
The tale of a lone cultivator

Chris Parker reincarnates, after experiencing mysterious circumstances. In his new life, which is also full of mysteries, he looses many things, due to an attack of the ones he should be protected by. After that, he allows no one to get close to him and finds the path that is stated as evil by others, to get revenge on those who betrayed him. (P.s.: the real storyline begins with chapter 6, so if you don't want the background information just start reading from there on out) (P.p.s.:The chapters before chapter 6 are relatively short and not as good as the ones thereafter. I hope that if you don't like the beginning that you'll try reading the longer chapters. Thank you.) (The chapter release rate will depend on how much support I get, so if you want more chapters per week, give feedback, so I can improve my writing skills, and power stones to encourage me in publishing more frequently.)

1txd0r1 · ファンタジー
38 Chs


Chris wanted to scream. He hadn't anticipated this situation. How could his body turn into the one of a baby? Was it still some kind of illusion he was stuck in? He tried to pinch himself, seeking the pain he had felt some time ago. But he couldn't move and was too weak to do so.

"What the fuck is this?", he cursed in his thoughts,"Did I die? What happened? How did I get here?"

While doing so, he let out loud cries, alarming his "mother". She stroked his his head, while whispering something he couldn't understand in his ear.

She was calm and still weak from giving birth. His father wasn't with them so he wondered where he could be. Therefore was a woman, probably some kind of doctor, besides them watching him. Her charming eyes looked like they could see right through his thoughts. Chris shivered as his gaze landed on her. He had never felt so curious about someone, but he didn't dare to analyze her further and looked at his mother again.

She too was very beautiful with her diamond like eyes and the brown hair hanging down on his face. She was probably in her early twenties. He felt happy having been born by such a woman.

Suddenly his mind drifted away and everything went black again. He awoke some time after, laying in a comfortable bed, drenched in sweat.

He had feared he would once again feel the pain he had felt after he died.

His view shifted around the room. He discovered that it was a stone made house that had a medieval look. He continued watching around when his gaze landed on a window, revealing a pretty landscape full of grass and nature.

And in front of this beautiful scenery was an even more beautiful girl standing in the little yard located before the house. She was about 13 years old.

She stretched out her hand pointing into the distance. She said some unrecognizable words and after she finished speaking, water formed on her hand. The water was compressed into a little ball by some unknown force. Suddenly it shot forward in a straight line and exploded after hitting the ground. The house vibrated because of the blast, only leaving behind a happy girl.

Chris stared at the scene with curiosity and amazement. "It really is magic", he thought.

Still shocked Chris looked out of the window. What he just saw was magic. Real magic. How could he know that in this world there would be magic? And it was so strong too.

"What could I do with magic? I could easily exceed the prowess of a normal human and help my family with it. Or I could use it to become the ruler of some country", he thought, while getting excited. Even so, deep down he still knew that it wouldn't be as easy as he imagined. There probably was a harsh contest between the people who could actually used magic, killing each other for the sake of getting stronger.

As he was emerged in his thoughts, a hand suddenly patted him. He looked up, finding his mother with a soft expression on her face. She opened her mouth, forming words he still couldn't understand. He knew he had to learn their language so that he would be able to communicate with not only his mother, but other people too. It had to be his first goal. Achieving something in this world was almost near impossible, when he couldn't speak with the others.

Chris' mother continued mumbling to him, staring outside the window with a warm smile. She made a hand gesture to the girl standing outside to come in. The girl disappeared from the window only to appear again on his right side.

She exchanged a few words with his mother before going around the bed and halt at the other side. She bend down a little, revealing her red eyes from under her long hair.

A frown appeared on her forehead. She was thinking how to properly interact with the other party.

After some time she pointed on herself saying:"Aiya"

Did this mean her name was Aiya? Chris had never heard of it before, but there were probably more such names here.

He tried saying it a few times out loud, bringing out a "Ahaa". He wasn't used to speaking in his new body. He still had to live a few more months before completely merging with it.

Both of the women laughed. He felt weird. He's never been laughed at like this. But he knew it was just because of their love for him that they were happy.

In the next couple of days, Chris set his goal in learning the language. He also found out that his name was Idris and his mother's name was Elena.

He found his new name cooler than his old one and also changed it in his mind(he always refers to himself as Chris and changes it to Idris now). He also learned his first words. He always listened carefully to what was said and slowly extended his vocabulary.

Idris was still nowhere to be satisfied. He wanted to learn faster and faster and in the end he realized that he was putting too much pressure on himself and stopped with it. It needed time to study a language. It was never different and it would never change.


After another few weeks, he could finally form a full sentence. He was happy about it. To raise one's speaking level and get fluent, it required even more practice.


And so he lived, until one day Elena packed him onto her back and left the house. It was Idris' first time outside. The excitement he experienced in this moment was at its very peak. He would finally be able to see what it was like in the city near their home.

I combined the former second and third chapter here.

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