big.

The first day ended with a camp. Naturally my master brought the most food. I just hoped he didn't do anything to the three little ladies that were in his group. But it didn't look like it, even though they seemed to be a little shocked.

Only then did I notice what a bad impression I have of my master. He almost never did anything wrong.

But I still remember the screams from the person he had tortured to death. It was the killer of marquis Asteria though, so I didn't feel as bad as I normally would have been.

After a good night's sleep, we continued our journey. Shortly after, we arrived at a town. We didn't halt, since we were near a bigger city, where we would rest.

At noon we sighted the next town. There we exited the carriages again and sought an comfortable inn where we would all be staying in. We found one and booked rooms. My master insisted on having a room for him alone. I respected his wish and rook the room besides his.

After that was settled, we went downstairs again to eat. The other people from our group had already begun. My master sat on a table in the corner. He told me to go away and I went to another table.

It was a long table, 20 people could easily fit there. As I sat down on one of the wooden chairs, I greeted the others: "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm the head servant of young master Idris over there."

I pointed at my master. All of their gazes followed my finger. When he saw this, he glanced at me. I felt a shiver running down my spine. 'I shouldn't have done that' I realized my mistake and put my hand on my mouth.

Then I apologized: "I'm sorry for his sharp gaze. He doesn't like the eyes of so many on him."

The people nodded and turned around again.

Opposite to me were the three girls who had been in my master's group yesterday. They whispered something. Amidst the muttering, I heard my master's name.

I sharpened my ears to listen to their conversation.

They had found out how strong he actually was. But it wasn't his full strength, I'm sure of that. My master can kill a rank four beast without any problems and if I heard it right, they only saw him fighting a rank three beast.

I bent forward and say: "I must admit, I just overheard your conversation about my master. But I have something important to tell you. I don't know if he wants me to tell this to you, but I feel as free now. Please don't tell him about any of the information I'm going to give you now, okay?"

The three were surprised at my interference, but nodded their heads after understanding what I meant.

I smiled slightly and resumed: "First of all, about my master's attitude. I think you know that marquis Asteria was killed. After his death, my new master became gloomy and doesn't want to have to do anything with anyone. But I won't tell you what he does instead. It would only disturb you."

The three girls had curious expressions, but I would never say that my master would enjoy killing.

I continued: "Then to his power. The strength you have seen him use was not his limit. I know that he can kill a rank four beast without any problems, so think more about his power.

If you want to get close to him and ask some questions, you can try, but no one can change his mind in this point."

As I finished, I saw weird expressions on their faces. I couldn't specify nor classify them.

The girl on the right asked slightly shocked: "Is he really that strong?"

I just nod.

After I had finished eating I went up into my room. I saw my master still sitting in the corner, but after a wave of his hand, I continued making my way up.

In the night I could barely sleep. From the room besides mine, knock sounds came every few seconds. What the hell did my master do?

The next day I get out of bed, completely sleepy. I hadn't got any sleep last night. Even though my master was awake too, he seemed completely fit.

Again we enter the carriages and resume our ride towards Veritas. As we advanced, my master suddenly whispered something: "Patrick, on our right are ten presences, just as on our left side. 20 people are closing in from behind. Do you think you can take on the people on both sides?"

I was surprised. I didn't feel anything. But I had to obey the orders and abswered: "Of course I can."

I was at the eighth layer Body Tempering Realm. I was strong enough to handle some bandits.

"Good. I'll tell the teachers that we'll take care of them. Wait for me to give you the signal to attack." My master's voice sounded excited. I thought it was because he could finally have fun again.

He opened the door, while the carriage is still driving and climbed out. I spectated him through the windows inside the wagon. He jumped from carriage to carriage.

He arrived at the second wagon and said something through its window. Then he came jumping back again and showed me a thumbs up.

I stood up too and stepped out the door. Wind blew against me and cooled me down.

"Let's begin. Patrick, take care of the people left and right. I take the ones in the front." My master said while facing opposite the carriages.

I made myself ready to fight. Directly after my master's words, bandits came riding out of the bushes on horses. One of them shouted and ordered the others to attack me.

They're relatively weak, since I can easily defeat them with only my Fire Fist and Wind Blade. After finishing, I looked at my master. He still hadn't engaged into his fight. I was finally able to witness some more of his powers.

He just stood on one spot with his hands in his pockets. When the bandits came, he rook one of his hands out and held it high. Lght bundled and formed a huge ray. My master waved his hand and...


A huge explosion followed the impact. The ground trembled and smoke arose. My master had a devilish smile on his face that almost froze my blood.

As the smoke disbanded, the biggest crater I had ever seen in my life was before me. I looked down to look for survivors, but they were all wiped out.

Something strange happened thereafter. The bandits my master had just killed materialized again, this time they were covered in complete blackness. They suddenly disappeared.

After I had been left speechless, my master turned around to catch up to the carriages again.

I follow him and soon after we see a big wall. We already were at the city's walls.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I would appreciate any kind of support and feedback.

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